The World Trade Organization

The World Trade Organization is an international body that assists countries in regulating trade in manufactured goods, services (including tourism, banking, and insurance), agricultural products, textiles, and apparel, as well as intellectual property (Baylis et al. 43). In 1995, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was replaced as the global trading organization by the World Trade Organization (WTO), and the current set of rules are the outcome of the Uruguay Round of GATT and Trade discussions, which took place from 1986 to 1994. The multi-dimensional trade system was first established under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade roughly fifty years ago, notwithstanding the World Trade Organization's relative youth. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) as the international trading body of the world in 1995, and the existing set of governing guidelines resulted from the Uruguay Round of GATT and Trade negotiations that occurred all through 1986-1994. While World Trade Organization is a moderately young organization, the multi-dimensional trading system was initially set up under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade about fifty years ago. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1947 preface states that “trade and economic endeavor should be conducted with an opinion to raising living standards, guaranteeing complete employment and a large as well as the progressively growing capacity of actual income.” These primary goals were reinforced in the Marrakech Treaty that established the WTO (Wade 644).

The overriding objectives of the WTO are to aid trade to flow freely, smoothly, predictably and reasonably ( Its key code is the disagreement settlement mechanism, a scheme that highlights the rule of law and is based on noticeably defined timetables and norms for settling differences. Members of the World Trade Organization agreed that they would use the bilateral system to resolve trade disputes rather than taking independent action. Decreasing the range for independent work is a significant guarantee for fair trade for less powerful nations. The World Trade Organization aims to realize its goals by managing trade agreements, acting as an opportunity for business negotiation, resolving disputes, and reviewing national trade guidelines, and finally by supporting emerging countries to trade in policy issues, through mechanical support and training programs.

The goal of the GATT and the WTO has always been to lower trade hurdles to support trade flow as easily as possible since growing business is perceived as imperative for economic growth. This neoliberal interpretation of international trade is based on the principle that endless flow of goods and services will stimulate innovation, improve competition, and then breed victory in participating nations.

Failures of the World Trade Organization

The first critique of the World Trade Organization is its inability to support the democratic principle. The WTO is fundamentally undemocratic. The strategies of the World Trade Association impact every aspect of society as well as the planet, however, it is not a self-ruled, transparent organization. The World Trade Organization guidelines are printed by as well as for companies with inside access to the talks. The lack of transparency is regularly perceived as an issue for egalitarianism. Politicians can discuss for regulations which would not be likely or acknowledged in democratic processes in their own countries. Some states push for particular regulatory values in intercontinental organizations and then convey those guidelines under the requirements of synchronization and pretence of multilateralism. This is regularly prejudiced towards the wealthy and developed countries, occurrences of which are as follows:

Rich countries are capable of maintaining high court import quotas and duties on particular products, blocking imports from emerging nations such as clothing.

The proliferation in non-tariff hurdles such as anti-dumping events permitted against emerging nations.

The upkeep of high security of farming in rich states while developing countries ones are pushed to open their marketplaces (Lindemann 146).

The World Trade Organization tramples human right as well as labor. The WTO guidelines put the corporation privileges to profit over human along with labor privileges. The World Trade Organization reassures “race to the bottom” in earnings by opposing employees against each instead of upholding globally acknowledged labor principles. The WTO has similarly decreed that it will be unlawful for a regime to bar a product based on the means it is manufactured, such as with child labor. It has similarly held that administrations cannot be considered “non-commercial standards” such as human right, or the companies’ behavior that trade with malicious despotism such as Burma while making purchasing resolutions (Nye Jr and David 51).

The World Trade Organization is looking for private indispensable public services such as energy and water, healthcare, and education. Privatization refers to retailing public assets such as schools and radio waves to foreign corporations (Matsushita 270). The World Trade Organization’s GATS comprises of nearly one hundred and sixty susceptible services containing elder as well as childcare, tourism, postal services, shipping and transportation, banking and insurance, construction, telecommunication, park maintenance, and sewage (Eagleton-Pierce 342).

The World Trade Organization is similarly destroying the surrounding to a greater degree. The body is used by companies to undo countrywide ecological protections that are attacked as “obstructions to trade.” The very first panel of WTO ruled that provisions of the United State Clean Air Act necessitated both foreign and domestic producers. The “free trade agreement” threatened to erode several advances in international conservational protection, risking the planet as well as natural resources essential to support life. NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, and explicit agreement of WTO were written to highlight rights for companies over security for our shared setting (Elsig and Pollack 415).

The World Trade Organization takes long to adjudicate as well as settle disagreements. The WTO can more than five years from initial receipt of a grievance from one affiliate to the final board ruling. In spite of the World Trade Organization functioning as a respective group, various member states along with the trading blocs favour multilateral talks with competitors or partners. This is because consensual discussions can be entirely focused as well as comparatively hasty to complete. The consequence is that several states prefer to avoid the World Trade Organization course and directly deal with other countries. The failure of the most current around of the World Trade Organization discussions, the Doha round, is extensively considered as proof of the intrinsic problems of multilateral deliberations.

