Explain the principles of classical and operant conditioning are discussing critical features of each type of learning.
Firstly, classical conditioning is considered the type of learning that significantly influences behaviorism. The kind of learning occurs through the associations that exist between the naturally occurring stimulus and the environmental stimulus. The process in question works by first depending on stimulus that occurs naturally and will elicit a response automatically (RACHLIN, 2015). In this first phase of classical conditioning, the unconditioned response like salivating due to a smell of food results from the unconditioned stimulus. Notably, there is a neutral stimulus that does not produce any effect at this very point. In the next phase of the classical conditioning, this neutral stimulus is paired repeatedly with the stimulus that is unconditioned. The pairing results to an association that exists between the unconditioned stimulus and the previously neutral stimulus and it is then known as the conditioned stimulus, which makes the subject to be conditioned to this stimulus (RACHLIN, 2015).
Markedly, after the association has occurred, a response is evoked by presenting the conditioned stimulus alone even without the unconditioned stimulus, which results in a conditioned response. This conditioned response is that learned to the previously neutral stimulus. Some of the most significant features include the acquisition, which is the initial stage in the learning process when the establishment and gradual strengthening of response is first made. It is during this phase when the neutral stimulus is paired with the unconditioned stimulus repeatedly (RACHLIN, 2015). The second feature is the extinction, which is the decrease or disappearance of the occurrence of the conditioned response. Extinction happens when the unconditioned stimulus is no longer paired with the conditioned stimulus. Thirdly, spontaneous recovery is when the conditioned stimulus reappears after a period of rest or a lessened response. Another feature is the stimulus generalization that occurs when the conditioned stimulus tends to evoke similar responses after the conditioning of the response. Lastly, the classical conditioning also has the stimulus discrimination feature, which is the ability to make a difference between other unpaired stimuli and the conditioned stimulus.
On the flip side, the operant condition is a learning method whose occurrence is through punishments and rewards for behavior. The association made in this conditioning is that between a certain behavior and its consequence. In this conditioning, the behavior is learned by the individual through reward and punishment. The essential features in the operant conditioning include neutral operant, which refers to the environmental responses that neither decrease nor increase the probability of repeatability of a behavior. Second is reinforcers that refer to the responses that are from the environment and increase the probability of the reproducibility of a behavior (RACHLIN, 2015). These reinforcers are classified as either negative or positive. The other feature is punishers that are responses from the environment which decrease the repeatability likelihood of a behavior. The punishment tends to make conduct weak. The conditioning can be employed in the form of instruction that is programmed. The information ought to be presented to the leaner in small chunks in a bid to reinforce responses. In cases where there are difficulties in learning, behavior modification can be used as a method of therapy. The positive reinforcements are provided through encouraging, complementing as well as applauding the learners to shape their behaviors in a manner that is desirable. The operant conditioning is essential in the explanation of various actions that includes learning processes, language acquisition as well as addiction (RACHLIN, 2015).
Advice to the families concerning children exposure to violent media and video games
The disclosure of children to the media as well as violent videos have an adverse effect on the development of the children. Research posits that most aggressive behaviors that are exhibited by the children are acquired from their exposure to the video games. Some of these contents of violence that should not be accessed by the children include events of war zones as well as contests (RACHLIN, 2015). Such video games and media content change a child's sense of safety or the individual's anxiety in the community from which he hails. The concern rests with the teachers, parents as well as the society at large since the children used to video games for extended periods of time finally engage in various violent behaviors in the community. Therefore, adults should be advised against exposing children to the contents in question otherwise prepare for aggressive children as well as problematic adults in the future.
Explain the three-system memory theory
The concept posits that the storage of information is sequential in the three systems of memory that includes short-term memory, sensory memory as well as long-term memory. The sensory memory is useful in the storage of various details of information for an instant only. In as much as this memory has a large capacity, the information in it is normally unprocessed (McLeod, 2018). Further, in the short-term memory, there is the reception of some of the information from the sensory and is held for about twenty seconds. Keeping information in this memory can be enhanced through rehearsing the particular information. Long-term memory received information from the short-term memory, and the information from this memory can also be transferred back to the short-term memory. The long-term memory has an infinite capacity wherein the info takes as long as a person lives in this storage (McLeod, 2018). These three stages can also be referred to as the memory encoding because the information comes into the system of our memory, memory storage, because the received data is stored in any capacity and in various durations of time depending on whether the information is in the short or long-term memory, as well as memory retrieval since the data stored, can be gotten out if need arises.
Identify and explain four reasons why forgetting takes place
The reasons for forgetting information include retrieval failure, which is a result of the fading of the memory traces and their disappearance. Second is due to interference caused by the competition of memories. For instance, information that is similar to one which was previously stored may interfere with this previous information. Another reason for forgetting is the failure to store it in the long-term memory, which may be as a result of encoding failures (Patihis " Place, 2017). The fourth reason for the presence of forgetfulness is the motivated forgetting, which involves working actively to forget specific memories that are usually of disturbing events or traumatic experiences.
Two strategies employed to improve memory
Eating right helps in the improvement of memory. The avoidance of grain carbohydrates as well as sugar and the consumption of fresh vegetables and healthy fats may improve the brainpower. Other essential foods that enhance the brainpower include omega-3, krill oil, coconut oil, broccoli, celery, walnuts and many more. Besides, exercise also stimulates the nerve cells to multiply and helps in the strengthening of the interconnections and protection from damage, which results in the optimum capacity functioning of the brain (McLeod, 2018). Others including getting a good night’s sleep, avoiding multitasking, playing brain games, mastering new skills as well as trying the mnemonic devices that help in remembering of words.
McLeod, S. A. (2018). Skinner - operant conditioning. Retrieved from https://www.simplypsychology.org/operant-conditioning.html
Patihis, L., " Place, P. (2017). Weak evidence for the increased motivated forgetting of trauma-related words in dissociated or traumatized individuals in a directed forgetting experiment. Memory, 26(5), 619-633. doi: 10.1080/09658211.2017.1387666
RACHLIN, H. (2015). Review of Classical conditioning and operant conditioning: A response pattern analysis. Contemporary Psychology: A Journal Of Reviews, 24(7), 597-597. doi: 10.1037/018877