Stanford 5 vs. Stanford 6 comparison

The Comparison Between Stanford 5 and Stanford 6

The first obvious comparison between Stanford 5 and Stanford 6 is that while the former is a self-narrated account of an experience that Harry Kraemer had, the latter is a reported account in which Catherine O'Brien informs us of the six principles that Dr. Robert Cialdini developed to bring about desired change.

Setting and Careers

Second, the Stanford 5 narrative takes place at International Baxter Health Care, where Harry Kraemer claims to have worked for 25 years. Stanford 6 is set at Stanford University, where Catherine O'Brien welcomes the audience with "Welcome to Stanford University." Additionally, the career of the narrator in the first story in Stanford 5 is a teacher where she says that she spent time teaching at Northwestern at Kellogg School While the Career of Dr. Robert Cialdini the narrator in Stanford 6 is business man and importantly investigator, communicator and explorer of different ideas.

Talks and Presentations

Moreover, in Stanford 5 the narrator at one point is given a talk by Harry where he says, "Could you give me a talk," while in the second story, the narrator who is Dr. Robert Cialdini is giving a talk to the students in Stanford University.

Storyline and Lesson

The story in Stanford 5 generally talks about the personal experience of Catherine, where she tries to explain her experience when she landed a job in International Baxter Health Care Company, while the second story in Stanford 6 is moral of a training or lesson by Dr. Robert Cialdini to teach people about the six principles of bringing about desirable change.

As if not enough, the story in Stanford 5 is more of narration where Catherine tries to tell her story about her life in her new workplace, while the second story in Stanford 6 is more of a class lesson where an expert or a teacher tries to instill knowledge about something to his students.

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