The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Business

The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) aimed to explore the role of a business to the society in which it exists (Haerens and Zott, 2014, p. 32). The essay helped me to understand that business should operate ethically which means that they consider the impact of their operations on the social, economic and environmental aspects of the society and respect the rights of the stakeholders. The most important experience for me in this essay was the realization that businesses do not only exist to make profits. Before this essay, I had the perception that business enterprises are only created to make profits and that it was optional to become a responsible corporate. The course has helped me understand that CSR is just as important to a business as a significant market share is. Due to this course, I now hold CSR in high regard and I will always evaluate companies depending on their contribution to ensure the wellbeing of the society.


            I had a pleasant experience throughout the CSR essay. First, I was very excited by the idea that business enterprises exist to contribute to the well-being of the society and not merely to make profits which made me engage in deep research to build a strong opinion that I would present during the in-class debate. Most of the research that I conducted was using online databases such as Jstor and Google Scholar where I read peer-reviewed articles on corporate social responsibility. Most of the articles had included the case studies of different companies across the world that the researchers had investigated to understand the impact of CSR on their operations and profitability. I also conducted research using the official websites of major companies globally such as McDonald's, Virgin Companies, Volkswagen and Royal Dutch Shell amongst others. Using the websites of the companies, I was seeking to understand if they have a CSR department and some of the activities they engage in to ensure the wellbeing of the society. Therefore, the research process was intriguing as I gathered new knowledge regarding different CSR sectors in many companies.

            After conducting the research, I ensured that I wrote a strong academic essay. The structure of my essay included an introduction which had a profound thesis statement, the body which had three paragraphs and a conclusion where I restated the thesis and summarized my main points that were supporting the thesis. I scored grade A in the essay which was higher than my expectation. Although I knew I had conducted adequate research, I expected a slightly lower grade because I did not have any prior knowledge on this topic. I feel that this experience was useful because it has set a standard for me in my future modules. I aim at performing better every time and outdoing my previous results.


 Having prepared adequately for the in-class debate, I feel that I participated enough and I passed on my opinion adequately to the rest of the members of our class. I sounded convincing because I had gathered enough facts to support my opinion from the perspectives of different researchers. Moreover, my essay had adequate referencing which also supported every idea that I had during the debate. The preparation for the in-class debate helped me to develop the research and analytical skills as I was checking for the material that fits best to the topic assigned. I plan to apply these skills in my workplace in future where I can assist the organization to conduct a research on the society it exists, the needs they can help to meet, the types of CSR activities they should engage in and how they affect their profitability and the well-being of the society.

During the in-class debate, I improved my communication skills where I learnt not to interrupt other people as they speak and to be precise when passing my opinion to avoid providing the opposers with a hole to pick on during a discussion. The debate also helped me recognize the importance of body language. I learnt that even when I feel defeated during a debate, I should not let it show using my body language as I present myself as vulnerable to the opposers. I plan to use these skills in future presentations especially when campaigning for a change in the aspects of an organization such as activities adopted in CSR and advocating for the rights of the employees.


            I feel that the essay on CSR was just an introductory section which has laid the fundamentals for me to engage more deeply in the subject. Some of the topics I feel that am yet to learn is on the history of CSR, the likely future directions of CSR and the best practices in CSR for companies that operate in a globalized economy (Scherer and Palazzo, 2011, p. 899). I would also like to conduct a research to fill the knowledge gap on the impact of CSR for companies in my country by highlighting the experiences of enterprises that have either succeeded by implementing appropriate CSR activities or those that failed due to avoiding CSR. I hope that companies in my country will utilize this knowledge to place them at a competitive advantage where they make profits when still impacting the society positively. I will also educate the management of the organization where I work on the importance of engaging in CSR and ensuring that it is a critical part of the core values and the mission of the enterprise.


            The experience during the CSR essay was a pleasant one and it provided me with multiple learning opportunities. I gained new knowledge on CSR, its importance and impact to the operations of an organization. The essay has also provided me with fundamental knowledge which I can build on by engaging in further research. The section on CSR is among the ones that I enjoyed most in the module on skills for business.

