The Island of Doctor Moreau by H.G. Wells

In his science fantasy book, H.G. Wells explores the impact of humans in their natural environment

The novel by H.G. Wells "The Island of Doctor Moreau" is important in attempting to convey the incidence of humans in their natural environment. The story is told from the viewpoint of Edward Prendick, who encounters a number of difficulties after being saved from the sea by a different ship that later turns out to belong to a man by the name of Montgomery. Because both spare that the role of scientific innovations in transforming the social sphere, the reader understands that the world of Dr. Doreau has always been described to connect to the one with which the reader is familiar. It is based on these considerations that one realizes that the ethics become relevant because the inhabitants had gotten used to the advances that were being witnessed. Science plays a significant role in the writing of Well’s science fiction story because it enables the reader content the need for factoring the ethical segment as a crucial facet of human innovation and technological advances.

The scientific plausibility of the land and the limitations of animal experimentation

The first justification to warrant the selection of the theme is based on the scientific plausibility that was needed in the land. The author makes the idea of art plausible in the text because there are various groups that are intended for ensuring that the success of the nationals made possible. The problem in the realization of the goals is that the animals lack the basic brain structure that is common among human being and, therefore, the two can never find by of the same class (Cohen 369). It is indicated by the fact that the subjects that were being experimented on did not have the human features that are common to the rest of the population. Example of such is that no brain structure would enable the animals to emulate the human characteristics that often involve speech and other cognitive engagements. It is also apparent that the human species often demonstrate an immune response that is rather complicated and that a transplantation of an organ across the two species is always a challenge. It shows that while the subject of science often attracts imagination, the concept of plausibility should still be the central feature that the researcher asks themselves (Wells 34).

The dangers of scientific progressivism and lack of compassion

The other appropriate feature related to science as depicted in the novel is that there are associated dangers in the process of engaging in scientific progressivism. It is undisputed that Moreau is indomitable but it is apparent that he is not operating as a lone antagonist. The events unfold the manner in which scientific curiosity is achieved because in many cases, there is a lack of compassion. The author asserts," The physiology, the chemical rhythm of the creature may also be made to undergo an enduring modification, of which vaccination and other methods of inoculation with living or dead matter are examples that will, no doubt, be familiar to you" (14). The statement indicates that it is almost unlikely to have a science fiction novel that does not include the scientific concepts. In this particular incidence, the author’s focus was on the use of science to cure the disease, but as the reader notes, there is no guarantee of the work conditions and especially the recommended attire. It becomes apparent that there is no genuinely in the progress steps. Thus the apprehension that Moreau did not have any element of compassion indicates that there are associated dangers in trying to embrace progressivism in science.

Science and its relationship to socialism

The other way of perceiving science as a challenge is in the context of how it related to socialism. It is founded on the hope that there will be advances in the field, but there is no justification provided to back the assertions. The author thus focuses on the fact that human beings are overseeing the boundaries and limits that had been placed and was one exploring divinity. The motivation that can get is by increased the level of trust by the overwhelming nature of sensory sensitivities. The leader no longer has Moreau's expressions in mind but is focused n ensuring that the dangers associated with the use of science and the advances that were being felt were vivisections to ensure that the risks are well outlined. For example, the author states that “The creatures I had seen were not men, had never been men. They were animals—humanised animals—triumphs of vivisection” (14). The text underscores the fact that sex was a key necessity that would ensure that it remains tangible and a defining feature of the society. The word triumph is used in this context to denote the disregard of normalcy is automatics and that no morality is factored in the situation at stake. Overall, therefore, the impression that the reader gets is that socialism is a function of technological advancements and represents settings where there are successes n vivisections.

The role of science in the progress of evolution and its mysteries

The author also describes an integrating subject of how science has been a consequential progress of evolution, and that remains to be a mystery. Development is the most significant reason that the young individual can relax their mind. It is, however, a failure on the author’s coverage of a majority of sections, which explains why science is used to describe their moral features. For instance, it is written, “I did not know yet how far they were from the human heritage I ascribed to them” (24). It is of particular importance that the author makes the statement because it acts as a refinery of the subject. It identifies that the author so that there is no need of visiting the facility to confirm the statement that Wells makes as pertains the subject. In fact, it is clear that Prendick’s thoughts are as a result of him, considering he engaged to the core of the problem.

The relationship between science and ethics and the risks of scientific inventions

In summary, it is worth highlighting that the author focuses on the theme of science in the novel and shows that while there could be problems conceptualizing the progress, there are still major advances today. The problem continues for a while before the reader is presented to the owners of the land in the later scenes of the plot. It is worth underlining that the theme of science as a mistake of nature is apparent and that ensured that many of the problems occurred as they did. The author’s primary focus is on tackling the relationship that exists between science and ethics as he tries to reconcile the two. The only setback is that the ends do not justify the means and thus there is a threat associated with the usage of many of its inventions that possess a huge risk to the sustainability of science as a whole.

Works Cited

Cohen, Margaret. “The Chronotypes of the Sea.” Space and Storey (2000): n. pag. Print.

Wells, H. G. The Island of Doctor Moreau. United Kingdom: Heinemann, Stone & Kimball, 1986. Print.

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