The Advantages and Disadvantages of Genetic Engineering

A new age of genetic engineering

A new age is faced by humanity when controlling the very life's fabric by playing with the living organism genes is becoming a common practice. Such new method is continuously becoming a profit-driven, powerful, and rapidly growing industry (Hoffmann 241). By definition, genetic engineering refers to the process genes transfer from one organism into another. In such a process, specific units are also assigned thus resulting in the production of a genetically modified organism (Nixon 182).

Potential dangers of genetic engineering

Completely different species can be added to each other through the use of genetic engineering traits. In fact, not enough research has been conducted because the science filed is new (Blake 571). For this reason, genetic engineering can be dangerous for both environment and human health. It should be restricted and carefully observed by law. As a result, people will have to take precautions and the adverse effects will be prevented or limited (Nixon 189).

Concerns about GMO products

Presently, there are almost no restrictions on the products of GMO. The products should be labeled as such to make consumers aware of the kind of food they are eating. It has been proven that inserting genes from one organism to another can result in the cause of severe reaction to individuals with allergies (Hoffmann 242). There are also some concerns that the combination of different genes can create new allergies.

The need for regulation and safety measures

Evidently, genetic engineering is likely to cause severe harm to the environment if not carefully controlled by law. It is a powerful technology of science (Blake 592). By experimenting with DNA and genes, scientists may one day succeed in curing deadly diseases. However, the technology can be hazardous if not restricted and observed (Nixon 212). Overall, genetic engineering should be controlled by law to enhance safety to human life and environment.

Works Cited

Blake, Meredith. "Should Health Professionals Be Under A Legal Duty to Disclose Familial Genetic Information?" Commonwealth Law Bulletin, vol. 34, no. 3, 2008, pp. 571-593. Informa UK Limited, doi:10.1080/03050710802268083.

Hoffmann, D. E. "SCIENCE AND LAW: When Should Judges Admit or Compel Genetic Tests?" Science, vol. 310, no. 5746, 2005, pp. 241-242. American Association for The Advancement of Science (AAAS), doi:10.1126/science.1117972.

Nixon, David. "Should UK Law Reconsider the Initial Threshold of Legal Personality? A Critical Analysis." Human Reproduction " Genetic Ethics, vol. 16, no. 2, 2010, pp. 182-217. Informa UK Limited, doi:10.1558/hrge. v16i2.182.

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