Nutrition and Academic Performance

The academic performance of students can be improved by altering their eating habits, through the inclusion of healthy snacks in their daily routines. According to the research study conducted by Anderson, Justin " Elizabeth (62), it was determined that eating healthy diets and maintaining physical body activity can help in balancing the energy levels of the students for optimal attentiveness, increasing focus as well as improving their overall academic performance. It is, therefore, the duty of every parent to ensure that their children are provided with healthy snacks options which will enable them to improve the functionality of the brains, enhanced memory and concentration.

Even though early studies had been focusing on the potential effects of improved diet on the health conditions of the students, it is also important to note that improved nutritional contents of the foods which the students eat have a potentially positive influence on their academic performance and behavior Berezowitz, Andrea " Dale (512). Despite the fact that there are still a lot of research studies which are currently underway in order to definitely prove the link between these two variables, the already obtained data have indicated that better nutrition can help the students to be able to learn effectively through reducing their rate of school absenteeism, improving their academic behaviors and reducing the occurrence of classroom disruptions Brigman " Chari (93). This research paper will discuss how the enhanced nutritional contents of the foods taken students can lead to their improved academic performances.

Improved Nutrition Leads To Increased Brain Functionality

Proper functionality of the brain plays an important role in enabling the students to have a sharp memory and adequate classroom concentration. Since quality academic performance is measured by evaluating the ability of the students to recall and practically apply what they were taught in a real-life situation, properly functioning brains will enable them to easily and effectively address such issues. The research study conducted by Schoenthaler (22) revealed that providing the school going children with a well-balanced diet will not only improve their immune system but also help in the development of their brain cells leading to increased brain functionality and intelligence. David (89) was able to determine that the presence of inadequate nutritional contents in the meals of the students have largely affected their academic performance. This has been largely caused by poor enhancement of brain functionality which has significantly led to reduced levels of intelligence among the affected students.

Based on the fact that nutritional programs are in many occasions being operated by different individuals, it will, therefore, be important to employ different strategies to increase the nutritional participation of the students in after-school as well as summer nutrition programs David (89). Different nutritional contents play different roles in improving the functionality of the brain. For example, iron-rich diet enhances dopamine transmission. Therefore, if students take diets with low content or no traces of iron, their dopamine transmission will be affected leading to negative impacts on their cognition states (Berezowitz, Andrea " Dale 515). Additionally, there are different minerals and vitamins, such as thiamine, iodine, zinc, and vitamin B and E, which play influential roles in improving the cognitive abilities and mental concentration of the individuals.

Furthermore, the supplementation of amino acids and carbohydrates can help in improving intuition, reasoning, and perception among the school going, children. Based on the research studies conducted by Florence, Mark " Paul (213) and Schoenthaler et al. (27), it was determined that improved nutritional intake among the school going children can lead to increased cognitive abilities as well as enhanced intelligence levels. The brain cells of the students do play a significant role in their academic lives (Berezowitz, Andrea " Dale 510). Therefore, it is important to ensure that almost all of the nutrients which they take enhance effective development and improvement of their brain functionality to achieve improved academic performance.

Improved Balanced Diet Leads To Better Behaviors and Learning Environments

Schoenthaler et al. (25) were of the opinion that good nutritional composition enabled the students to show up at school and prepared to learn. Based on the fact that nutritional improvements can make the students healthier, it is important to note that it will lead to reduced school absenteeism and increased class attendance. The research study conducted by Berezowitz, Andrea " Dale (511), it was determined that malnutrition could lead to the development of different forms of behavior related problems and that sugar has a negative influence on the behavior of the children which can eventually lead to their poor academic performance. The overall behavior of the students, both in school and out of school, have been considered as one of the key factors which determine their academic performance through the development of positive learning environments which as instrumental for their academic lives.

