The Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility

In recent times, the study of corporate social responsibility (CSR), has turned out to be one of the most studied topics in business and organization administration. The corporate social responsibility initiatives are measures and standards that have been developed by a firm to benefit a particular society (McWilliams, 2015). Through studies that have been conducted, CSR has been established to serve different purposes which have led to the classification of the CSR initiatives into different categories. According to the study by Harjoto, Laksmana and Lee, the initiatives developed under corporate social responsibility rely on sustainability, and the efforts can be classified into four classes (Harjoto, Laksmana " Lee, 2015). The first category is environmental responsibility. CSR initiatives that are categorized under this category are based on the ecological sustainability; in most cases, these initiatives are aimed at making sure that pollution is limited and that there is a reduction of the release of the greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. According to Schwartz, there has been an increased awareness about the environment, and people are becoming concerned about the pollution which has been affecting the environment (Schwartz, 2017). Because of this, many organizations have developed measures to make sure that the concerns of the public about the environmental effects of pollution and the release of greenhouse gases is addressed. CSR initiatives can also be classified under the philanthropic classification, under this initiative, the organization develops measures to offer resources such as money and time to a local or international charity organization. Donations that have been provided under the CSR by firms are directed towards activities such as the preservation of human rights, making sure that there is a provision of clean water, offering national relief and other worthy services that are aimed at making sure that the quality of lives of people is improved. According to the study by Ni and Van Wart, donations offered by CSR of various firms have been able to help in handling some of the issues that have been affecting the society for a long time (Ni " Van Wart, 2015). CSR initiatives can also be categorized as ethical business practices, under this classification, the main aim of the organizations is to make sure that they create an environment with methods that are ethical for both the business’ employees and the suppliers of various goods and services. According Schwartz to the, through CSR, many companies have been able to develop working environments that are ethical and that promote the practice of business between the employees of the organization and the other external entities such as the suppliers (Schwartz, 2017). Economic responsibility is the final classification of the CSR for various organizations. McWilliams also states that corporate social responsibility in some cases is applied by firms to make sure that it facilitates the long-term and short-term business growth strategies (McWilliams, 2015). In achieving this, the organizations need to make sure that they meet the required ethical standards.

            The moral problem of the corporate social responsibility is acknowledging the responsibility of the company to the society as a function. This is the way the company treats its employees or the way that the company chooses the CSR initiative and the community that has to benefit. Tai and Chuang state that an organization needs to differentiate between its preferences and the belief (Tai " Chuang, 2014). This is the way that companies choose to implement their corporate social responsibility initiatives; the implementation may end up benefiting the company economically instead of the company fluffing its social responsibility function of giving back to the society. Tai and Chuang add that; this is the case in some organizations, the organizations end up benefitting from the CSR while the company does not fulfill the social function responsibility that it needs to meet (Tai " Chuang, 2014).

            However, Schwartz states that organizations implement CSR initiatives because of the interest that is drawn from the public (Schwartz, 2015). For instance, environmental pollution has been an issue of concern for the general public for quite some time. Some of the activities being carried out are not sustainable, and the environment may not be able to support such events in the future. To address this issue, organizations have developed corporate social responsibility initiatives that are aimed at reducing environmental pollution and also making sure that the process of production is sustainable. The moral problem of the company benefitting from the CSR instead of the society can be addressed by developing or determine the way the firm fulfills the environmental responsibility to the community.

            According to Ni and Van Wart, an organization developing philanthropic initiatives offer a donation of their resources to good courses in the society (Ni " Van Wart, 2015). For instance, an organization can donate their funds to make sure that human rights are preserved, or people can get their basic needs. The study gives some examples of the way foundations have been able to offer donations to initiatives that are aimed at making sure that the quality of life for people in underdeveloped countries is improved. By considering these examples, we can be able to find ways that the society benefits from the different initiatives that the organization has established under its CSR. However, Tai and Chuang, states that the company might be implemented initiatives that are aimed at helping the company economically as compared to the benefits that the society leaps from such efforts (Tai " Chuang, 2014). For instance, a firm might find labor by outsourcing their workforce from cheaper nations so that it can avoid getting into bankruptcy or improving their gains. Ni and Van Wart address the issue by showing how the quality of the life of people is enhanced by the different initiatives created by the company under the CSR (Ni " Van Wart, 2015).

            The economic responsibility of the organizations implementing the CSR is aimed at developing practices that will promote the growth of the business in the long-term. Schwartz states that the practices that are executed by the organization, in this case, need to adhere to the standards of ethics that have been developed (Schwartz, 2017). The practices also need to meet the criteria for humane and environmental practices; this is to make sure that the society benefits from the practices that have been implemented by the organization as it grows. By looking at CSR initiatives from this perspective, it is possible to determine the different benefits that the society gets from CSR as compared to the interests of the firm. The study by McWilliams also states that organizations are aimed at making sure that CSR activities are aligned with ethical business practices (McWilliams, 2015). Firms work towards making sure that the methods that they are involved in provide fair labor practices for the employees, the business and society. By providing the employees with fair and equal pay, the organizations can improve the quality of life of individuals. This study develops an understanding of the way that organization provides help the society through CSR initiatives.


Harjoto, M., Laksmana, I., " Lee, R. (2015). Board diversity and corporate social responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 132(4), 641-660.

McWilliams, A. (2015). Corporate social responsibility. Wiley encyclopedia of management, 1-4.

Ni, A., " Van Wart, M. (2015). Corporate Social Responsibility: Doing Well and Doing Good. In Building Business-Government Relations (pp. 175-196). Routledge.

Schwartz, M. S. (2017). Corporate social responsibility. Routledge.

Tai, F. M., " Chuang, S. H. (2014). Corporate social responsibility. Ibusiness, 6(03), 117.

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