Leadership Interview

During the interview, search for fairness, loyalty, modesty, bravery, dedication, devotion, zeal, positivity, trust, intelligence, resolve, empathy, and compassion in the leader.Throughout his technical and leadership roles, the interviewed leader displayed the above attributes. Furthermore, the leader demonstrated confidence, intellect, and maturity in his leadership positions. Notably, the leaders instilled faith in many people through their charisma. He is a leader worth watching, and as such, he was my first choice in my research.Thus this paper covers various aspects of an interview with a leader.

What is your definition of leadership?

What are your leadership skills?

Have you been able to effectively delegate your duties?

When have you successfully led a meeting?

What leadership experience do you have in promoting social development?

What are your major achievements and drawbacks as a leader?

Do you prefer teamwork or working independently?

What are your personal and group goals that you desire to achieve in the next five or more years?

The interview integrated the Social Change Model of Leadership as the basis of this presentation because it connects all the three spheres of leadership influence, that is, an individual, a group, and the community at large. The model also enhances student knowledge in leadership as well as unlocking students’ leadership competence. The social change model studies leadership development according to three perspectives, the individual, the group, and the society or community involved (Klenke 67). Therefore, I have selected a leader of my choice, someone who has been in a leadership position before, and I believe he will be responsive to my interview questions, which are mainly based on the areas of leadership mentioned below.

The Individual

From this perspective, I guide my interview to focus on the qualities that I desire to find from the leader. These qualities should be able to bring about a positive social change through the development of own qualities, personal values, and self-awareness. The leader I have selected to interview has integrated this perspective into his work life through self-consciousness, congruence, and commitment.

The Group

The group perspective emphasizes the coordination, collaboration, and interaction between an individual and a group. Mainly, the group approach concentrates on how collaborative leadership can promote a positive social change (Klenke 67). The interviewed leader demonstrated the group values of collaboration, controversy with civility, and working with others to achieve a common purpose.

The Community

The community aspect deals with the social end to which collaborative and good leadership is directed. The community element of leadership focuses on bringing about change for the common good of everyone in the society or the community (Nahavandi 39). The citizenship aspect of the social change model is incorporated as a societal value through leadership experiences.

The 7 C’s of the Social Change Leadership Model

The leader I have selected has for a long time, in his leadership position, demonstrated the 7 C’s of leadership as follows;

Consciousness of Self

The leader has demonstrated great competence in his past leadership. He is aware of his self-motivating values, attitudes, emotions, and actions that led him to opt for the leadership position and performing the required roles and responsibilities exceptionally. Therefore, the leader has the ability to create in others a consciousness of mind and self-awareness.


The leader has been able to demonstrate a considerable understanding of his values and beliefs, strengths and weaknesses, and has proved to be consistent with them. He is interdependent with his self-awareness and has passed all congruence tests, both personally and collectively.


Commitment infers to the energy that motivates a leader to serve his people and the energy that drives collective or group efforts to bring social change (Gordon and Smith 133). The interviewee revealed great passion throughout his leadership life. Because of his great self-consciousness, he has shown a strong intensity and duration both individually and in a group, which has led to the achievement of desired goals and positive outcomes.

Common Purpose

Common purpose entails working together to achieve common values, goals, and aims (Klenke 84). Previously, the leader works with groups of including members of different leadership personalities to take a critical look at the issues that affect the people they lead in the society and coming up with ways to solve them. He has been capable of sharing in one vision and mission with group members and has participated actively in articulating group activity goals and purposes.


In this part of the model, leadership is viewed as a relational group process. It encourages the groups to go beyond personal interests, goals, and behaviors (Nahavandi 97). By exploring the differences in individual ideas, values, identities, and visions, a group can work as an entity to achieve the desired positive social change.

Controversy with Civility

As usual, there must be differences in a group relating to diversification (Tropman and Wooten 326). The interviewee portrayed competence in resolving those issues by initiating and engaging in open dialogue. He has also encouraged utmost honest in all speech and conduct by the group members so as to solve those social differences. Conflicts within the group should be integrated into the group's common objective for a common solution to be attained (Gordon and Smith 136). Controversies can also be easily solved through developing and maintaining trust among members of the group.


The leader validated exceptional citizenship by being a member of social and development groups as well as engaging in the activities of the community that promote social change and development. He has upheld civic responsibility in his social and political life, which has contributed towards working for the achievement of social change. Good citizenship is a must practice that should be demonstrated at all level of the social change model (Nahavandi 90).


Change is the 8th C or the hub that offers purpose and meaning to the other 7 C’s. Change is the final goal of the leadership process. The positive change aims at transforming the society for individual and general societal good, and the world to make it a better place (Gordon and Smith 130).Learning more about the leader has helped me to have a better knowledge of myself in terms of leadership. Self-assessment has led to my belief that I can be a good leader too because I possess the leadership qualities mentioned in this study. Doesn't seem like difficult issues to me. On the contrary, I portray them as I have been into several educational, team, and group leadership positions. Learning more about the social change model has also helped me to understand my leadership competence in that it has brought out in me the ability to motivate and mobilize myself and others to work and serve collaboratively, thus providing effective and efficient leadership.

Work Cited

Gordon, Jon, and Mike Smith. "Beyond the 7 C's." You Win in the Locker Room First: The 7 C's to Build a Winning Team in Business, Sports, and Life (2015): 129-152. Klenke, Karin, ed. Qualitative research in the study of leadership. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2016. Print. Nahavandi, Afsaneh. The Art and Science of Leadership -Global Edition. Pearson, 2016. Print. Tropman, John, and Lynn Perry Wooten. "The 7C approach to conceptualizing administration: Executive leadership in the 21st century." (2013): 325-328.

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