the idea of history

Consider how the concept of history and true historical narrative is treated in the texts you've read. What is one's perspective on history? Is it regarded as a strong and subversive force, or as mere insignificance? What is its purpose, and what are people hoping to do when they use it?
According to the stories I've read, I'm inclined to interpret history as an analytical discipline that uses a narrative to document, study, and evaluate a sequence of historical events in order to determine the pattern of cause and effect that describes the case. Studying the events of the past give us an understanding of how the world came to be, not only in your world but around the world including all cultures of people as well as nature. By learning about the causes and effects of events in history, people can learn, “The Savage Detectives” produces such an intense narrative in a book made of rotating monologs. The monologues tend to spin away from the two absentee main characters and diary entries of its most epicenter figure, despite this, large part of the savage detectives distinction is the virtually unprecedented achievement in multiply-voiced narration (Kunkel, n.p), the book shows how time punishes us for the rebellious dreams of young age, creating disappointments, illness, unable to reach our dreams and only, diminishing of youth life. History is essential since it permeates the past and legacies of the past in the present connecting ideas through time and instilling a sense of encouragement to those trudging down through the path of history.
View of History
History is seen as entry into to the past in light of the present moment. In The Savage Detectives, Bolano, together with his fellow poet, compatriot, and enigma Ulises Lima, plays a pivotal role as the founders of a poetry movement who later decide to engage on a quest that is purely based on hearsay to search a poet whose work had not been published. The two men introduce us into their life and poem writing in their teenage days up a time later in life that is till 1975. Over the course of the two months during this era, everyone is drinking too much an indication of desperation and anger, everyone believing to be part of a gang burying themselves into drugs, indulging in extreme sexual behaviors while making inflammatory remarks on the city’s established writes and stealing books despite this activities, the gangs stage a New year’s Eve escape from an enraged pimp.
The New Year’s Eve is mostly filled with weak or emotionally damaged teenagers who are operating outside the university system. Lina and Bolano at the book's center are shown as reversed as quasi-legendary figures. The portrait is a highly romantic one, and the reader can be forgiven if they find excess in all of this energy or a self-mythologizing impulse on the part of the author. The cumulative effect of the episodes is very astonishing because everyone is looking to understand what motivates Lima and Bolano even though they fail to do so, it makes out the story come out like a quest in which the truth is evasive, eventually unattainable. Evidently, in the story, “Suicide City,” After Mr. Hinojosa asks our protagonist the reason why he moved to Mexico he answered he had done that for the same reason as everyone else that is to look for money, to our amazement Mr. Hinojosa seemed satisfied with a reply (Suicide City, 151). Giving an answer like that is a clearly indicates that though historical times money has become the ultimate dream and nobody seems bothered that this trend.
In the suicide city, the chef’s personal history is not much to admire or peer into living by a code of principle that doesn’t require him to own a TV set, let alone a proper bed after his wife Teresa walked out on him. His life evolves and revolves around preparing and serving rich or delicate and appetizing food not having much to show for the world until an invitation comes knocking at his low-class restaurant to compete against the finest, something he isn’t sure of who would invite him to such a showcasing event. He initially worked at the University before being fired, Raul his friend finds him a job as a cashier before he finds his way into business and kitchen.
The event is scheduled to take place in Lima – a place the chef can’t hold back the surprise of its ugliness surpassed by its reputation with horrific casinos lined up along its avenue, a much different place compared to Mexico City where he hails from (Suicide City, 149). But Lima is known for its high record of suicidal tendencies arising not only due to economic strife, but victims tend to do it for the sake of love of falling from tall buildings or jump in front of moving train, Despite the humor in the statement Lima has been destroyed by sophisticated economic and political stand where political fragmentation and strife among indigenous people brought about the acceptance of a given superiority.
On the other hand Mexico, the chef’s revered origin is where his love for Teresa blossomed and matured into something real and nostalgic. A city where the chauffeurs get more tips than their wages from their generous revelers (Suicide City). Unfortunately, the amorous moment with Teresa turns tragic when she decides to walk out on him with his student. The heartbreak became too much to bear starving him for days until one day his best friend Raul walks on him coming to his rescue, giving him a job and introducing him to a friend who was opening up a restaurant in the United States serving nouveau – Mexican cuisine. And that’s how he ends up being a chef in DC.
Sadly, Aztecs and Incas Empire were one of the powerful empires which happened to fall into the hands of invaders who had the advantage of stronger weapons and strategy, technical superiority seems to be of limited importance due to the fact that invaders possessed few firearms bring us to a conclusion of the Decline of Aztec and Inca were primarily psychological. The settlements war bring about are majorly shaped by how the war is fought, bringing us back to our story and the reality that is hitting our primary persona after visiting the city of Lima whose ruins surpass the reputation and way worse compared to Mexico (Aztec empire), this can be explained by the fact that Incas empire lost it big during the war and rebuilding it back to its old self was undoubtedly impossible.

Use of History
History is view one the best teachers. However, if you forget the past, you are condemned to repeat it. The field is essential as it offers linkages between the past and present and understanding these linkages allow us to change as well as build upon a secure foundation, apparently, none of those steps can be undertaken without understanding where it started. Also, we are rooted in time, and we do pick up ideas from past occurrences, linking this with the past. Furthermore, understanding history may come with criticism, but everyone agrees that history well told is sweet. The subject allows us as learners to test our moral sense by learning from individuals who have passed through difficult settings. And finally, history has been a source of inspiration as it is not just a work of fiction but the continuous process of gathering and compiling facts.
Reasons why people evoke history
In the two stories, history manifests itself as some something powerful and subversive going by the fictions nature of the two short stories, history is irrelevant unless fortified by a sound understanding of worthy social, economic and political considerations, conversely the consequences of historical occurrences cannot be fully understood without an appreciation of how they happened. It invokes the power of imagination and creativity putting into play the relevant nature of history on the subject from which the writer decides to draw his talent, historians are at times interested in answering how the outcome came to pass all discussions of history, however. Through invoking human notions, it suggests that possibility of understanding ourselves better it will only be through understanding the choices, circumstances, and forces that brought us to the current situation.
“The Savage Detectives” is both wistful and fulfilling which is both poetry and widely about the difficulty of sustaining hopes of a youth even if we have a prove that their work was not a hoax, but the question we still have is where their dreams came from and what kind of poetic talent inflated the ambition of these young poets. The two short stories under discussion are fictitious in nature, written in a way that tries to invoke relevance. Making the readers have a lot to question in respect to the features of a style used to put together in the masterpiece.
The aim has always been to enable users to have a wider scope of reasoning as far as history is concerned and manipulating it to fit the context in play. In spite of uses of history being vast, the study must not be pinned down to just one field. Therefore, we should be asking for the relevance of history but asking ourselves now that we are living through history, how can we all best use this information to promote our world? Therefore, we have noted that the concept of history is in itself a broad and a rather interesting topic which brings us to question what are our aims when we invoke history, well, we would want to provide concepts and factual descriptions of events and past occurrences so as to reconstruct a complicated story from scattered sources like in our case of “The Savage Detectives” or “Implicit history of Aztec Empire”

Works cited
Hypothermia: Escape from Suicide City by Alvaro Enrigue
The Savage Detectives by Roberto Bolano

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