The line of reasoning Engel and Marx use in regards to human consciousness
The line of reasoning Engel and Marx use in regards to human consciousness is sound and supported by a wide range of concepts. They contend that the European countries saw that communism was a unifying force that brought people together in pursuit of a common objective. Then, since it was the power that may challenge them in their opposition to the people they stood to subjugate, they devised better ways to destroy it. The slaves who were abducted from their families to work as slaves for the Europeans were creating a fortune for the Europeans. They make it clear that prehistory was made of two distinct sides of every major thing that connected human beings. There were class struggles in which the leaders were so much trying to stay on top.
The society was divided mainly by income generating factors
The society was divided mainly by income generating factors which suggest that social stratification of the society began son many years back since time immemorial. There were freeman and slaves, lords and serfs and then there were the journeymen and the guild-masters. The latter apparently suggests that there were those who were out to oppress others and those that were subjects of oppression which is quite contrary to the real concept of human existence. People are all equal save for their wealth statuses. The change in the value and concept of human life according to Marx and Engel is the urge to get wealth which is a material condition. Since the lords and free man cannot work for themselves to attain the wealth they desire, they use the slaves and serfs to maintain a socio-economic class.