The Study of Classical Antiquity and Renaissance Humanism
The study of classical antiquity, which started in Italy and then spread throughout Western Europe during the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries, is referred to as Renaissance humanism (Houston, 2014).
Classical Antiquity
Classical antiquity is a long period of human development focused on the Mediterranean Sea and encompassing the merged cultures of Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece (Houston, 2014). It corresponds to the period when Roman and Greek civilization flourished and had a large presence in Southwestern Asia, Europe, and North Africa.
Renaissance Humanism
Renaissance humanism was a form of a reaction to the utilitarian approach, as well as what emerged as the "narrow pedantry" linked to medieval scholasticism (Houston, 2014).
The Leading Humanists
The leading humanists were great gatherers of antique manuscripts and included Francesco Petrarca (Petrarch), Poggio Bracciolini, Coluccio Salutati, and Coluccio Salutati. Petrarch was named the "Father of Humanism" due to his devotion or dedication to Roman and Greek scrolls (Houston, 2014). Some of the humanists, such as Petrarch, worked for the Catholic church while others, such as Salutati, worked as lawyers and chancellors of various cities in Italy, where they had access to different book-copying workshops (Houston, 2014).
The Goals of Renaissance Humanism
What the humanists wanted to achieve, and which they did accomplish, was creating a citizenry capable of writing and speaking with clarity and eloquence, hence able to engage in their communities' civic life, as well as persuade others to engage in prudent and virtuous actions (Houston, 2014). The humanists accomplished their mission by studying the "studia humanitatis," currently referred to as humanities, which include grammar, history, rhetoric, moral philosophy, and poetry. Renaissance humanism was, therefore, a program aimed at reviving the literary legacy, cultural legacy, as well as the classical antiquity's moral philosophy (Houston, 2014).
Houston, T. (2014). Renaissance Humanism. Philo, 17(1), 44-58.