                                                       Marketing Mix Presentation


            In the marketing mix presentation, we chose to work on a new product that was being launched in the market. We chose the new product because we felt that we would adequately apply the tools of the marketing mix tools for the organization and employ strategies to monitor the results (Luan, 2010, p. 450). In a similar presentation, we would choose a similar product because it worked well. The product entered the market well and gained a significant market share within a short period. One of the most important lessons I learnt from the presentation is on the importance of strategy. When we decided to develop a marketing mix for a new product in the market, we realized that the industry was very competitive. As such, we adopted the best practices in the marketing mix by taking lessons from products in our industry that had become successful. We also set targets that defined our vision and when we implemented the strategies, the product was a success story that inspired me on the need for strategy even in personal endeavours.


The teamwork section was interesting and it went well. The team members were chosen randomly in class and when we met for the first time, we chose a leader. We set out targets and a code of conduct that would guide operations within the group. We worked on all the parts of the project as a group where we would meet, contribute and discuss the ideas we had. The research was also conducted collaboratively to ensure that none of the ideas presented belonged to any individual. Reflecting on the teamwork, I feel that I was of value to our group because I always contributed adequately. Most of the time I would conduct research prior to any meeting which ensured that I was always prepared. During the group discussions I fostered peace and cohesion by ensuring that I did not interrupt the rest as they were talking, I listened keenly, I communicated clearly and precisely and when I did not agree with some opinions, I did it respectably.

The presentation section was tough for me. I had not presented before and I was very nervous throughout the presentation. I felt very nervous that I would not pass on my points clearly and that my audience would not understand what I was passing across to them. During the presentation, I failed to manage the time allocated to me properly and I had to request for additional time to complete my presentation. As such, I rushed over most of the slides which affected the clarity of the content I was presenting. When questions were asked, I did not answer them in a convincing way since I was nervous and I had already talked too much that I had exhausted the time allocated to the presentation. I also sought feedback from our team leader after the presentation on how I had performed during the presentation. 

The team leader highlighted that I appeared to be afraid of my audience because I did not engage them. The leader also suggested the need to maintain eye contact with the audience especially when responding to questions because it would help to show them certainty and confidence in the content I was providing to them (Worth, 2009, p. 109). Although the presentation was tough and it gave me an unpleasant experience, I still find it useful because it laid the basis for me to work on my presentation skills. I have learnt some skills to use when presenting and I am at improving them continually by looking for more opportunities to speak in front of an audience.


Through the marketing mix presentation, I have learnt the role of interpersonal skills, especially in teamwork. I have learnt that for teams to be effective, individuals must learn how to communicate and interact well with other people by listening to other people, avoiding disruptive behaviour and working to resolve conflict constructively. I hope to use these interpersonal skills in my relationships to foster cohesion, agreeability and togetherness (Mundsaxk, et al., 2003, p. 78). In future endeavours where I work in groups, I hope to use my experience to create and foster a good working environment.


 I feel that I am yet to learn excellent presentation skills. During the presentation, I was not able to engage the audience, to manage my time effectively and to present my ideas with clarity. I hope to achieve this gap by looking for more opportunities where I can speak to an audience to improve my presentation skills. I will also read books that focus on enhancing presentation skills and watch online videos to help me master the skills I learn. I thought that the presentation was going to be a simple task since I was communicating with my peers but it turned out tough. However, I am glad because it provided me with the opportunity of improving my presentation skills. I will use the presentation skills I learnt when speaking to other audiences in future. 

            In our group, most of the parts of the project were tackled in groups. I think that in projects that require less time to complete, it would be impossible for everyone to work on every part of a project. As such, there is the need to learn the importance of the division of work depending on the personality, values and experience of the different members of a group. Division of labour will assist us to learn how to meet targets and contribute to the overall success of a project. Moreover, as an individual presents their findings on any specific part to the rest of the members, he or she will build upon the presentation skills learnt.


The marketing mix presentation was both intriguing and challenging. The teamwork section was interesting since our group chose a product that was easy to develop using the marketing mix tools (Cravens, et al., 2013, p. 151). Our group worked efficiently and collaboratively which made the teamwork a great success. Although the presentation section was a bit difficult, I feel that with continuous improvements I will perfect the skills. In the third term, I will maximize every opportunity I get to present on behalf of my group in any of the modules our class will be taking during that time.

Exam Preparation and Exam Taking Skills


            The exam will cover all the aspects that have been taught in this module to evaluate whether the students have achieved the expected outcomes. The instructors will use the results of the exams to analyse whether they met their targets depending on the results of the students. The exam includes two primary parts which are the preparation and the writing part. I believe that the preparation part is the most important one as it determines considerably how one writes the exam and the performance they depict. I feel that a student who prepares adequately by reflecting on all the core competencies taught in the module is more comfortable when taking the exams as he or she is familiar with the requirements as opposed to one who prepares scantly. Therefore, preparation is critical for both performance and efficient writing of the examinations.


