The Marketing Strategies of Dunkin Donuts

Dunkin Donuts is one of the best global companies based in the United States of America. The organization has evolved and it has become a leading coffee and baked goods chains across the world with its operations in more than 36 nations. The fact that coffee is one of the most loved drinks in the world has made Dunkin Donuts the most loved company for coffee lovers. Coffee is taken in all parts of the world, and people take it for different purposes and varied times. Coffee is also characterized by a wide range of tests and qualities. The best-selling coffee brands in the global market are those with the best quality. A significant aspect that has made Dunkin Donuts the most loved brand for coffee is the quality of the coffee it sells. The company has the best tasting coffee on the market. Another source of attraction about the company is its friendly prices for its high-quality products. Besides the coffee, the baked products are also the best on the market. Despite the many competitors dealing with coffee and donuts, the brand is still the best due to its high-quality goods and excellent marketing strategies.

            Dunkin Donuts capitalizes on the most efficient channels and strategies to market its products. The most common platforms used for advertisement by the firm include; TV, radio, social media and internet platforms. The advertising strategies are appropriate because they are viewed by many people who gain knowledge about the products. The visual adverts are well designed to attract consumers. The internet and social media platforms are currently the most preferred channels for conducting advertisements because of the population of people that use the podiums.

            The advertisements are well designed to deliver the most important and attractive message to the customers. They inform the listeners and viewers about the coffee and baked goods. They advertise their new menu items to notify all potential customers concerning what is available in their different outlets across the world. To ensure that they connect with as many people as possible in the world, the brand must fully capitalize on the most appropriate marketing methods that can help to deliver the message to people within the shortest time possible. The advertisement messages must also be designed in a manner that permits delivery of the necessary message directly to the viewers and listeners. The advertisements should also resonate with the true nature of the goods.

            The company ought to observe specific measures to avoid unethical advertisements. The adverts should give the real picture of the products by describing the real nature of the coffee and baked goods. The brand campaigns should also specify the ley health concerns associated with their goods without giving misleading information that could later backfire through causing adverse reactions from the customers. An ethical advertisement is vital to building a company reputation. Customers are attracted depending on the reputation of the organization. Unethical ad by giving misleading information can significantly harm the organization's status and revenue generation through losing their trusted customers.

            The similarity between the Coca-Cola brand and Dunkin Donuts is based on their commitment to ethical advertisements. Despite the similarities, Dunkin Donuts has a lot to learn from the Coca-Cola brand. Coca-Cola has declared its involvement in improving the health concerns of its products. The marketing professionals for Dunkin should also state the sugar levels of their goods to assure consumers of their excellent health after using the products.


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