modernization theory

Modernization Theory

Modernization theory had a major impact on the philosophy and field of development studies. It was established in the later 1950s and depicted the growth of North America and Western Europe through industrialization. As the title suggests, this philosophy is concerned with the advancement of cultures, populations, and nations. This growth of countries or cultures is becoming increasingly complicated, and it is dependent on technological advances as well as the political, economic, and social shifts that have arisen in the societies. This era of modernization was a combination of modernization, industrialization, urbanization, technological advancements, material consumption, and the adaptability of the democratic political system in the societies (Crossman, 2017).

Dependency Theory

Dependency theory is based on the capitalist countries, and their political as well as economic relations. It is a critique of the development methods and rules followed by the area of North America (Desai and B. Potter, 2014). It can be described as the economic development and growth of a particular society or country with the effects of external influences or through the political, economic, social and national policies for development. It also refers to a situation which makes a particular structure of an economy which favors the developed nations who had the possibilities to develop and it limits the possibilities of less advanced states or countries.

Compare and Contrast of Dependency and Modernization Theory

Modernization and Dependency theory are different from each other by several factors. Modernization theory focuses on the economic growth, development, industrialization, modernization, technological advancements, and it promotes the idea of secularity in the nation. Modernization theory portrays the picture of a developed nation as focuses on its factors of development. While dependency theory focuses on the flow of resources from the developed nations to the developing nations. The dependency theory incorporates the fact that developed nations are going to develop with time while the developing and underdeveloped nations are consistently suffering from poverty and low economic growth. The power distribution in the modern world today is not balanced. The major factor of dependency theory states that the developing nations and countries have lots of natural resources, it provides cheap labor, and there is no technological advancements occurred, and it makes the products for international markets. But it remains the developing nations due to the unequal power distribution in the world economies (Valenzuela and Valenzuela, 1978).

The only similarity between dependency and modernization theory is the main focus on the developing and developed nations.

Strengths, Weaknesses and Failures

The theory of modernizations as it refers to the process of modernization of a particular society or country has certain advantages and disadvantages. Like every theory, the theory of modernization also faces failures at certain stages. Evident and apparent benefits of modernizations include the following:

  1. Modernization enables the particular society to become ready to incorporate the phenomenon of alteration and renovation occurring as a result of different kinds of changes.

  2. Due to the process of modernization, there is a rapid and beneficial increase in knowledge of people and increase in the level of education and literacy.

  3. Modernization helps the own society to become capable of experiencing new techniques, beneficial processes and allow unremitting planning, reckoning, and inclination towards new experiences.

  4. People with knowledge and unique skills receive appreciation and value. They are encouraged to work more and harder and develop advanced and more beneficial skills with the passage of time (Campbell, n.d.).

  5. Modernization enables the respective country to modify everything that needs update and development including culture, education, healthcare, business and communication departments.

With all the benefits and advantages on one side, the theory of modernization and its applications have certain disadvantages as well:

  1. Where on the one hand, modernization has considerably developed certain forms of media and communication like TV and film industries, on the contrary, because of this increased development and rapid changes, loss of culture in different countries and societies have been observed and reported. This loss and detrimental effect on many cultures are referred as culturcide (, 2013).

  2. Because of excessive and over-spread modernization in the Western world, the balance and equilibrium of eastern culture have also been disturbed. Certain areas of the world follow their respective cultures which are appropriate according to their regions. Western culture overflow throughout the world has disrupted multiple cultures on its way.

  3. Because of modernization and preference of certain languages like English throughout the world, the sanctity and position of certain regional languages have been greatly disturbed. Languages are the most important way of communication around the world and significance of any region's language must not be underestimated.

Along with advantages and disadvantages, modernization theory has also experienced individual failures:

  1. The major failure of this approach is the elevation in the levels of racism because of it (A critique of modernization and dependency theories in Africa: Critical assessment, 2011).

  2. The second significant failure of modernization theory includes the fact that this theory and its various application has failed to result positively and rather results in drawbacks.


A Critique Of Modernization And Dependency Theories In Africa: Critical Assessment. 1st ed., Zimbabwe, Midlands State University, 2011,

Campbell, Joel r. “THE Once Mighty Paradigm: A Critical Review OF Modernization Theory”.

Crossman, Ashley. “What Is Modernization Theory?”. Thoughtco, 2017,

Desai, Vandana, and Robert B. Potter. The Companion To Development Studies. 3rd ed., London, Routledge Publications, 2014,.

Valenzuela, J. Samuel, and Arturo Valenzuela. “Modernization And Dependency: Alternative Perspectives In The Study Of Latin American Underdevelopment”. Comparative Politics, vol 10, no. 4, 1978, p. 535. JSTOR, doi:10.2307/421571.

“Weaknesses And Strenths Of Modernization Theory”. Slideshare.Net, 2013,

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