The Death Penalty in The United States of America

The Issue of Death Penalty in the US

The issue of death penalty in the US has given rise to countless debates over the years and remains to be one of the most controversial topics in the country. There are a number of reasons why the opponents of the death penalty as a punishment are very strongly opposed to it. One of the reasons cited is that the practice of the death penalty is irrevocable and has claimed a big number of innocent lives who are executed for crimes that they did not commit, and by the time the new evidence has established the damage has already been done and cannot restore the person’s life. Additionally, the death penalty is seen as a discriminatory practice on grounds such as race and economic status whereby most people who face the executions are of African-American descent. Thus, it is necessary to do away with the inhumane practice of the death penalty and deal with the problems that are in the justice system extensively.

Arguments against Death Penalty in the United States

Death penalty is still legal in the United States of America despite the endless debates and controversies underlying it. The death penalty which is also referred to as capital punishment is employed by the military, the federal government and at least 31 states in the United States. Genocide, murder, espionage, treason, and war crimes are the most common offenses which are punishable by death. Several debates and concerns have been raised over the years whereby most citizens and organizations are opposed to the death penalty. In addition death penalty as a punishment is contradictory since it is final and does not allow the wrongdoers a chance to reform. Some researchers argue that death penalty is even an easy way out of their despicable offenses and cite that they should be left to rot in loneliness and let guilt kill them. Additionally, critics of the death penalty argue that using murder to punish a murderer is hypocritical and favor say that there are other methods which can be used such as life without parole. Therefore it is very clear that death penalty is unjustifiable justice and should be abolished in the US as well as other countries globally.

Death Penalty and Wrongful Convictions

Death penalty as a punishment is irrevocable and has claimed lives of many innocent people who are wrongly accused. Studies claim that a big number of people who are in prison or who have been executed as in this case have been found to be innocent later. A report by the Death Penalty Information Center reveals a big number of people who were wrongly executed, for example, the case of Ruben Cantu from Texas who was charged with capital murder in an attempted robbery when he was only 17 years old and was later executed in 1993. Later on the eyewitness Juan Moreno recanted his statement and said that he only identified Ruben as the San Antonio shooter due to the pressure from the authorities, but it was too late. Another example is the case of Joe Arridy who was wrongly executed for involvement in a murder case that occurred in 1936. Shockingly 72 years later Joe Arridy was granted a full posthumous pardon by the state of Colorado Governor, following new evidence that revealed the confessions was false and coerced. Therefore the death penalty is cruel and has resulted in many innocent deaths which are irreversible.

The Death Penalty and Racial Discrimination

The death penalty is discriminatory and promotes racism and inequality in the US as and the majority of those affected are poor people who cannot afford good and competent lawyers. According to Wells (2014) capital punishment has long existed in the United States but race and death penalty are closely linked whereby 42% of convicts in the death row are African-American while 95% of prosecutors are white which raises the issue of biasness. Moreover a research conducted by in Philadelphia revealed that black people are at a higher risk of being executed compared to other criminals despite the fact that the commit the same crime. The probability of African-Americans getting a death sentence is 3.9 higher than that of other similar convicts who are not black, which shows that race differences is used as a determining factor and influences the choices. Conversely, most judges and jurors and defense attorneys are white and racially biased, for example in Utah William Andrews was executed following racial discrimination from the white jury. The judge ignored the evidence citing racial discrimination from the jury and William who was mentally impaired was executed. This shows that death penalty is unjustifiable and promotes inequality.

Ending the Death Penalty for Criminal Justice Reform

Garrett (2017) argues that killing the death penalty will mark a new era of reviving criminal justice in the American system. The justice system in the US has been corrupted for a long time and ending the inhumane death penalty will provide a solution to wrongful executions, racial discrimination, and inequality, coerced confessions as well as forensic errors and lying eyewitnesses. There are several cases of innocent people who are executed based on unreliable forensic evidence and inadequate review after conviction as in the case of Claude Jones who was executed in Texas in 2000. The evidence which incriminated Claude Jones was found unreliable later on although the damage has already been done. Without the death penalty on the line, resources can be channeled towards preventing issues like unreliable evidence and informants, eyewitness misidentification as well as ensuring adequate post-conviction process. This will ensure necessary steps and procedures are followed during convictions and allow for reforms in the justice system. Humanity should be greatly valued and ensure even the worst of criminals are treated accordingly. It is the high time that the capital punishment is done away with and work toward a reformed justice system.

Ethical Concerns and International Human Rights

The proponents of the capital punishments should realize that this act is barbaric and should be abolished as soon as possible. This concept of using death as a punishment for a criminal who may or maybe not innocent should be highly disregarded as it is unethical and leads to even a more morally corrupt society. As such, a good number of studies show that the practice violates the international human rights. According to International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, all persons have a right to equal treatment before the law and should not be discriminated based on their race, sex, color, religion, language, political affiliations, property, national origin, birth or any other status. Therefore as seen in the paper the capital punishment is discriminatory and often affects those living in poverty and lack the means of getting good lawyers and end up executed whereby the rich criminals escape the death penalty. Proponents of the death penalty as well should also take into account the high number of innocent people who are wrongly executed and the psychological trauma and distress associated with the convicts which are exonerated from capital punishment.


To summarize it is with no doubt that problems associated are more severe and the country needs to rethink on the issue and abolish it completely. The death penalty has claimed many innocent lives leaving their families distressed and in pain. The individuals who are involved in the convictions such as judges and jury are biased and there are broader problems that the country should focus on to ensure a corrupt-free justice system which will ensure equality as well. The government has a duty to ensure reforms in the justice system to reduce the issues such as of racial discrimination, unreliable evidence, and coerced confessions. Conversely, a lot of people cite execution as less punitive compared to life without parole which should be considered as an alternative. It is, therefore, crystal clear that death penalty should be put to an end since it is irreversible and even posthumous pardoning from the authority cannot over tune the damage associated with wrongful convictions and executions. The belief that death penalty as a retributive justice is unreliable as seen from various outcomes in the United States. Thus, problems associated with the death penalty are incalculable and the practice should be abolished immediately.


Dieter, R. C. (2016). Smart on Time: Reconsidering the Death Penalty at a Time of Economic Crisis. A Report from Death Penalty Information Center, Washington, DC, octubre de 2009.

Garrett, B. L. (2017). End of Its Rope: How Killing the Death Penalty Can Revive Criminal Justice. Harvard University Press.

 Hood, R., " Hoyle, C. (2015). The death penalty: A worldwide perspective. OUP Oxford.

Wells, M. (2014). The Future of Capital Punishment in America: Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Decides.

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