The Use of Euphemism in Nineteen Eighty Four by George Orwell

When people get together, they love to talk. In fact, a language with respect to communication is a vital part of human culture. People can communicate in diverse ways, either by voice, body language or even sign language. Another form of communicating would be double speaking. There are multiple ways to doublespeak, euphemism, jargon, gobbledygook, and inflated language are all forms of doublespeak. Despite not noticing, people tend to doublespeak in everyday conversations. Readers will come to understand what doublespeak is, with emphasis on euphemism, along with knowing how to recognize this form of speaking in daily interactions, and how it can affect us negatively or positively.

Despite “doublespeak” never being mentioned in the dystopian novel “Nineteen Eighty-Four,” the world-renowned George Orwell has continued to be falsely attributed to the word “doublespeak.” After reading “Nineteen Eighty-Four,” doublespeak was factually never stated in the novel. However, Mr. Orwell coined other words, such as, “newspeak,” “oldspeak,” and “doublethink.” Doublespeak is a language that is intentionally evasive, ambiguous and disguises itself or reverses the meaning of words. One form of double-speaking is “euphemism,” primarily meant to intentionally make reality sound more palatable, agreeable with one’s feelings. Let’s use the former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney as an example. He gave a speech to the right-wing American Enterprise Institute in Washington stating, “In top secret meetings about enhanced interrogations, I made my own beliefs clear. I was and remain a strong proponent of our enhanced interrogation program” (Bergen, “FP News”). The harsh reality of truth behind the words “enhanced interrogation” is torture, “the act of inflicting excruciating pain, as punishment or revenge, as a means of getting a confession, information or for sheer cruelty.” Euphemism avoids directly targeting the harsh reality behind what is not being said. Different elements are necessary for understanding euphemism. One essential element is listening to understand what it is the speaker is referring to when speaking. Most times people understand words that are direct and specific. When one faces problems, particularly tragic ones, people tend to sanitize them with a different choice of words, so their effects are not perceived as insulting, or harsh.

Understanding has been established to what euphemism is, and how to understand it, recognizing it will come with ease. Most times when one has a conversation with others regardless of the subject, the tone of voice and choice of words will make it clear whether the speaker is conscious and or deficient in feeling. The next time a conversation takes place regarding someone or something personal, with a friend, neighbor, and co-worker, listen how to recognize how one will refrain from using words or phrases that could imply they are insensitive.

The specter of doublespeak is that it influences interactions and how people perceive those speaking to them. One positive attribute of doublespeak is that it gives words meaning and prominence without being harsh to the recipient of the information. In communication, through avoiding distasteful realities by use of euphemism an impression of concern is created thereby making communication easily acceptable to the recipient. Essentially, avoiding social taboos and indicating sensitivity to the feelings of the audience is the main positive attribute of euphemism as a form of doublespeak. Although euphemism as part of doublespeak is acceptable in most cases, there are some dangers associated with such language. One prevalent issue is that it is used to mislead the listeners. Words that sound well are used to trick listeners to believe that something is good while it is the opposite. The trick is particularly common in the political realm. Doublespeak in this context is pretentious and fails to paint the picture clearly as expected. Doublespeak is not just a product of careless thinking but a well-reasoned and designed communication (Lutz 35). The language can be misleading but also serve as avoidance of social taboos and emotional insensitivity.  

In conclusion, the author suggests that political figures, journalists, and the news media are one of the most significant contributors to using euphemisms. Euphemisms are primarily used when one discusses subjects considered to be taboo, and inappropriate in society. The use of euphemisms allows one to effectively and efficiently speak without directly offending anyone. Furthermore, understanding euphemisms will efficiently allow one to expand their intellectual side of themselves, expanding their vocabulary and master the skill of polite and or intellectual conversations.

Works Cited

Bergen, Peter. "Cheney's Jihad." Foreign Policy. FP News, 2009,

Lutz, William. "The world of doublespeak." USA Today119.2544 (1990): 34-36.

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