Organizational Behavior

The Impact of Management Actions on Organizational Success

The management's actions within an organization play a significant role in determining the success or failure of the business. This is due to the fact that the team is supposed to perform four crucial responsibilities, namely regulating, planning, coordinating, and directing the entity's business operations; as a result, organizational behavior affects how well these roles are performed (Robbins and Judge, 10).

Challenges Faced by President Donald Trump

This indicates that difficulties performing these duties may arise if an institution's administration fails to put into place appropriate regulations addressing organizational behavior. For instance, President Donald Trump of the United States has encountered certain difficulties in running the affairs of the nation as a result of problems with teamwork, diversity, and decision-making. Since President Trump's inauguration in January 2017, he has experienced organizational challenges that have negatively affected the operations of the Government.

Ineffectiveness of Government Management

The challenges can be attributed to the lack of experience in the managing of government affairs by both his staffers and him considering that he has never been previously engaged in government operations. Therefore, factors such as the decision-making processes, conflict resolution, and project management have been ineffectively handled (Sa, 17). This has led to team problems where senior officials have been resigning from office due to controversies by the management staff. For instance, Michael Flynn, a senior security adviser, resigned from office indicating the presence of inefficient government practices.

Impact on Global Relations and Economy

Some of the foreign policies implemented by his administration have created strained relations between some countries; hence, negatively affecting the globalization process (Hufbauer, 5). This means that some potential investors from foreign countries may be limited from operating in the US due to some restrictions. This is likely to affect the country's economy where factors such as unemployment and poverty are likely to emerge. Therefore, the challenges, in this case, lead to the ineffectiveness of the management functions in the government.

Works Cited

Hufbauer, Gary Clyde. “Could a President Trump Shackle Imports?.” 16-6 Assessing Trade Agendas in the US Presidential Campaign (2016): 5.

Robbins, Stephen P, and Tim Judge. Organizational Behavior, 17/E. Pearson Education, 2014.

Sa, Harry. “The Rise of Trump and Its Global Implications-The Trump Doctrine Thus Far: Neither Rhyme nor Reason.” (2017).

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