Sex and Psychological Needs

Everyone possesses essential psychological needs which if not meet we suffer severely. Just in a similar manner, we need food, shelter, and clothing; we require fulfillment of our psychological desires to remain stable and mentally healthy. According to psychological studies, psychological needs can be narrowed down into four categories which entail self-esteem, connection, security, and autonomy. Moreover, for an individual to be happy, all the four needs should be met consistently. Failure to meet all these needs our minds rationalizes ways of meeting the needs that can go even at the expense of our mental or physical health. Nevertheless, we have social and psychological strategies for meeting these needs. For instance, learning martial arts fulfills individual esteem and security.

Sex is a strategy used by people in meeting the psychological needs but not the need itself.

As there is no evidence that asexuality and celibacy are psychologically or physically unhealthy, one does not die from failing to have sex. However, these do not mean we should not have sex. Sex is great as it makes us healthier people and happier. Sex is not a psychological or biological need but instead another drive (Snyder, Mark, and Kay 236). Conversely, if psychological needs go unmet for a long span, it leads to physical and mental problems. Therefore, an individual can develop additions, delusions, and neuroses. Researchers indicate that social isolation can be more harmful than even smoking and alcoholism (Snyder, Mark, and Kay 236). Hence people have evolved to use sex in meeting their psychological desires but not their physical needs.

Gender and differing needs

There has being a great misunderstanding regarding gender and sex from the fact that women and men typically use sex to satisfy their various requirements. In the nineteenth centuries, women secured their future and the health of their children through marrying a successful man. They, therefore, sought sex as a form of security. Similarly, in the current days, there is a great appeal to the man who can provide a stable and secure environment for a woman.

Nevertheless, there is a history of women suffering from having their sexuality suppressed and shamed by their society. They, therefore, feel the antagonistic relationship between their need for esteem and sex (Snyder 292). Hence, they are most likely to use their sex to seek their need for connection as a society has habituated them to feel deprived regarding themselves for using sex for other reasons. Traditionally, on the other hand, men have used their sex as a symbol status with other men. It was believed that if a man sleeps with many women was viewed as a successful. Thus, men are conditioned in seeking sex for the fulfillment of their need for self-esteem.

As men and women had pursued sex in fulfilling their numerous psychological needs, they misunderstood each other hence criticizing one another for failure to meet needs they want to be met (Buss 21). Women view men as being desperate and insecure where else man think women are manipulative and clingy. Women expect men to have a similar need for connection that they have contrary to men who assume women use sex as a tool for self-esteem just like they do.

Sex and mind

We usually think sex as something our body is doing, but in the real sense, most of our sex life takes place in our brains. Hence it is crucial to understand that feelings and thoughts play a significant role in keeping us on the way. Depression can significantly affect the moods and arousal sometimes. The fight with mental illnesses in a variety of forms can hurt individual self-esteem making him/her feel unworthy of sexual attention. For instance, a person may have an unrealistic view regarding his or her own body which can force him or her to discipline or deny the body as a means of coping. People can be forced to look for other alternatives such as medicines (Buss 23). However, substance use can provide restrictions in a person’s sexual interest. Some of the drugs used can damage the brain making it less able to attain pleasure from sex for a specified period. These substances can interfere with the normal functioning of the brain making a person do things which would not have done when sober such as having sex in public places.

Furthermore, mental health glitches such as mania can be associated with seeking dangerous situations, for example, having unprotected sex with strangers or instead seeking escalating levels of humiliation and violence. This can have adverse effects on individual’s ability in finding interest when having sex with their partners.

Understanding the effects of sex can shed light on the other parts of individual health. Sex makes the individual feel good that is why we spend a lot of time looking for mates. The pleasure obtained from sex is due to the release of dopamine which rewards or activates the brain due to its neurotransmitter (Snyder 328). Likewise, research shows that sex relieves pain for instance when a person has a headache. The results of the study show that doing the deed relieves the symptoms. There is a connection between sex and the brain. When people have sex, the brain releases dopamine which enhances the memory as well as strengthening attention. Other research also shows that sex increases motivation and creativity (Snyder 328).

Psychological health, physical health, and marital quality

Poor physical health has adverse impacts on the psychological distress among relationships and individuals. When it comes to the individual level, deprived physical health raises the risk for poor mental health (Buss 18). At the relationship levels, individuals who are experiencing psychosomatic suffering causes a stressful interaction with their spouses resulting in a poor marital quality. Hence, within this framework, the dangers poor psychological health is increased by deprived physical health that causes stress accelerating the chances of adverse interaction between partners. These factors are most common among the older adults.


The science of understanding sex and psychology benefits the society thus enhancing people’s lives. A proper understanding of psychology and sex is what provides sexual energy that motivates interpersonal relationships. The desires of the brain greatly influence the human sexuality. The functioning of the brain plays a vital part in the human sex. If the brain contains positive thoughts regarding sex, then it will lead to satisfaction unlike when the brain is pessimistic.  Therefore, the brain controls sexual behaviors of individuals.

Work’s Cited

Winegard, Benjamin M., Bo M. Winegard, and Robert O. Deaner. "Misrepresentations of evolutionary psychology in sex and gender textbooks." Evolutionary Psychology 12.3 (2014): 147470491401200301.

The article talks about the differences in the human sex. It provides comprehensive information regarding behavioral, cognitive, and morphological differences in sex. Similarly, it gives detailed data regarding assumption made with regards to the psychology of sex.

Buss, David. Evolutionary psychology: The new science of the mind. Psychology Press, 2015. P.1-25.

The article gives the evolution of human cognitive biasness due to their way of perception. With respects to sexual attractiveness which varies from one person to the other. The author gives wide-ranging evidence in the viewpoint of numerous people and gender.

Diamond, Stephen. The Psychology Of Sexuality. 2014, Accessed 6 Mar 2018.

This article gives precise information concerning the psychology of sexuality. It provides the fundamentals of sex in the interaction of man and women. Moreover, it provides the benefit of having sex.

Snyder, Mark, and Kay Deaux. "Personality and social psychology: Crossing boundaries and integrating perspectives." The Oxford handbook of personality and social psychology. Oxford University Press, 2012. P. 1-478

The book provides a clear data concern social and personality psychology of people. It identifies personal strivings, motives, and values. It gives theoretical perspective on human psychology as well as the selected problems.

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