Let me separate "PTSD" from the preceding sentence so that I have "PTSD" on one side and "How soldiers are affected" on the other. So, there's PTSD; it affects a lot of soldiers. As a result, "how" will explain the symptoms of PTSD in these soldiers to me. Soldiers are affected by post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). How do you do it?
How do you do it?
Being traumatized myself can explain a little, but as a soldier who has served in numerous battles and has been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, I can better understand the consequences. That means I'll have to consult with such troops to find out how they're feeling. But, to make sure that my encounter with these soldiers wasn't a fluke, I did some research. The web is loaded with rich sources of information. The internet is where I shall go but I shall zoom in on the United States. I shall use Google search with the sentence, “How Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) affects United States soldiers, today.
The article, “The Psychological effects of the Vietnam war” posted by an expert team headed by Hochgang, is relating experiences of soldiers. Then Junger’s article titled, “How PTSD became a problem far beyond the battle field”, has quotations of affected soldiers (I shall note them). But wait a minute, wow; I like the scholarly way the National Institute of Mental Health (NIH) is going about my topic. These guys suffer insomnia, dejection, exaggerated startle, etc. Oh no, I’m going bananas. OK; I need to group the comments and inputs on this topic into three different parts, namely: Humanist point of view, Social scientist point of view and the Natural scientist point of view. This way I can arrange on paper, how PTSD affects soldiers today.
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Identifying Topic Rationale for Proposed Study
I have chosen the topic: How Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) affects soldiers today.
I care to know and understand the experiences of people diagnosed with PTSD, especially active duty soldiers and veterans. It is my hope that the public shall be more accommodative of these affected people in our society, when they become properly informed of it.
Soldiers with PTSD deserve to lead normal civilian lives, like their family members and friends.

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