The Political Nature of Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire

Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed is based on his experiences as a teacher in Brazil and his observations as a political exile. While in exile, he observed that many students harbor a "fear of freedom." Although he acknowledges that his ideas are idealistic, Freire also believes that education can help students achieve the freedom they desire.Freire's pedagogy of the oppressed
Freire argues that in order for oppressed groups to be liberated, they must be educated on how to be human. This idea is developed in his books Pedagogy of the Oppressed and Education for Critical Consciousness. Ultimately, he argues that the most important step in educating the oppressed is to learn about the concept of humanization, and to become aware of the many ways that oppression affects their lives.The first step in humanizing the oppressed is to learn about oppression and discover who the oppressors are. Next, the oppressed must engage in dialogue with their oppressors. Only when the oppressed become fully human can we truly help humanity.Freire influenced liberation theology in Latin America, which stressed political activism and fighting poverty. He used a bottom-up approach in his work, and he emphasized practicing Jesus Christ.Conflict between oppressors and oppressed
The Conflict between oppressors and oppressed must be taken into account in pedagogical actions. In liberation work, oppressed people must be educated not to exploit their emotional dependence, the result of a concrete situation of domination and an unrealized view of the world. To exploit emotional dependence is to further increase it, and this is the tactic of the oppressor.The first stage of pedagogy must address the problem of oppression as a concrete reality. The oppressor's views of the world, behavior, and ethics must be considered. An additional problem is the duality of the oppressed: they are both divided and contradictory.The pedagogy of the oppressed must be close to the oppressed. It must not be a victimizing pedagogy that presents the oppressors as victims. It must provide a model of redemption for the oppressed.Political nature of pedagogy
The Political Nature of Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire is one of the most important works of social theory to emerge from the 1960s. It is a generative text that combines various themes that are vital to achieving social change. The author explores the dehumanizing effects of western schooling and presents a vision of social change that is compelling and hopeful.Freire's ideas are still relevant and useful to educators today. Even after his death in 1998, educators have continued to adapt his ideas and themes to the contexts in which they work. For example, Cal State education professor A. Dee Williams used Freire's book to argue for the integration of hip-hop into urban classrooms.While many critics of the status quo in education see the purpose of education as eradicating idiosyncrasies and allowing students to conform to society's ideals, liberatory pedagogy emphasizes the potentiality of every student and the potential to become self-actualized.Relationship between pedagogy and revolution
The relationship between pedagogy and revolution for the suppressed must start with the realization that oppressed people are human beings, not just hosts of oppressors. Pedagogy that begins with the egoistic interests of oppressors is dehumanizing and cannot be a pedagogy of liberation. This pedagogy cannot be developed by the oppressors, nor can it be implemented by them.In his groundbreaking Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Paulo Freire criticized the industrialized, capitalist approach to education. Freire stressed the importance of the humanity of students and argued that education must be political. His pedagogical approach was based on the fact that students under oppression are not simply objects.Revolutionary leadership is necessary for the implementation of liberating education. Pedagogy and revolutionary leadership should be co-intentional. This means that teachers and students must be co-intentional in creating reality and knowledge. During the process of organizing oppressed people, educators and students must become conscious of their own human condition.

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