Professionalism in the Teaching Profession

Professional educators are supposed to dress up appropriately and should always pay attention to their appearances. This is because this reflects their educator’s positive attitude towards work and life. An educator looking scruffy could give students a negative impression, and this should not be the case. Professional educators should act professionally through the use of proper language and manners at all times as this shows devotion and caring for their students (Patton et al.36). The standards that guide professional educators’ actions are the NEA Code of Ethics and the Model Code of Ethics for Educators. Alongside this, a professional educator should act according to any school’s code of ethics. Such codes are, for instance, responsibility, availability and being presentable at all times. Professional educator conduct should be consistent with the Christian Worldview because teachers are always learning to love their students without making any judgments.

Peer Response #2

Professional educators have several vital principles that hold them accountable. Their trust depends on the professional conducts and responsibilities higher as required by the law (Heath). They should demonstrate commitments to high standards that include knowledge demonstration and represent a responsible use of resources, data, and materials as well as acting at the best interest of their students. Teachers can work at their job through the Christian worldview by integration of Faith, learning, and work. This means that the creation of the universe with everything in it serves as a universal principle that brings sense to the world we are living.

Peer Response #3

Professional educators resemble teachers who are passionate about education. They believe in knowledge and that students can accomplish what they have set as goals (Heath). The apply principles and values that they firmly believe in and always work towards making a difference in the lives of students. They share a common goal which is to help students master and achieve their goals. The GCU statement on Integration of Faith, Learning, and Work, states how students can make anything that they set their mind to do. Teachers come in handy in helping and supporting them to achieve the best education. They work extra hours to support the students, community and also families.

Question 2

Yes, I believe that some changes are needed in the U.S education to enable teachers to be treated as professionals. To begin with, professional educators portray the qualities of individuals who are highly educated in the learning profession. I agree with Howard’s opinion because they are vital people in the society and they ought to be treated professionally to enhance them teach our children well. Teachers ought to be considered and be treated as experts, and a professional in this case is an individual certified according to their area of expertise and thus accorded autonomy and prestige, in turn, to perform at high levels. This embraces making disinterested and complex judgments under various circumstances of uncertainty.

Professionals, therefore, are worthy living a comfortable life. However they do not enter such ranks for power or wealth, but instead, it’s a calling for them to serve. Similar to other professions such as lawyers or doctors, teachers should also behave professionally despite them not considering themselves as one and also not receiving such fair treatments. A teaching career is a wanted position, and with the right kind of incentives provided, it would not be a significant issue for the policymakers. Teaching should be considered with a high degree of professionalism to help in providing high levels of education as witnessed in countries that are deemed successful in learning.

Peer Response #1

I agree with the response from peer #1 in conjunction with Howard Gardner’s position of introducing changes for the teachers to start being treated as professionals. It is true that teachers are undeniably essential people in the community (The Washington Post). With efficient educational systems, learners can excel and become professionals as also teachers get a guarantee of being treated as professionals. A teacher’s salary should match that of other professionals for instance lawyers or doctors. Teachers impart social and human capital which is a characteristic of other professionals. High degree of professionalism is required in the education systems thus ensuring teachers receives treatments for professionals.

Peer Response #2

Changes are required in educational systems to ensure teachers are treated as professionals. Many people do not respect teachers, for instance, at the workplace, many teachers regret choosing their career. This is because parents lack respect for them and are always blamed for a child’s learning and behavior. The administration also does not support them when there is a disagreement between the teachers and the parents (The Washington Post). A teacher’s salary also is not favorable, making teachers have second jobs to meet their needs. However, teachers do not regard themselves as professionals and thus limiting them to be considered as professionals. Teaching is a calling like any other profession and should, therefore, be accorded as such.

Question 3

In the famous Sermon on the Mount Jesus distinguished the earthly and heavenly treasures. Earthly treasures are corruptible and evanescent while those treasures in heaven will never pass away. Whatever your heart desires show what you genuinely treasure and this does not mean we should not have any aspirations, but Jesus says that whatever we choose to let it be a heavenly treasure.

Question 4

Every student can learn, just not on the same day or in the same way, is a quote by George Evans that means that every student is treated as an individual, acknowledging that various students learn in distinct ways and also at different speeds. Others may get concepts in a glance while others may require repetition. All students should be supported in achieving success their way.

Works Cited

Grand Canyon University. (2018). State on the Integrations of Faith and Work.

Heath, Mellisa, et al. An analysis of Missouri school districts' ethics policies as related to educator decision making at the district level. Diss. Saint Louis University, 2015.

The Washington Post. Retrived from

Integration of Faith, Learning and Work at Grand Canyon University. (n.d.). Retrieved from One

National Education Association (NEA). (n.d.) Code of Ethics.

Patton, Cheryl, Natasha Webster, and JoAnne Moore-Dent. "The Integration of Spirituality and Transformational Leadership in Higher Education." Journal of Instructional Research 6 (2017): 35-41.

The foundation of Grand Canyon University: Retrieved from

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