The Concept of Ableism

Ableism: Discrimination Based on Disabilities

Ableism is the discrimination of individuals based on their disabilities which might either be emotional, physical, or psychological. It limits people's potential since the disabled are disregarded in preference of the able-bodied individuals. Ableism gives the society the perception that people with disabilities require fixing and cannot be regarded as functional members of the community. Thus, many are alienated from social activities making them feel invaluable and a burden to the family responsible for looking after them. Notably, ableism primarily belongs to the psychological category of disability. Individuals facing ableism feels more like their efforts are not appreciated despite how hard they try (Zeilinger). Therefore, they mostly endure mental torture of hard thoughts since they are mostly on their own. From the discrimination by community members, the disabled view themselves as a burden since they mostly require the help of others.

Emotional Effects of Ableism

Ableism can also be grouped as emotional since, with the encountered discrimination, the disabled are mostly not able to express themselves. Thus, they are forced to uphold their emotional feelings to avoid shameful rejection. Individuals with ableism are subjected to adverse effects. For instance, in the case of a person with disabled legs, he or she is forced to deal with lots of stigma from the community. Such a person is marginalized and segregated from people with both legs (Narajos). The person mostly does not access some places following the use of a wheelchair. The individual also faces the effect of negative profiling due to dependence on family members.

Challenges Faced by Victims of Ableism

Ableism forces victims to deal with specific challenges to facilitate proper functioning. Firstly, use of ableist language that consistently reminds the person that he or she is disabled. Secondly, lack of autonomy from the able-bodied individuals from the community. The disabled are usually offered help even when they do not need it, thus making the person feel invaluable. Lastly, repeatedly having to answer questions relating to his or her disability (Zeilinger). During the narration, unpleasant memories endured in the past are evoked.

Works Cited

Narajos, Marco. "Why Ableism Hurts Society." Oxford Students' Disability Community, 31 July 2015, Accessed 8 Apr. 2018.

Zeilinger, Julie. "6 Forms of Discrimination Against Disabled People We Need to Retire Immediately." Mic, 7 July 2015, Accessed 8 Apr. 2018.

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