The Value of College Education

The Value of College Education

The value of college education is more than just a degree. I believe that the education should provide real value for each individual attending college and provide enjoyment to students during their time in college. However, it is also right to say that the value of college degree depends on an individual's career goals. Consequently, the education should not prepare a person for a job, but rather for a career. The college education should equip students with specific skills to enable them to work in a specific field; it should also open doors for people to work in the field of their choice, and increase their chances of securing employment to practice what they like.

Why I Chose to Study Business

The reason I chose to study business in college is that I have always had passion for business as it provides me with precise career goals. Additionally, business is a very wide field and hence provides unlimited opportunities for a job for me in future. According to Lewis and Mills for a person to be a successful businessman, he or she needs passion, motivation, strong goals and ambitions, personal drive, a clear vision, leadership qualities, good communication and time management skills and creativity (124). I already possess most of these skills such as passion, good time management and communication, a clear vision and a strong ambition.

Challenges and Resources in My Journey

The two areas that are challenging in my journey is lack of motivation and dedication although I am slowly overcoming them. Due to lack of motivation, I took five years off school but did not go back until much later. I also found it hard to dedicate my time to studies. However, after realizing how important my studies were, I went back to school and I am very glad that I did. The two resources on the campus I will utilize to overcome my challenges is the guidance and advises of my caring lecturers and teachers and help provided from other students.

Learning from Interacting with Fellow Students

I have worked with my fellow-students, even though some of them were originally from a different country. Sometimes living with them can be challenging due to the differences that exist such as cultural and language barriers. However, I have learned a lot from interacting with such people, including learning to embrace individual differences and team collaboration. I have also learned that it is imperative to possess basic knowledge about cultural differences and how they affect the work ethics, beliefs, work schedules, and values.

Works cited

Lewis, David, and G. Riley Mills. The Bullseye Principle: Mastering Intention-Based Communication to Collaborate, Execute, and Succeed. John Wiley & Sons, 2018.

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