The P-O-L-C framework

One essential instrument used by business organizations to ensure the success of project execution is the P-O-L-C framework. It takes into account four key facets of project execution, including organizing, leading, and controlling. Planning often involves defining the vision and objective, setting goals, developing a strategy, and creating a plan to attain them. The framework's organizing principle places special emphasis on the creation of organizational structures, resource distribution, and job design. On the other side, leadership focuses on giving the project direction, inspiring others, and coordinating the activities. Lastly, the aspect of controlling in the framework focusses on managing the processes and the standards, reviews and evaluation (Principles of Organizing, n.d.). Therefore, the framework is important for the success of the projects.

The Galaxy Toys Inc, is a toy company that has been in operation since the year 1956. The company serves millions of people from different parts of the world through provision of its products. It has specialized in the production and sale of the spacecraft toys for the children as a way to motivate the children for space exploration. It rides on a mission of creation of both the classic and the temporary space-related toys for all the ages. The company performed well over the years, winning many rewards for its excellent work. Currently, the organization looks forward to conduct both major short term and long term production objectives for the project MMTJE1.

This paper focusses on the three last main aspects for the implementation of the MMTJE1 project through the P-O-L-C framework. These factors are organizing, leading and the controlling of the project. It creates a production floor after an analysis of the organizational functions, the organizational chart and the decision making process. Besides, it assesses the change and focusses on the motivation, the leadership and the control of the project. Therefore, the paper is critical in the provision of the guideline for the successful execution of the project.

Part One

The role of the Managers

At the organizational cycle, the mangers are tasked with the responsibility of organizing the people, the physical resources and the money. The process entails a close analysis of the resources available, and the best way to manage them to sustain the entire project up to the end. The function is critical for the managers, since, it allows a smooth flow of the project, its continuity and ensuring that the exercise does not face the shortages or other challenges of people, physical resources in the endeavor (Episode 107: Establishing Decision-Making Authority, 2013).

The managers have the responsibility of incorporating the goals and the objectives from the previous planning stage of the framework to ensure that there is a smooth transition from the planning step to the organization part. Usually, the managers achieve the synchronization of the two stages through an emphasis on the work plan, which is the main output from the planning step. Therefore, through the work plan, the managers are in a better position to understand the results of the planning place and successfully transit to the organizing phase. The plan acts a guideline on how the requirements for the project will be utilized in terms of time, quality and amount, making it easier for the managers to easily establish and organize the resources that will compete the goals.

As an approach to handle their responsibilities, the managers are tasked with the roles of creation of the organization structure for the project. The structure helps in managing the human resources towards successful implementation of the goals in the project. The managers also have the take the role of conducting the organizations decisions related to the design, as a way to control the resources involved (A New Role for Management in Today’s Post-Industrial Organization, n.d.). Besides, the managers handle the job design decisions in the organization as a way to manage the tasks, and the process through which they are carried out. Therefore, the managers play a critical role towards the success of the project.

Organizing People, Physical Resources and Money

According to project MMTJE1, the main objective to prioritize is objective three, which focusses on completing and approving the prototype toy trials for the approval by the QC by October 31, 2017. This short term objective is critical since its occurrence has the effect on the happening of other goals and objectives (Planning in Management: Strategic, Tactical, and Operational Plans, 2014). Trial prototype toys must be approved before the other three objectives in the production process. For example, the objective of producing 1.5 million toys cannot happen before the prototype toys, setting the target for the plant cannot take place before they prototype is accepted and shipment cannot take place before production. Besides, it is clear that this objective need to be accomplished earlier than all the other objectives, a factor that necessitates its priority on the list. Therefore, toy prototyping must happen before any other short term objective of the four listed.

The second objectives will be the start of producing 1.5 million toys by January 2018. The third objective by priority is to have each plant produce 375,000 toys by May 31, 2018 and lastly, to start shipping the products to the customers by June 2018.

Tasks Required

Prototype Toy trials will be completed and approved by QC by October 31, 2017

Hire four trained print operators with computer expertise

Hire one new IT person to liaise with the IT department software and workers on the floor

Accommodate the prototype material at $4,000

Establish a service contract for the computers

Time supply of printer material for the creation of the toy and packaging

Producing 1.5 Million Toys by January 2018

Increase the budget of the production department from $300,000 to $650,000

Add Two conveyor lines with 100 foot clearance for printers and forklift, pallets and people

Upgrade the printers

Training of the backup employees

Maintain the Salaries of existing personnel and physical resources

Each plant must produce 375,000 toys by May 31, 2018.

Add four compatible computers for each for each branch

Add two additional computers for the creation of the toy and packaging, service contract for the computer

Have branch will have four additional printers.

Ensure all the job positions on each plant are filled

Improve the frequency of production for each plant floor

Shipment to customers will begin June 2018.

Timely implementation all the tasks

Provide the requirements for toy creation and their packaging

Frequency in production

Operate on shifts to ensure consistency

Ensure the budget accommodates all the financial needs of the project


Episode 107: Establishing Decision-Making Authority. (2013, May 26). Retrieved from


Planning in Management: Strategic, Tactical, and Operational Plans. (2014, April 15). Retrieved from

Principles of Organizing. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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