She Stoops to Conquer

Oliver Goldsmith's comedy "She Stoops to Conquer"

Oliver Goldsmith's comedy "She Stoops to Conquer" first wowed audiences in London in 1773, and has remained a perennial favorite in English literature classes around the world. In fact, it is one of the few 18th century plays that still hold a certain level of appeal.

The Plot of the Play

The plot involves a barmaid who must win the heart of her aspiring husband by pretending to be a barmaid. She pretends to be a barmaid in order to win his heart.

Background of the Play

The play She Stoops to Conquer, written in 1773 by Oliver Goldsmith, is about a young woman who pretends to be a barmaid in order for a man she likes to fall in love with. Originally titled Mistakes of a Night, this play is a satire about the futility of love. In it, Kate Hardcastle is a woman who aspires to be a good wife but finds herself unlovable. Using a clever ruse, Kate Hardcastle wins Marlow's heart by pretending to be a barmaid in order to win his heart. This play is well-constructed and appears to have been written with great skill. The exposition is clear and the plot moves forward well. Miss Hardcastle conquers the shyness and reserve of Marlowe and wins his heart. This is a satire of class differences and societal expectations. However, the play is not without its pitfalls. For example, Miss Hardcastle reveals herself to be too shy when addressing upper-class ladies. Despite being a satire, it is still an enjoyable romantic comedy.

Parent-Child Relationships in the Play

The play has three strategies that are used in parent-child relationships. The first one is deception and resistance. This is demonstrated by the way Tony responds to his mother and by his reaction to his wife. The second strategy is compromise. Kate's actions are justified by Mr. Hardcastle's attitude toward Kate. The play was written in 1773 and is still considered to be a comedy despite its satire on social status.

Social Status and Appearance

Although the play is a romantic comedy, it also explores the way social status affects people's perceptions. In a class-based society, it is common for people to appear to be someone they are not, and this play highlights the misunderstanding. Amidst the satire, She Stoops to Conquer shows that a woman's reality is often different from her appearance. In order to win Tony's heart, she must pretend to be a barmaid. In a world where society is obsessed with appearance, true love will always triumph over the deceitful nature of a man. Kate, in addition to her beauty, tries to impress Marlow by appearing in a revealing costume. Despite her appearance as a barmaid, Marlow mistakenly thinks her to be very attractive. When she is discovered to be a barmaid, Kate accuses Marlow of taking liberties with her and rejects the marriage. But when Kate tells her true identity to Hardcastle, Marlow is shocked and accepts her offer.

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