The Reproduction of Gender Inequality in College Heterosexual Interaction

Gender Beliefs and Gender Inequality in Heterosexual Interaction

Gender beliefs are key roots of gender inequality in heterosexual interaction and more especially in college heterosexual interaction. Based on the reading, there are two dominant ideologies that haunt the sexual activities of women living in the society. The first ideology haunting women's sexual activities result in females sexual predicaments concerning relationships and hookups. Another ideology comes out as a result of gender inequality reproduction of sexuality in colleges.

Expectations and Restrictions for Women

When males are anticipated to desire and trail sexual opportunities irrespective of the circumstance, women are only expected to refrain from casual sex. They should have it when they are in relationships that will lead them to marriage. It is believed that ordinary women need love, romance, and relationships that will, at last, lead them to marriage. An example of such a situation has been in some of the learning institutions where men make their own decisions regarding their social life, unlike the feminist who always seems to be restricted in one way or the other. Women are always restricted in the society we live.

Intersection of Class Beliefs and Gender Constructions

On the other hand, the class constructions condition sexuality among the women in a manner that opposes gender constructions. Class beliefs related to the most suitable timing of marriage clang with irrepressible gender beliefs thus becoming a challenge for the ladies who struggle to meet the two. The class encourages and promotes a self-development imperative. This shows that both genders are then anticipated to concede family formation up to the mid-twenties or early thirties to center on both career and education investment. Hookups provide sexual pleasure without devastating investment in human resource and are perceived to be part and parcel of life. An intersectional approach also indicates that the manner in which the young heterosexuals make their choices on both sexuality and relationships triggers the reproduction of the social class.

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