The Different Methods of Language Learning

Comprehending a Novel Language

Comprehending a novel language takes time and various techniques are used to achieve the same. The Direct Method is one of the most applied approaches for years. The procedure uses realia and visual aids to demonstrate the use of language. Learners get inducted into grammar by being prohibited from using their native language throughout the session. The Communicative Language Teaching (CTL) focuses on equipping learners with the ability to communicate effectively and appropriately in the various fields they may be exposed to or involved (Kasper, 2014). The approach requires a mutual interaction between the learner and the language users and allows learners to experiment the various way to pronounce something. Hence, language is used as a medium for naturing meaningful and ideal interactions.

The Tasks-based Learning Approach

The Tasks-based learning approach focuses on providing learners with exciting tasks that require them to use the language they know to complete the work (Richards, 2014). The attention is not on the completion of the work but the proper application of language throughout the job. The functions may be playing games or problem-solving, and the learners are allowed to use any language they want. The approach aims to enable learners to create their own language and get an opportunity for language accession. The Natural Approach argues that individuals learn languages the same way they understand their native language. Hence, the approach exposes learners to comprehensible language, which enables them to generate and build communication abilities (Richards' Rodgers, 2014). Hence, language is utilized as a tool for communicating meaning and vocabulary is critical in the process.


Kasper, G., " Kellerman, E. (2014). Communication strategies: Psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic perspectives. Routledge.

Richards, J. C., " Rodgers, T. S. (2014). Approaches and methods in language teaching. Cambridge university press.

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