            I feel that the exam preparation period is an involving one as I try to cover all the learning competencies of the module. I prefer to study using group discussions because I receive moral support from my peers. I also feel that as we study in a group, the other members can help me understand some of the topics I consider to be challenging. As I also assist them in my areas of strength, it helps me to grasp the concepts in a profound way and I do not forget those topics. As we study in groups, we set the goals to determine what we would like to achieve. As we work towards the goals, we discourage each other from getting distracted by sleep, the phone or even social media. Working in groups also helps us to study for longer hours than we would if we were working alone.

            As we work in groups, we help to reduce the workload for the third term where we will sit for all the exams by focusing deeply on all the challenging topics that we have covered this far. Although the exam preparation is involving, it is also educative as we get to learn from each other. We share our experiences of exam writing which helps us to understand our weakness and learn ways which we can improve on the weak points. I feel that the exam taking period will be a comfortable and pleasant one because I will have spent adequate time preparing for the papers. Having worked in a group will help me to become less nervous which will assist me to think clearly through every question and instructions. I believe that if I am less nervous, I will utilize my two hours. Regarding time management, I plan to begin with all the questions that I will consider easy and ensure that I answer them adequately before proceeding to the ones that may be challenging. Learning from my past experiences, I feel that spending too much time on the difficult questions takes up a lot of time and energy yet I may not perform well in them. Therefore, the experience is useful because it will assist me to learn how to maintain my composure even in stressful conditions.


            The exam preparation period has helped me gather a lot of knowledge on group dynamics, especially when working as a team. Our team was made up of individuals with different personalities, skills and from various cultural backgrounds. As such, sometimes we ended up conflicting with one another. The team has helped me to understand that even in teams, we can engage constructively with conflicts to ensure we reach a resolution without dividing the group. I will use the skills I have learnt to foster a good working environment based on collaboration and excellent communication skills.

            The exam taking period has helped me learn how to maintain my composure during stressful conditions. I have learnt that adequate preparation will help me to be calm during the exam which translates to proper time management and hence exemplary results. Therefore, adequate preparation is the method of coping that I hope to use in term three and as I tackle other exams in future. Personal experiences that may stress me include preparing for my graduation. I will use groups of close friends and family members to help me reduce the workload by assigning them responsibilities. As such, I will reduce the stress and ensure that the ceremony proceeds efficiently.


            If I would do anything differently, it would be to use a small group of about four or five members when studying. In our current group, we were nine members and I feel that we spent too much time trying to explain one concept to any individual. A large group also means that there is a lot of dynamism which leads to differing opinions that may create frequent disputes. A lot of time may be wasted trying to solve issues in a large group. Therefore, as an improvement in future, I will consider using a small group when studying. A small group will also assist me to develop and nurture my teamwork skills such as solving conflicts constructively, good communication skills and learning how to appreciate opinions that may differ from mine. I believe that if I learn how to integrate with my peers in a small learning group, it will be easy for me to apply the skills I learn when dealing with a large one and thus foster cohesion, efficiency and teamwork.


            The exam preparation and taking period have been different in this module from what I have experienced in the past. In the past, I always use to feel nervous and stressed out during exam periods since I used to study alone and I spent so much time on my weak areas that I did not get time to go through other topics. Having adopted the use of study groups, I feel that this exam period was a calm one and I utilized my time well both when studying and taking the exams. Moreover, the group helped me to develop my interpersonal skills and I also made some new friends.


Cravens, D., Nige and Piercy, 2013. Strategic Marketing. 8th ed. New York: McGraw Hill Publications.

Haerens, M. and Zott, L., 2014. Corporate Social Responsibility. 1st ed. Detroit: Greenhaven Press.

Luan, J., 2010. Forecasting Marketing- Mix Responsiveness for New Products. Journal of Marketing Research, 47(3), pp. 444-457.

Mundsaxk, A., Deese, J. and Morgan, C., 2003. How to Study: and Other Skills for Success in College. 5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishers.

Scherer, A. and Palazzo, G., 2011. The New Political Role of Business in a Globalized World: A Revire of a New Perspective on CSR and its Implications for the Firm, Governance and Democracy. Journal of Management Studies, 48(4), pp. 899-831.

Worth, R., 2009. Communication Skills. 3rd ed. New York: Ferguson Publishers.

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