Technology in Our Lives

When I was young, I had an interest in technology, and I fancied the new devices which were being developed. It was interesting to explore this new world; I was fascinated to find out how it worked and the need to have the technological advancements which were being made. It was interesting to find the various ways that one could create communications with others through the laptop. I enjoyed that new way of communication. 

Few years on, a lot of advancements have been made on technological devices, instead of using huge machines such as desktop computers and laptops to communicate, people can now use now use smaller devices such as smartphones to communicate. I am fascinated with the capabilities of a smartphone when compared to its size. It is so amazing to have a phone with apps that let you see interact with other people around the world. It is also a chance to meet up with new people, and I have been able to make new friends. I was involved in that new kind of life, I like the way smartphones, and new technological devices have transformed the world, and the way communication is done.

However, now it has become quite challenging, I find it difficult to live a moment without my phone. I spend most of my time checking social media and communication applications such as WhatsApp, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, etc. This has adversely affected my life especially my studies as a college student. I find it difficult to focus in classes. I used to read from a screen, not a book, and little written not a punch.  

Not just that, I also find it hard to deal with people around me. I feel like I’m good at texting and posting my feelings through social media. Because of social media, my life has changed. Social media might be a right kind of development in our lives, but I couldn’t balance between the life portrayed on social media and real-life situations.


A memoir provides an avenue where one can share his or her personal experiences and the lessons that he or she has learned from some experiences. In this case, I share the experience that I have had using smartphones and technology gadgets such as laptop computers in my daily activities. I specifically share my experience of using social media communication and networking services such as Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. Apart from the sharing the experience that I have had using social media websites, I wrote this memoir to allow others understand the interest that I have had since my childhood and the way technology has advanced over time. This memoir gave me an opportunity for personal sharing, and it is written for my friends and classmates. The audience for this memoir is small because as a personal experience, it means that a few people can be able to understand what I go through and can be able to relate with the experience that I have shared. In this case, my family members and my classmates are my audiences because they can relate to the experiences that I am sharing in this memoir.

An ideal memoir needs to present the experience of an individual realistically. It should also be able to use a language that is understandable and which will make it easier for the audience to relate to the experiences that are being shared. A memoir should also be short, precise and straightforward. The narration should be simplified so that the audience can be able to feel the experience being shared. In this case, I created a memoir that is short and precise. I have given my experience and used a language that is simple which can be understood by all other individuals in the intended audience. I have also given examples of the social media communication and networking applications that I use on my smartphones which have made it hard for me to set time for studies and which have been consuming much of my time. Through these examples, others can be able to relate with my experiences; this is because, at some point, they have used the applications or have heard about them.

In writing this memoir, I organized my work in a systematical manner which enabled me to explain the different events that took place in my life since I was a child to my time now as a college student. I start the memoir by explaining how my childhood was and the things that interested me. I then stated the way technology has changed and the way my fascination has been changing over time. The advancements in technology changed my view on different things, and this has also made me change my interests. I then give my experience on how this has affected me and my development. A memoir needs to provide an organized view of the personal experience of an individual, the audience or readers need to understand the particular point in time that the narrator is giving his or her audience so that they can be able to relate with the experiences being shared. In this case, I have chronologically organized the memoir so that individuals can be able to understand the lessons that I am going through and the particular time when I am affected. The memoir is comprised of my personal experiences; it does not contain outside sources.

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