The Importance of Being Human

I always communicate and behave differently from social media than I do face-to-face. Since no one can see me, I tend to act differently while interacting with people in the social media. For instance, sometimes I try to look all put together and perfect online which might not be the case in reality.  In some instances, I try to be tough online, but in person, I am quiet and shy. I always don’t talk about negative things that happen to me while communicating online but I try to show that everything is fine. In the current society, people try to show a different image than how they are in real life. Most of the people hide behind their cell phones and computer screens, and therefore no one knows what is happening in their real lives.  On the other hand, not all the people behave and communicate differently online than they do face-to-face (Danet and Herring, 43).

            Being fully human means using our abilities and proving that we are worth to be the most intelligent and conscious being in the world. One constantly learns and raises bars, and there is no end to his or her satiety. Being fully human, one is always joyful with a huge perspective that is being constantly enlarged. An individual is in a position to discover things one never knew he or she was capable of understanding and perceiving. Furthermore, being human enables one to live in harmony with all the living things. We can be human while interacting with others in the virtual space. This is because people can interact harmoniously and use their abilities to solve their problems in a proof that they are worthy.

Works Cited

Danet, B., and S. C. Herring. The multilingual internet: Language, culture and communication online. Oxford University Press, 2007.

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