The Role of Ethics in Criminal Justice

Ethics in Criminal Justice

Ethics in criminal justice simply deals with the study of adherence of law enforcement agencies to the ethical behavior while executing their duties. The adherence to an ethical conduct is a very important aspect when it comes to law enforcement. This is because the agencies that enforce the law such as the police play a significant role in ensuring order and the rule of law exists in the society. Therefore, this implies that the agencies of law enforcement, particularly the police need to be a good example in the society. Their conduct should illustrate the adherence to the rule of law which the other members of the society can actually emulate i.e. the law enforcers should not be the breakers of the same law. They should execute their duties with a lot of professionalism and integrity.


Ethics can be defined as moral principles that control an individual's behavior or conduct. It entails what is perceived to be right and wrong or moral and immoral in a given society. Therefore, an ethical behavior is a type of behavior that is acceptable in the society. Each society has its own ethical principles based on culture and beliefs. For instance, in some societies, it is unacceptable for a woman to put on a trouser while at the same time women are allowed to put on a trouser in some societies. This indicates that the meaning of the term ethics can also vary from society to society since different societies have different cultures and beliefs. Each society has its own moral principles that it expects its members to adhere to and it most cases, the violation of these moral principles is a punishable offense. In most cases, the leaders in the society as the promoters of an ethical behavior and all adults are expected to be the custodian of ethical principles. Ethics is very important in any given society since it helps in grooming responsible individuals in the society (Brown, 1987). If each individual observes and adheres to ethical principles, then the world have been a better place to live. Instances of unethical behavior such as corruption, child abuse, sexual harassment, theft, robbery etc. could not have occurring in the present world. All these immoral cases have now turned out to be the breaking news in media due to lack of adherence to ethical principles.


The term professionalism means qualities and expected behavior that is expected from an individual of a certain profession. Some of the qualities that indicate that an individual is a professional include the physical appearance, competence in executing duties, good communication skills, ethical behavior, transparency, accountability, etc. It is always perceived by the public that a profession of law enforcement is the one that requires the highest standards of professionalism as compared to others. This is because the public always keeps watching the conduct of police officers when they are on duty and not. Normally, the misconduct of one or two police officer destroy the reputation of the whole police force. This is the reason cases of police officers being captured in misconduct such as corruption have become rampant (Birch, 1983). Currently, cases of police officers getting involved in corruption make news headlines in the media. Therefore, all police officers should observe ethical principles while conducting their duties. They should perform their duties with a lot of integrity. This implies that they should be operating within their legal jurisdiction, in accordance with the established police practices.

Additionally, the police officers need to consider ethicality and critical thinking in the decision-making process.

This will enable them to make sound and informed decision when they are handling various conflicts among the public. They should actually perform their roles with integrity, honesty, kindness, justice, sympathy, compassion, empathy and bravery.


The term integrity means being honest and having strong moral principles or moral uprightness. The police officers normally uphold the principles of the police service; endeavor to do what is right in all circumstances with an aim of building public confidence because they are in the public eye always. In order to ensure a high level of integrity, the police strive to resist the various temptation misuse the privilege " rights of their occupation that is granted to them by the society. They conduct their duties openly and in a truthful manner while handling issues from the public. This is aimed to increase and maintain public confidence in the police service (Callahan, 1982).

Moreover, police officers always avoid false, inaccurate and misleading statements or record entries concerning any issue to come to their attention.

In addition, police officers promote integrity by not taking bribes or gives which can compromise their impartiality.

Acceptable behavior

Since police officers are the ones involved in law enforcement, their behavior should act as a good example to the society. The police officers are supposed to be the custodians of the rule of law, thus, they should offer services while promoting justice and equality such that the society can have a trust in them. However, the police force has really failed to portray acceptable behavior in the society. This is because police have been involved in the conducts that are against the rule of law. For instance, some of the police officers are involved in corruption, an act that deteriorates the administration of justice. Taking of bribes is a common story in the media. This has really weakened the public trust, a situation that has really affected the reputation of the police force. Additionally, the issues of unfair treatment by the police has turned out to be a topic of discussion daily. Most police officers violate their code of conduct by harassing the accused individuals during the time of arrest. In some cases, many people have even been arrested illegally without a warrant of arrest from the court of law. Such police officers forget that an accused person is innocent until proved guilty.

Public trust

Public trust is the believe that the general public have towards an organization or any professional that is involved in offering services directly to the public. This trust promotes the welfare of the public rather than the benefit of few individuals. Since the police officers are in charge of ensuring that there is law and order in the society, the manner in which they serve the public depicts the level of public trust. When the law enforcing officers serve the public with integrity by being honest, then this helps to build the public trust (Dreisbach, 2009). This is because the public will have confidence that justice will prevail in any issue handled by the police officers. Additionally, the promotion of the acceptable behavior by the police officers helps in building public trust. For instance, when the police act and perform their duties in a manner that is consistent with the expected behavior in the society, then the level of confidence and trust that the public will have towards them will increase. This is because the police officers will be showing a good example that can be emulated by the public.

Community moral

Normally, each community has its own moral principles that it expects its members to adhere to. These principles define what is right " wrong or what is moral " immoral. However, the majority of law enforcement officers, particularly the police have been involved in immoral actions that are against the moral standards of the community. The rote in the police force has been a topic of discussion by the public (Sherman, 1982). In particular, corruption in the police force and other law enforcement agencies has been on the rise globally. This corruption has been witnessed all the way through the recruitment process of police officers since taking bribes by the recruiting officials has been rampant. In addition, most of the traffic police officers have been captured on camera taking bribes from the motorists that have broken the traffic rules. All these unethical behaviors have really caused the public to develop a negative attitude towards the law enforcement officers. This is because the public has lost trust and confidence in them. Most of the individuals in the society perceive police as lawbreakers rather than law enforcers. Therefore, there is a need for the law enforcement officers to stop engaging in unethical conducts that spoil their reputation.

