Things to Keep in Mind When Travelling to Malaysia

If you're planning a vacation to Malaysia

There are several things to keep in mind. First, make sure to carry proof of your citizenship. You'll need to carry a current U.S. passport or social visit pass, as well as other documentation that will prove your legal status in Malaysia.

Tourism in Malaysia

When it comes to tourism, Malaysia is an attractive destination for visitors. Previously, it ranked 9th in the world. Its beautiful beaches and cultural heritage make it an ideal destination for a vacation.


There are a large number of scams that affect Malaysians on a daily basis. In fact, more than one in five Malaysians have been a victim of an internet auction scam, while a further one in ten have had their Facebook account hacked. In total, around 46% of Malaysians have been scammed online, and 6 in 10 have lost money. Malaysia's average financial loss due to these scams is about RM7,050 ($1,700 US$), which is considerably lower than neighbouring countries such as Thailand, Singapore, and Indonesia.

Driving in Malaysia

The roads in Malaysia are relatively safe, but driving can be nerve-wracking. Though traffic moves slowly, you must be extra alert and aware of your surroundings. It's not uncommon to see lorries slowing down in the left lane and speed demons tearing up the right. It's also common to see motorcycles and other vehicles using the emergency lane. Be prepared for frequent headlight flashes.

1MDB audit report

When the 1MDB audit report was released, a number of allegations were raised against the investment firm. For one thing, the audit report made no mention of the role of former Prime Minister Najib Razak in the firm's predecessor, the Terengganu Investment Authority. Another allegation concerned the existence of two versions of the 1MDB financial statements. The report also failed to mention Low Taek Jho's presence at a board meeting on September 26, 2009.

Scammers posing as U.S. citizens

Scammers in Malaysia are no different from those in the US. Whether they're using the internet or phony phone numbers, these scammers have one thing in common: they're after your hard-earned money. They'll send you messages promising you the world in return for providing personal information. Some even have decent English skills and pretend to be doctors or lawyers, or to be in high-paying occupations.

Scams targeting U.S. citizens in Malaysia

In Malaysia, internet scammers are targeting American women. Many of them arrive on student visas and take advantage of the good Internet infrastructure to fool victims into sending money. Some of these conmen are even masquerading as medical or legal professionals. If you get such a message, stop communicating with the sender and never send any money.

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