The children's studies

Studies on Children

Studies on children have largely taken into account recent developments that have affected how modern kids are perceived from a distinct global-historical perspective, departing from the conventional viewpoint. In particular, the book and materials have shown how human societies have greatly evolved over millennia, highlighting how much more difficult and problematic today's youth is than it was in the past. Despite recent initiatives to raise children's standards of living, many children have experienced significant challenges like child abuse and violence, while others continue to live in extreme poverty and increasing inequality.

My Understanding of Children's Studies

My understanding of children's studies has greatly changed as a result of the reading materials. Certainly, I now understand that for the world to realize the significant social and economic blueprints like the Sustainable Development Goals, focus on children must be incorporated into primary global agenda for prosperity. Indeed, if the current developments being experienced against children are allowed to proceed without any changes, several nations are likely to encounter unique environments that hinder sustainable growth and developments in the future. Besides, from the reading materials, I have realized that children are influential in shaping the future (Stearns 15). Therefore, the materials echo the remarkable suffering and negative challenges affecting children while also providing practical solutions to global stakeholders.

Empowering Child Development

The study of children's studies has also empowered me to contribute towards child development and improvement by helping solve the numerous challenges affecting children using skills in mathematics that I am undertaking. For instance, the extreme level of violence being witnessed in the world has reached unprecedented degrees currently. All the nations and communities are experiencing high intensities of child violence with approximately one billion children below the age of fifteen years encountering physical punishment regularly. Similarly, over 25% of girls from 15 to 19 years old have recounted experiencing physical violence (Unicef 1). Similar experiences have also been noted by the United Nations (1) which point to child abuse still being a significant challenge irrespective of substantial improvements being registered by many countries concerning the improvements on child health. Therefore, I have realized that even in my profession, I still have a duty to ensure that children live in peace away from child abuse and physical violence. In particular, girls have faced increasingly dangerous environments that would negatively impact their growth and development processes.

Career Aspirations

Thirdly, children's studies also link to my career aspirations in which I hope to take an active part in the protection of vulnerable and marginalized children in the society. Children who face harsh living conditions need adequate protection through investment into their development agenda. For instance, there should be increased investment in child education for empowerment purposes. Besides, more funds need to be preserved for improving child nutrition, the provision of clean water, and sanitation improvement. More investment funds should equally be used in the provision of quality healthcare services (Platt 1). Hence, my plan towards the provision of vital social services entails funds mobilization in support of children's better health care. Most of the challenges that children have been encountering, especially in the developing nations, are anchored on poverty since the governments are unable to provide favorable living conditions within which children would obtain all the essential services and protection they need.

Future Research Project

The children's studies substantially relate to my future research project, which shall focus on education improvement techniques. Educating children is a practical way of investing in the future because children will be the major contributors to economic and social development practices in the future. Therefore, educating them would ensure the availability of a competent workforce that will be able to establish efficient, cost-effective policies, thereby facilitating economic growth and development in the future. The research will, therefore, focus on how children can be offered quality education that meets their specific demands, especially given the high level of technological improvements.


In conclusion, the materials, as well as the book, have sufficiently equipped me with adequate information regarding the significant challenges facing children in different nations. The articles widely cover some of the interventions that, if followed, would help in developing an appropriate strategy towards the alleviation of children's suffering and subsequent growth and development process. Indeed, there is a need for a multi-sectoral approach as well as the cooperation of all the stakeholders to ensure that children are protected from the emerging challenges for the sake of future generations.

Works Cited

Platt, Brian. Voices of Meiji Educational Reform and Counterreform: Educational Reform in Japan (19th c.), Children and Youth in History module .

Stearns, Peter N. Childhood in World History. 3rd ed., Routledge, 2017.

Unicef. A post-2015 world fit for children, an agenda for everychild 2015. Unicef, 2015.

United Nations. Millenium Development Goals and Beyond 2015: Reduce child mortality. UN, 2013.

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