Postmodernism and Post-Structuralism

According to legend, structuralism

According to legend, structuralism was an early twentieth-century genuine association concerned with understanding how language creates meaning.

Post Structuralism

Although post structuralism is a departure from structuralism, it can be seen as an analysis that emphasizes the variety of importance and ambiguity of notions that structuralism utilizes to explain population's languages, among other things.

Post Modernism

Conversely, post modernism refers to any of a number of alliances in literature and the arts that emerged in the 1970s in response to the critique of the morals and methods of early modernism. This response particularly was in structural design and the decorative arts running against the influence of the international style and enhancing the use of elements from old vernacular designs and regularly the bouncy illusion, beautification, and difficulty.

Establishment of Poststructuralist Theory

The establishment of the poststructuralist theory, a variation from linguistic theory, structuralism can be traced to have its roots from the French theologians. With the events of the 1968 conflict from a student's circular in circulation with the accusation of the university with the terms and refuting that separate works. These events happened whether or not intellectual research or artistic practice could be independent and could not fail to have consequences beyond the lines of the university. On the other side post, modernism stressed the use of illusions and vernacular designs.

Comparing the influence of post-structuralism and postmodernism

Comparing the influence of post-structuralism and postmodernism, some similarities and differences between the theories can be identified and these are discussed as follows.


Postmodernism is sometimes referred to be the same by the common subject; the two are in conflicts with the rule of autonomous systems. Foucault’s illustration illustrates this in his ‘‘History of Sexuality’’. The thinkers of these schools of thought often defer and would not want to identify themselves with the other school of thought. These theories are also similar that they lack sufficient support and thus become a challenge to practice them in in real life.

Both poststructuralists and post-modernist have influenced the universe greatly with the developments that have come as a result of their thinking. Broodthaers, for instance, went ahead to open an art museum and Michael Foucault when on to improving the theory using Benveniste’s term ‘‘discourse’’ in 1969.


Contrast in Nature
Postmodernism is perceived by the majority to be very strange in its nature and systems compared to post-structuralism. Poststructuralist philosophers set their target on structuralism concepts and variation from the philosophy. Whereas postmodernism focus is on the use of historical elements and complicated language and decorative arts, it also emphasizes the use of illusion as Weems uses in the ‘‘Kitchen Table’’ series. Piper and Simpson to are postmodernists who use the theory’s technics. The postmodernist contexts are usually full of exaggerations as it’s the Nigerian’s, Fani-Kayode on African sexuality in the portrait of almost naked black men.


Both theories have philosophers who are determined in the development of the theories and their advancement. Michael Foucault, Broodthaers and Derrida are among the supporter of the poststructuralist. On the other side of postmodernism, Weems and Simpson are among the activists. The two theories are of great importance as they have contributed to the development that has taken place in the universe in disciplines such as social science, economics, and law music among other disciplines. Though when the subject of the theories are concerned the two are mentioned together though different in their systems and focus.

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