The Production of Curious George

The Show at DeBartolo Performing Arts Centre

The show was performed at the DeBartolo Performing Arts Centre inside the delightful Patricia George Decio Theatre under the production of Theatreworks USA –a professional art company which targets the young people and their families with their theatre across the US. The show is also facilitated by Universal Stage Productions.

The Simple Story

The story appears simple. George likes meatballs so much. He assists his friend Chef Pisghetti to make some in his restaurant in readiness to welcome a hungry crowd on the D-day. However, George and his friends notice that there is no hungry crowd ready to enjoy the meatballs. Inappropriately, the restaurant is next to Phinneas T. Lightspeed’s meatball machine that is super-fast and outshines the poor Chef Pisghetti’s efforts. The competition makes Chef Pisghetti swear not to continue cooking again. However, George enters Chef Pisghetti into another world famous meatball cooking contest in Rome, Italy. George together with his friends proceeds to the contest where they inevitably win thus learning appreciated lessons in their industry.

The Deeper Value

The show presents deeper value behind the shenanigans, fun, background music or the comical way in which George transports himself in a container to Italy. Children occasionally require such sugar-coating of the hard lessons in their lives. For example, the prop jar of “love” appears to be the secret ingredient in the meatball making. Glenn Giron, the director of the show packages important lessons in a manner that is relatable to their audience which is the young demographic. George is a good friend who does all he can to assists his friend renew his cooking fires. Despite Chef Pisghetti losing track of his vision due to the displeasure of his unsuccessful business, the power of George enables him to get back on track (a show of good friendship). Even though that may seem too cheesy for adults, it is perfect for the kids who are the audience.

The Superstar Cast

The cast of the show all comes out as superstars. It is easy to tell that all of them loved their roles onstage, and sincerely enjoyed themselves thus resonating with the audience. The dancing was made brief, physically challenging and passionate. The producers made many fun choices, for instance, the noises of ingredients striking the cooking pot, making the pans and lids be the instruments in the background music, and enabling the participation of the audience. The costumes were excellent, thorough and above attractive with comical and stereotypic elements that came directly from the kids’ books. The cast proved their experience and professionalism especially during their improvisation when a bowl of vegetables fell down.

The Amazing Casts

The casts were just amazing. For example, Andrew Howard who acted the Man with the Yellow Hat was excellent as George’s mentor. He seemed charmed by George just as the audience would. His role as a member of the ensemble made him dance and sing whenever others were changing costumes. Julian Soares (Netti) and the rest of ensemble characters amazed the audience as an adorable warm Italian woman with an impeccable accent that would resonate with Italian families. Owen Wingo (Curious George) received a delightful response from the audience with his monkey voice and consistent comedy. Felipe Bombonato (Chef Pisghetti) was born for the role. He stunned the Italian accent and caricature. His rediscovery of the cooking path after the contest in Rome is a sure lesson for all the audience. However, the show had some challenges such as low sound microphones and music that would make it hard to listen. Definitely, the show would require improvements in such areas for future productions.

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