My Experience In Working In A Restaurant

Working at William Blue Dining

Working at William Blue Dining has exposed me to increased experiences due to its extensive nature and provision of diverse services. At the organization, I have been able to expound on my serving skills and expertise as I serve a wide array of customers from various cultures (Fine, 2008). Besides, boosting my skills, I have advanced the ability to deal and interact with people from different cultures hence upholding cultural diversity. Furthermore, I have gained knowledge and skills in making coffee, tonics, and gin (The Experience Of Working In A Restaurant). Exposing me to a multiple of skills has been effective in enhancing my time management and organizational skills (Rosenberg, 2006). I started operating in William Blue Dining only bar and barista skills that got me into a waiter position.

Serving in a large and well-known restaurant

Serving in a large and well-known restaurant enabled me to execute high-quality services. I had attained the experience of operating within the standards of an institution, hence paying increased attention to the quality of services I deliver to the customers. Service an extensive customer base has also exposed to mastering the changing needs of the customers hence being open-minded and ready to accept change in my current job position (Fine, 1990).


Fine, G. A. (2008). Kitchens: The culture of restaurant work. Univ of California Press.

Fine, G. A. (1990). Organizational time: Temporal demands and the experience of work in restaurant kitchens. Social Forces, 69(1), 95-11

The Experience Of Working In A Restaurant. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Rosenberg, L. (2006). U.S. Patent Application No. 11/422,065.

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