United Technologies Corporation

United Technologies is a worldwide aviation organization with operations and functions all over the world. This paper briefly discusses leadership, strategy, values, beliefs, organizational behavior, structure, and culture. The results suggest that the organization is best for technological breakthroughs and innovation, and its long-term goal is to lead technology to a competitive advantage. Customers all across the world benefit from the company's ecological and energy-efficient goods and services.

Culture, Shared Values and Common Cultural Assumptions 7

Company’s observable culture, shared values, and common cultural assumptions 7

Process of Innovation 8

Module 8 11

Mission Statement of the Company 11

Code of Ethics 11

Organizational Chart 12

Module 9 13

Organizational Environment 13

Company’s Strategy and Organizational Design 13

Technological Innovations 14

Summary/Conclusion 14

References 16

Aviation Company: United Technologies

Introduction or Background of Company

United Technologies Corporation is one of the most successful aviation companies in the world today. It is the fourth number in the list of top 100 aviation corporations in the world ("Top 100 Aerospace Companies", 2015). It is a multinational corporation of United States of America, and its headquarters are located in the city of Farmington, the state of Connecticut. It is operating and multiple functional areas with the major focus on research and development. The main areas of its research and development include designing and planning or aircraft engines, elevators escalator based on HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) system, security products and equipment, industrial products and equipment, and the structural building systems.

It established almost 87 years ago in 1929, and it was a small company based on the aviation systems. It was created by two other firms, but later on, in 1934, it was broken and established again as the United Aircraft Corporation. Moreover, the name of the company changed in 1974 by its CEO Harry Gray and become United Technologies Corporation which is still its name.

The company is now serving worldwide having important locations in the states of Connecticut, California, Florida and North Carolina. Gregory Hayes is the present CEO of the United Technologies ("United Technologies Corporation," 2017).

The United Technologies is functioning in four major areas which are given below.

UTC Aerospace Systems

Otis Elevator Company

Pratt and Whitney

UTC Climate, Controls and Security

Module 6

Team-building and Drive Innovation

In organizational behavior, a team is a group of organization’s members, and teams are created to use their performance and complementary skills to accomplish a particular task or objective for the organization. Teamwork is now very famous in agencies and companies due to efficient and effective results of its performance. In organizational behavior, the occasional requirement for a task to get the best performance of a team, so that a team is created to accomplish that task is called team building. Effective team building and appropriate sequence of planned activities for it results in effective and efficient outputs (Uhl-Bien, R. Schermerhorn, Jr., & Jr., 2017).

In the modern world today, change is now an essential part of the global markets, its operations as well as the organizations and companies. Now best companies are the ones who are innovative and change with the time also accepts the change and adapt it to become more competitive in the markets. Innovations are part of the competitive organizations and its everyday operations and functions. Innovation is a process used to invent or create new ideas and implementing them into practice to see the results.

Company's approach to accomplish team-building and drive innovation

United Technologies is created on the basis and idea of innovation, and it is driven by a commitment to the company. Its commitment is to create, develop and improve the products which operate as highest performing, most sustainable, and most cost effective as well as competitive on the markets. The research and development center of the organization is innovating best products for the company. The company encourages the innovation and wants to push the boundaries of science and technology (United Technologies, 2015).

United Technologies leadership programs linked with the team building exercises. The members of different leadership programs take part in different activities in which they learn and develop as a team. For example in 2015, the members of financial leadership program had taken part in a team building exercise and build bikes for society children for a good cause. These bikes donated for the local children. These exercises create a healthy competitive environment for the members in which they learn as a team and compete for an actual and worthy cause. It is the method and approach of United Technologies to accomplish team building in the members and employees of the organization ("UTC team works together to build bikes for community children," 2012).

Training Programs

United Technologies is using Leadership programs as their best and most effective training programs. The program’s objective is to gather most energetic and brightest personalities and develop them as future leaders in specific areas of the company. The leadership program is divided into six distant parts including financial, operations, Information Technology, Human resources, communication, environment, health and safety, undergraduate divisional and graduate divisional leadership program ("Leadership Programs," 2017).

These programs are helping the company to improve the team communication and decision making to create future leaders for the enterprise. These leaders are trained by the company in the six different areas or its leadership programs to gain best performance, output and efficient team leaders for future success of the company.

