Breast-milk is one of the essential requirements in newborns since it contains all nutrients that an infant requires to grow healthy. For a child to obtain the nutrients from the mother, the mother should feed with nutritious food which is balanced. By this it means that the food should contain, carbohydrates such as potatoes, arrowroots, cassava and also maize, proteins which include black beans, cowpeas, vitamins ,vegetables and also fruits .With this simple description the ideals described below are generated.
Meaningful Learning
This refers to how the audience best understands the information or comprehends it which facilitates the storage and retrieval of information (Quinton, 2015). Repetition forms the basis of their understanding emphasis on balanced diet and also carrying a sample of the various foods that they are expected to feed on. When asked what they recall about nutrition some added their own words and some even chose their own topic to explain.
Internal organization
This aspect refers to interconnection of information by the audience. The nursing mothers were asked to give examples of various foods in the balanced they first classified them as carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins according to their effects in the body.
Means drawing your own assumptions and interpretations about various concept (Schöllhorn, 2016). They developed new ideas on how to feed nutritiously and the disease associated with nutrition which enables them remember the information.
Visual imagery
Relies on some of the specific processes and brain regions that enhance visual imagery. In the topic on nutrition for breast-feeding mothers, the mention of fruits and vegetables drove them to think of various colors such as green, red and yellow.
Quinton, S. (2015). Saundra K. Ciccarelli and J. Noland White, Psychology (4th Edition/GlobalEdition) CiccarelliSaundra K. and White. Noland, Psychology (4th Edition/Global Edition), Pearson: London, 2015; 784 pp.: 9781292059853, £54.99 (pbk). Psychology Learning " Teaching, 14(3), 269-270. Doi: 10.1177/1475725715615736
Schöllhorn, W. I. (2016). Invited commentary: Differential learning is different from contextual interference learning. Human Movement Science, 47, 240-245. doi:10.1016/j.humov.2015.11.018