Principles of Scientific Management in Understanding People in an Organisation

Relationship Between Employees and Administration

For an organisation to be efficient, it must do away with the old ways of management and Embrace the scientific methods. Taylor 2016 stated that many people in an organisation believe that the relationship between the employees and the administration is antagonistic. He pointed out that scientific management has refined this belief and had laid a firm foundation where the interests of both the employees and the management are the same.

Advantages of Applying Scientific Management Styles

Scientific management synthesises workflows and improves labour productivity (Khurana 2009). This is possible because scientific means of doing things replace the rule of thumb which means that the decisions taken by management are final. This discussion seeks to identify advantages an organisation will achieve by applying scientific management styles. The benefits will include cooperation, sharing the same interests between the management and the employees, harmony, improved productivity and also a mental revolution.

Embracing Changes and Interactions

Leybourn 2013, highlighted that a change in how people in an organisation think, work and embrace changes will enable them to grab new opportunities that will help in outperforming in the ever competing market. This brings the idea of accepting changes, interactions between the management and the employees so that they can both listen to the other side and come up with constructive ideas. According to Taylor 2016, the essential object of both management and workers should be the development of each other so that each can improve. This is a critical change from the old belief that employees and management could not interact and give out ideas and implement those that would bring benefits to the organisation.

Cooperation between Employees and Management

For any organisation to prosper, there must be cooperation from all parties. Cooperation, confidence and goodwill must always prevail between the employees and the management (Bauer 2012). He stated that both parties would realise it is profitable upon cooperation and teamwork. This cooperation is a crucial determinant of transformation from theory into scientific practice. Bauer (2012) highlighted that when the workers and the management cooperates, everyone will know what they are supposed to do and hence reduce any conflicts. Taylor (2016) pointed out that both managers and the workers should realise the importance of each other. The workers should be part of the decision making and be fully engaged in the management of the organisation.

Effectiveness and Prosperity through Scientific Management

Organisations that will shift from their norm to scientific means of doing things will always be effective, and their productivity will change positively. According to Khurana (2009), the employees will create a systematic soldiering of which the management will be aware. This will give the employees a sense of belonging and they will work for the interest of the organisation without focusing on the money factor. The prosperity of the employees is accompanied by the support of the management (Taylor 2016).

Mental Revolution and Employee Motivation

Leybourn, 2013 indicated that a scientific form of management would bring a mental revolution. This means that both the management and the employees will change the perception of each other. There will be projects and activities of motivating the employees. These include sharing bonuses with them, creating a good environment for them and giving them all the support they need to have the work done.

Accepting and Embracing Positive Change

The authors have brought in the benefits that will be achieved by practising science management. They have identified cooperation, harmony between the management and the employees, improved productivity and also the mental revolution. However, it is not easy to accept and adapt to change. Given the correct training and development, any positive change will be accepted and embraced in any organisation. For any change to be effective, the management should take it seriously and make the employees understand every bit of it for acceptance.


Bauer, T., 2011, Compare and contrast scientific management and human relations theory. Edinburgh: Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh

Khurana, A., 2009, scientific management: A management idea to reach a mass audience. Global India Publications.

Leybourn, E., 2013, directing the agile organisation: A lean approach to business management. IT Governance Ltd.

Taylor, F. W., 2016, the Principles of Scientific Management. Cosimo Classics. Available at: [accessed November 6, 2018]

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