Module 7

Culture, Shared Values and Common Cultural Assumptions

Culture and values are an important part of organization behavior. The culture of any organization is a combination of shared actions, values and traits and beliefs. These factors develop and improve within the territory of an organization and direct the behaviors of its members and employees (Uhl-Bien, R. Schermerhorn, Jr., & Jr., 2017).

Shared values are linked with organizational culture and support to twist the routine activities into valuable and significant actions; it binds the company to the valuable values of the society and gives a unique source of competitive advantage (Uhl-Bien, R. Schermerhorn, Jr., & Jr., 2017).

Values are the wide range of priorities which concerned with appropriate and accurate courses of actions and attitudes (Uhl-Bien, R. Schermerhorn, Jr., & Jr., 2017).

Company’s observable culture, shared values, and common cultural assumptions

The changing world requires a change from the competing companies and organizations. The companies which are not changing are the one which is not growing and developing. In the technological world, the companies which are innovating are the most successful companies today like United Technologies. It promotes a culture of innovation where the members are always trying to innovate best and create best technological advancements and products for the company (Jones, 2016).

The values of the company are divided into six pillars of success. It’s the values of the company that supports and helps the company. The six components are designed to give its customers a best and world class experience that they will remember always. The six pillars are given below ("Our Values: Our Pillars of Success", 2017).

Empower our people

Lead with integrity

Be dependable

Engineer for quality

Own our story

Drive profitability

Process of Innovation

United Technologies is based on innovation, and its resource and development centers are focused on the innovation of the products of the company. Its innovation process is shown in the chart below.

Process of Innovation


Its growth is increasing with time, and it is based on finding the growth opportunities in the existing businesses. The company is creating strategic opportunities that balance the immediate profits and converts it into long term profits and profitability.


United Technologies, like its name, focused on the development of technology and technological advancements. It is building, designing and creating world’s best and trusted helicopters and exports all around the world. It is based on vertical flights and have most fast speed and deliver the best performance.

Emerging Markets

United Technologies is successfully competing in the world’s best competitive and growing economies due to the implementation of appropriate tactics and techniques. The company is focused on the emerging markets, and it is working to establish the early presence and works in the partnership with other companies to gain mutual benefits. It is working to increase the number of satisfied customers by expanding it capabilities.


United Technologies is offering best solutions for the designing and planning of buildings and its other technological products. It is integrating the best solutions to use energy more effectively and efficiently, which reduces the greenhouse gas release as well as promote security and safety for the workers and its inhabitants.


United Technologies is providing best services to its customers. It offers best and innovative products that are also best in quality. United Technologies aims to satisfy and please the customers, and its stakeholders also provide them best quality products according to their needs and demands.


United Technologies is following a best designed operating system named Achieving Competitive Excellence, which objective is innovation and continuous improvement and development. It is working to decrease the cost and improve the productivity and enhance employee’s engagement to gain best performance and output.

Our Approach

United Technologies not only works for profitability but it also encourages responsibility. It is applying the highest level of performance. The company is concerned about the success and quality factors and applies ethical, environmental and safety measures in every place where it is running its operations for its businesses.

Energy Efficiency

United Technologies is focusing on such methods, techniques and strategies which accomplish to maximize the energy efficiency of its products. It is working and conducting original research to reduce and decrease the energy consumption, and its further goal is to achieve less energy consumption with the use of existing technology (United Technologies, 2011).

The President and CEO of United Technologies Gregory J. Hayes gives a message to the company’s shareholders that the company has more than 200,000 people and employees who are working to make the world better and more technological. The company is focused on innovation and accepted challenges to innovate best future products, and the company is delivering smart as well as sustainable goods and services to the world (United Technologies, 2015).

Module 8

Mission Statement of the Company

United Technologies is created and established on the courage of innovation and commitment. Its objective is to become a leader in all the products it delivers to its customers. Its products are based on best quality and top energy efficient. The company is offering products which are manufactured with the use of sustainable factors and approaches. The technology of the company is game changing and making the life modern of its customers. It is delivering the products in the most right and appropriate way, ethically, safely and profitably (United Technologies, 2015).

Code of Ethics

United Technologies established its code of ethics in 1990 and implemented in the company. It is based on values and commitments that lead to the ethical decision making everywhere it do the businesses. The code of ethics is strengthening the company’s fight against corruption. It is promoting and encouraging such values and behavior which is leading to the development and improvement of the company. The company is having 500 members team of ethics and compliance officers worldwide ("Code of Ethics", 2017).

