A study to see if gender influences the amount of nausea felt when witnessing perspective-motion in a virtual reality setting.
What will be your dependent measure and how will you measure it, and how will you operationalize your research question?
The dependent measure, which should indicate the amount of nausea, would be operationalized using a 0-to-5 scale, with the main categories being none, anticipated, mild, moderate, great, and severe nausea (Halpin, Huckabay, Kozuki, Forsythe, 2010). They supplied meals to subjects following the experiment to obtain a subjective evaluation. The main parameters dividing one level from the other are a participant response about nausea presence, ability to eat or take medications by mouth, dry heaves.

Explain and justify the minimum effect size you would wish to have the power to detect, or the widest confidence interval you would plan for.

The minimum effect size I would wish to have the power to detect is the mild level of nausea, as soon as this level is the first one achievable and reportable at the short-term conditions of the experiment. The none level is insignificant and the anticipated level is relevant for long-term observation in the clinical conditions not related to VR environment but health conditions of participants.

Explain and justify the sampling strategy you will use to recruit subjects, and determine any experimental group assignment.

The sampling strategy I plan to use for recruiting is a rational subgrouping. This method will allow getting comparable samples differentiating by gender alone. The criteria of subgrouping could be an ethnical group (3 main groups) and age (4 groups). These additional criteria will let to divide influence of corresponding factors on the outcome from the effect by gender. Age is a relevant criterion for grouping as soon as the brain structures responsible for the perception of the balance and related to the nausea feeling may be affected by the aging process. Ethnic group criterion is chosen as a factor due to possible differences in perception formed by geography and imprinted to genetic lines in the long-term period.

The sample includes participants of both genders in equal amount, all of them are healthy and has not serious anomalies in the brain development as well as the gender corresponding to their initial sex characteristics. Experiment group assignment has a between-subject design. In each group includes an equal number of participants of particular age group and ethnical group. Therefore, in experiment participate two samples with the same structure by different genders.

Design an ANOVA model suitable for analyzing the results of your study. What will independent variables be factors in your analysis? Identify whether each factor would vary within-subject or between subjects. What covariates would you consider measuring or including?

In the ANOVA model, the factors in the analysis will be the gender, ethnical group, age. The gender would vary between subjects, as well as two other factors. Covariates that I consider including in the study are gender*age, gender*ethnical group, gender*age*ethnical group.

Describe how a pattern of results in the ANOVA model might (a) provide direct support for or (b) challenge, your experimental hypothesis. You may include a figure to represent these patterns in your answer if you wish. Explain which main effects or interactions in your analysis would provide the most direct evidence regarding your research hypothesis.

a) The pattern of the result in the ANOVA model that will provide direct support to the hypothesis about the significant effect of gender on the amount of nausea in the experimental conditions is the visible difference between average values for groups by gender. As well, I will account for a positive pattern the visible difference between average values for groups by gender at any particular age group or particular ethnical group and will use it for the next investigation. Finally, the visible diffidence between average levels of nausea for a particular gender, age, and ethnicity group will be an interesting result of the experiment, however, that will not prove the general hypothesis.

b) The pattern of the result in the ANOVA model that will challenge this hypothesis is slightly differentiating averages for gender groups at any level of factorial subdivision till the gender*age*ethnical group level of realization.

Critically evaluate the design you have proposed, identifying at least one strength and one weakness of the design.

The strength of the experiment design is a using of rational subgrouping sampling strategy that allows externalizing effects of some criteria having a significant effect on the outcome. Therefore, it allows getting more clear effect measurement for gender.

The weakness of the proposed design is the subjective evaluation of nausea and the lag in time between observing motion by participants and application of such measures of nausea evaluation as feeding.

Work cited

Halpin, Angela, Huckabay, Loucine, Kozuki, Jessica, and Forsythe, Deborah. Weigh the benefits of using a 0-to-5 nausea scale. Nursing (2010): Vol. 40(11): 18–20.

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