Based on the findings from the study conducted by Satcher (28), it will be justifiable to note that providing healthier school lunches is significantly a very cost-effective approach which can be used by different schools to enhance the learning capabilities of the students. Furthermore, the positive implications related to the provision of healthier meals in schools are factual even without taking into consideration of the possible short and long-term health benefits, for example reducing the incidences of childhood obesity as well development of healthier lifelong eating habits Anderson, Justin " Elizabeth (64). The effects related to the development of poor academic behaviors and unfriendly learning environment can be counteracted by encouraging the students to consume a balanced diet which is rich in proteins, fiber, complex carbohydrates, and fats.

Despite the fact that many of the parents and school administrations having contracted different food companies to serve their children with meals while in school, David (88) was of the opinion that the parents and respective schools should take personal initiatives of ensuring that they prepare the meals for the students in order to be sure of the nutritional contents of such meals. Brigman " Chari (97) were of the opinion that a well-balanced diet would enable the students to have more time in class and make them have fewer learning interruptions throughout the academic year. Furthermore, the behavior of the students may improve, leading to fewer interruptions in the classroom thus creating better and conducive learning environment for every student in the class.

Quality Diet for Positive School Outcomes

There are different economists and sociologists have been able to evaluate the possible impacts of the diet taken by the students on their academic and behavioral outcomes (Anderson, Justin " Elizabeth 93). The findings from such research studies have indicated that there is a close relationship between the student’s nutrition and their ability to prosper in their academic activities. The students who are well-nourished can become better students while those who are poor nourished will tend to show poor academic performance as well as scoring lower marks on a standardized achievement test. In a situation whereby the students are not eating adequate key food groups, such as vitamins, fats, proteins, and minerals, they will most probably suffer from insufficient optimum cognitive functions Florence, Mark " Paul (213).

Satcher (27) was able to determine that the children who suffer from malnutrition during the most formative stages of the brains are more likely to record lower scores on tests of vocabulary, reading comprehension, general knowledge, and arithmetic. The effects of nutrition on the academic performance have been determined as some of the most important factors that require urgent interventions. Even though it is recommendable to ensure that the school going children are provided with highly nutritious foods, Brigman " Chari (96) determined that these foods can only be effective if they are incorporated with physical body activities.

In that case, it is important to note that the schools should ensure that the physical education is effectively incorporated into their syllabuses. David (88) and Florence, Mark " Paul (210) have determined that schools can play influential roles in preventing the cases of overweight and obesity. This will not only improve the academic outcomes of the students but also enhances good health among these children. According to the study conducted by Anderson, Justin " Elizabeth (61), it was determined that every child has the equal ability to perform well in school and that provision of poor nutrition do put them at high risk of failing to meet such potentials.


The types of foods which the school going children are being served, both at home and in school, play an important role in determining their overall academic performances. Proper and healthier foods enhance brain development and functionality hence leading to improved academic performance. Additionally, the students who are provided with highly nutritious foods have been found to develop positive behaviors which will lead improved academic performance as well as the creation of conducive learning environments. Such nutritious foods will not only lead to increased academic outcomes but also help in eliminating different health-related problems, such as childhood obesity, that might affect students’ self-esteem and cognitive development. 

Works Cited

Anderson, Michael L., Justin Gallagher, and Elizabeth Ramirez Ritchie. "How the Quality of School Lunch Affects Students' Academic Performance." The Education Digest 83.6 (2018): 61-64.

Berezowitz, Claire K., Andrea B. Bontrager Yoder, and Dale A. Schoeller. "School gardens enhance academic performance and dietary outcomes in children." Journal of School Health85.8 (2015): 508-518.

Brigman, Greg, and Chari Campbell. "Helping students improve academic achievement and school success behavior." Professional School Counseling (2003): 91-98.

David, Jane L. "School meals and learning." The Journal of Educational Leadership. (2009): 88-89.

Florence, Michelle D., Mark Asbridge, and Paul J. Veugelers. "Diet quality and academic performance." Journal of school health 78.4 (2008): 209-215.

Satcher, David. "Healthy and Ready to Learn." The Journal of Educational leadership 63.1 (2005): 26-30.

Schoenthaler, Stephen J., et al. "The effect of vitamin-mineral supplementation on the intelligence of American schoolchildren: a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial." The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 6.1 (2000): 19-29.

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