What you would do

Based the circumstance of this scenario, the first thing that should have been done is to pay the bill. Paying the bill would have indicated that police officers are responsible and accounting for their bills like any other person. Additionally, paying the bill would help to remove the perception that police officers are always uncountable in settling their bills. Therefore, the manager, waiters, and other present customers would have developed a positive perception towards the law enforcement officers.

Secondly, the senior field training officer would have been counseled about the importance of behaving ethically while dealing with the public. Good communication technique would have been utilized to inform the senior officer about the importance of dealing with the public with a lot of integrity, professionalism, and accountability. This senior officer would have been reminded that he/she is a custodian of the rule of law, thus, his/her behavior is being monitored by the public. Therefore, informing him/her to be professional, honest, transparent and accountable while dealing with the public would have been very important. Hence, he/she would have been reminded that paying his/her bill is part of showing ethical behavior to the public and this helps in building the public trust.

Finally, the senior training officer would have been informed that avoiding paying the bill is corruption in the real sense and the public has lost trust in the law enforcement agencies due to corruption. Furthermore, he/she would have been informed about the negative effects of corruption in the society. For instance, avoiding paying the bill in a local establishment would cause the owner of the establishment realize a reduction in revenue, an act that is unfair to the owner of the business. Thus, the senior officer would have been advised to be at the forefront of promoting justice by being responsible and accountable.


In summary, the adherence to an ethical behavior is very fundamental to the in the profession of law enforcement. This implies that the law enforcement officers need to do what is right always to the public. Additionally, enforcement of the law while observing professionalism and integrity is very critical since it helps in building public trust. The public will have confidence in the law enforcement agencies. Moreover, performing duties in a professional and ethical manner helps the law enforcement agencies to be in line with the acceptable behavior in the society. Thus, these agencies would be acting in accordance with the set community moral.


Birch, J. (1983). Commentary: Reflections on police corruption. Criminal Justice Ethics, 2(2), 2-85.

Brown, B. (1987). Practice ethical behavior. Columbus, OH: National Center for Research in Vocational Education, Ohio State University.

Callahan, D. (1982). Foreword: Applied ethics in criminal justice. Criminal Justice Ethics, 1(1), 2-64.

Dreisbach, C. (2009). Ethics in criminal justice. Boston: McGraw-Hill.

Sherman, L. (1982). Ethics in criminal justice education. Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y.: Hastings Center.



• The "fight against Drugs"

• Government strategies having suggestions for criminal equity experts in issues, for example, youth containment, fingerprinting of adolescents, " obligatory treatment.

• Capital discipline

• The move far from rehabilitative adolescent equity approaches toward more reformatory arrangements

• Policies including harsher punishments bringing about "detainee warehousing"

• Government-forced obligatory condemning


• Police discretion

• Policing strategy about cases of domestic violence

• Use of force

• Police profiling

Police corruption

This is a type of police offense in which law authorization officers wind up breaking their political contract " mishandle their energy for individual or departmental pickup. This sort of debasement can include just a single officer, or it can include a gathering of officers. Inner police debasement is a test to open confide in, union of departmental strategies, human rights and legitimate infringement including genuine results. Police debasement can take numerous structures, for example, gift. The following are the forms of police corruption.

Soliciting bribes


Selective enforcement

Effects of corruption

Poor services

In a framework with corruption there is no nature of administration. To request quality one may need to pay for it. This is seen in numerous regions like region, power, dispersion of alleviation stores and so on. In the event that a man needs to buy a like solution, because of debasement in training then the hopeful after consummation of his course won't care to give quality wellbeing administration if there isn't sufficient compensation for his administration. Additionally, hopefuls who don't have the capacity can likewise get into a similar seat by buying it. So however he turns into a medicinal professional, he may not be sufficiently equipped.

Lack of justice

Debasement in a legal framework prompts disgraceful equity. Also, the casualties of the offense may endure. A wrongdoing might be demonstrated as an advantage of uncertainty because of lack of proof or even the confirmation eradicated. Because of corruption in the policing framework, the examination procedure continues for a considerable length of time. This gives the offenders a chance to wander indiscriminately and even perform more violations. There are even shots that lawbreakers because of maturity because of deferred examination. So it prompt "Justice deferred is justice denied."

Unfair employment

The most qualified individuals miss employment opportunities due to corruption. The unqualified ones normally bribe the officials in charge of recruitment and they are granted positions.

Disregard for professionals

Individuals begin dismissing the authority engaged with debasement by speaking adversely about him. However, when they have work with him or her, they again approach them by a felt that the work is done if some fiscal advantages are given. Negligence towards authorities will likewise manufacture doubt. Indeed, even lower review officer will be ill bred to higher review officer. So even he may not comply with his requests. There were even occurrences where a lower review cop captured higher review officer for not offering him leave when inquired.

Disrespect for rulers

Leaders of the country like the president or head administrators lose regard among general society. Regard is fundamental criteria in social life. Individuals go for voting amid race not just with the want to enhance their expectations for everyday comforts with the decision victor yet in addition to deference for the pioneer. On the off chance that the government officials include in corruption, individuals knowing this will lose regard to them and won't care to make their choice for such lawmakers.

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