When the World Trade Organization met in 2001, the trade delegates were incapable of achieving their goals of increasing the World Trade Organization’s reach. In Cancún, Hong Kong, China and Mexico, the World Trade Organization met several protesters in gripe, scoring a vital win for equality. Developing states refused to accept the developed countries’ programme of the World Trade Organization development, and made the discussion to collapse (VanGrasstek 823).

Besides, the United States declined to sign the innovative ITO Charter, with the conclusion that it was never approved. Instead, over the subsequent years, there were a series of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) on particular trade-related problems which were consequences of negotiation in Geneva (1964-7), Tokyo (1973-9), and in Uruguay in 1986-94 as well as the existing round of interventions which stated at Doha in 2001. Every round of discussions comprised distinct Ministerial Conference to assess progress. At the Uruguay round of negotiations, nations agreed to replace General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade with the WTO (World Trade Organization 456).

The intricacy, as well as the range of problems involved in international trade, has regularly meant that development at trade negotiations has been shallow. In the last years, non-tariff obstacles, industrial tariffs, services, and agriculture have caused particular problems. The industrialized states (comprising Japan, the United State, and the European Union) have substantial changes of view about the kind of trade from emerging states (led by South Africa, China, Brazil, and India). Numerous complications have been caused by the tariffs’ obligation executed by the industrialized states on commodities coming from emerging country. The maintenance of farming subventions that operate as trade obstructions has been a firm basis of the conflict between the European Union and the United States. The banana trade conflict between the United States and the European Union started in 1991 over charges which were enforced by the European Union on bananas imported from Latin America nevertheless owned by the corporation based in the United States. The disagreement only established in 2012 when the European Union agreed progressively to lessen the tariffs over the eight-year era (World Trade Organization 456).

The World Trade Organization has been censured by groups with contrasting opinions world growth. Advocates of trade liberalization have interrogated the competence of its bilateral method to trade discussions since it makes useful discussions very hard to realize. Their proof is the lack of growth in the entire Doha rounds towards eliminating farm subsidies in the industrialized world. They trust that a regional or unilateral approach would accelerate liberalization by decreasing the number of states involved in the negotiations. Conversely, international justice movement such as Occupy perceives the World Trade Organization as a body that offers support for the continuing spread of neoliberal capitalist economics, as a body committed to supplying the commodities for western companies at the cost of poor individuals (Cass 622).

World Trade Organization and General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade have undertaken some very challenging issues. The early round of talks of GATT focused on decreasing tariffs; the Kennedy Round of the 1960s is concerned with Anti-Dumping Treaty (heavily selling subsidized at reduced prices to another state) besides the 1970s Tokyo Round tackled trade obstacles which do not adopt the form of the tariff (Cooper 89). These might comprise measures which were seemingly for environmental protection (such as limits on exhaust emission which barred the US and the EU from Japanese market) or customer protection laws which acted as barriers to import.


The victory of the of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade meetings in decreasing tariffs led administrations to introduce more creative means of guarding sectors against improved overseas competition. The 1980s and 1970s economic recessions caused considerable redundancy as well as factory cessations and stimulated administrations in the industrialized countries to seek for markets sharing arrangement with rivals and improved subsidies to farming to uphold agronomic trade. Both of these destabilized the efficiency of General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs and amplified trade wars. The World Trade Organization was criticized for its ineptness in dealing with international business concerns as this. The Doha round of discussions that instigated in 2001 seemed to be heading for failures at the Bali legislative session as well as the declaration of a contract between the one hundred and fifty-nine member states of the World Trade Organization came as an astonishment to many.

Works Cited

Baylis, John, et al. The globalization of world politics: An introduction to international relations. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Cooper, Andrew. Governing global health: challenge, response, innovation. Routledge, 2016.

Eagleton-Pierce, Matthew. Symbolic Power in the World Trade Organization. Oxford University Press, 2013.

Elsig, Manfred, and Mark A. Pollack. "Agents, trustees, and international courts: The politics of judicial appointment at the World Trade Organization." European Journal of International Relations 20.2 (2014): 391-415.

Jackson, John Howard, Organisation mondiale du commerce, and Royal Institute of International Affairs (London). The world trade organization: constitution and jurisprudence. Vol. 89. London: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1998.

Lindemann, Björn Alexander. "Case Study 1: The World Trade Organization (WTO)." Cross-Strait Relations and International Organizations. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.

Matsushita, Mitsuo, The World Trade Organization: law, practice, and policy. Oxford University Press, 2015.

Nye Jr, Joseph S., and David A. Welch. Understanding global conflict and cooperation: an introduction to theory and history. Pearson, 2016.

VanGrasstek, Craig. The history and future of the World Trade Organization. Geneva: World Trade Organization, 2013.

Wade, Robert Hunter. "What strategies are viable for developing countries today? The World Trade Organization and the shrinking of ‘development space’." Review of international political economy 10.4 (2003): 621-644.

World Trade Organization. International trade statistics. World Trade Organization, 2005.

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