The Importance of Eye Contact in Public Speaking

Overcoming Challenges in Public Speaking

Despite preparing early enough for the presentation in my Public Speaking class, nervousness took a better part of me and I felt uncomfortable, making numerous grammar mistakes, as English is not my native language. The challenges above adversely affected my public speaking sessions; however, there are various strategies I could employ to address the problems, especially those measures that focus on improving my confidence such as maintaining eye contact with the audience. Maintaining eye contact with the audience aids in the enhancement of the confidence that the presenter exhibits thus ensuring that the speaker suitably interacts with the audience.

The Importance of Regular Practice

The second strategy I should have used is practicing regularly before the presentations. Notably, practice is essential in the course of identifying the flaws that are present in a given presentation and helps in the rectification of the problems that one is likely to encounter during public speaking sessions. Besides, there was the need to ensure proper timing of all the activities during any practice session to develop proper time management skills.

Effective Use of Notecards

As a way of managing the challenge of grammatical errors in the presentation process, I should have created notecards that contain the essential quotations, expressions, main points and transitional phrases. The use of notecards would have aided me in ensuring that I used the correct grammar and communicated adequately with my audience.

Eliminating Nervous Habits

Finally, I should have practiced on removing movements such as putting my hands in the pockets to make myself comfortable. Walking back and forth before the audience would have also played a critical role in the management of nervousness hence ensuring that I delivered an explicit presentation.

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