Organizational Chart

United Technologies is encouraging a culture of continuous and consistent improvement. A best and appropriate operating system is designed to implement in its structure. It is called ACE (Achieving Competitive Excellence) ("Our Operating System," 2017). Its chart is given below.

ACE involves the customers, stakeholders, and employees equally in the operating process and its elements are based on tools, competency, and culture of the company. Its structure is reflecting the company’s strategy which is customer oriented and seeks clients and stakeholders satisfaction.

Module 9

Organizational Environment

United Technologies is working on sustainable measures to encourage the improvement and development of the environment. It is providing global aviation services and constructing energy efficient buildings. The company is improving and tackling with the upcoming and present environmental challenges and promoting sustainable environment and sustainable products ("Environment, Health & Safety," 2017).

Company’s Strategy and Organizational Design

United Technologies have five major factors which represent its organizational design and strategies. Its performance, innovation, opportunity, responsibility, and results show its priorities. It is shown in the given figure below.

Technological Innovations

Spectacular innovation is exemplified by Pratt & Whitney by modernizing the commercial aviation with developed of PurePower Geared Turbofan. Pratt & Whitney accomplished a landmark when first GTF-engine-powered A320neo was delivered to Lufthansa Airlines by the Airbus in 2016. GTF family already had almost 7000 orders by the end of 2015. Not only will this but the feature of GTF engine powering the Bombardier service also enter the service with Mitsubishi Regional Jet, the IRKUT MC-21, and Embraer E0Jets E2 family.

The scope of UTC Aerospace is also and massive. It can be understood as with every passing second a plane is fully outfitted with proper controls and systems when it takes off. Gulfstream’s G500, Mitsubishi Regional Jet, Boeing’s KC-46A and Embraer’s KC-390 are the first four aircraft enabled by UTC Aerospace in 2016. Not only revolutionizing the aircraft system, but UTC system with the help of their Climate, Controls & Security is also daring to take one of the huge challenges of the world that is an attempt to preserve food supply all over the globe by using its expertise in refrigeration.

In addition to this, UTC Aerospace modernized the aircraft industry by patent flat-belt technology and compact design of Otis Gen2 elevators.


United Technologies have the brightest name in the aviation industry. Sustainability, performance, customer satisfaction and best quality and energy efficient products are its core factors. The company is running four different type of business which is equally successful as the United Technologies. The company is promoting greenhouse effects and energy efficient products which are not harmful to the environment. The company is focused on more innovation, and it wants to lead the world to an edge of technology. United Technologies is considered as the best company in the aviation industry, and the company is worthy to have this success and profitability.


Code of Ethics. (2017). Utc.com. Retrieved 13 May 2017, from http://www.utc.com/How-We-Work/Ethics-And-Compliance/Pages/Code-of-Ethics.aspx

Environment, Health & Safety. (2017). Utc.com. Retrieved 13 May 2017, from http://www.utc.com/Corporate-Responsibility/Environment-Health-And-Safety/Pages/Default.aspx

Jones, H. (2016). United Technologies Boosts a Creative Culture. Wnpr.org. Retrieved 13 May 2017, from http://wnpr.org/post/united-technologies-boosts-creative-culture-transcends-location

Leadership Programs. (2017). Utc.com. Retrieved 13 May 2017, from http://www.utc.com/Careers/Leadership-Programs/Pages/default.aspx

Our Operating System. (2017). Utc.com. Retrieved 13 May 2017, from http://www.utc.com/How-We-Work/Our-Operating-System/Pages/default.aspx

OUR VALUES: OUR PILLARS OF SUCCESS. (2017). Pw.utc.com. Retrieved 13 May 2017, from http://www.pw.utc.com/Values

Top 100 Aerospace Companies. (2015). Artillerymarketing.com. Retrieved 12 May 2017, from https://www.artillerymarketing.com/fs/top-100-aerospace-companies-2015

Uhl-Bien, M., R. Schermerhorn, Jr., J., & Jr., R. (2017). Organizational Behavior (13th ed.). United States of America: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

United Technologies. (2015). Retrieved from http://2015ar.utc.com/assets/pdf/UTC_AR15_Annual_Report.pdf

United Technologies Corporation. (2017). Successstory.com. Retrieved 12 May 2017, from https://successstory.com/companies/united-technologies-corporation

UTC team works together to build bikes for community children. (2012). Utc.com. Retrieved 13 May 2017, from http://www.utc.com/News/Community/Supporting-Vibrant-Communities/Pages/UTC-team-works-together-to-build-bikes-for-community-children.aspx

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