Justify the use of a needs assessment in the safety training program

This is where the employer performs analysis to identify the requisite but inadequate skills that the employee may have when performing the duties of the undertaking. The assessment of the requisite decisions should be taken to help change the overall success and willingness of the organizations to operate.
Need appraisal is crucial to better determine any preparation gap that is important for staff to ensure that they are safer while they carry out their duties. Any contractor must also continue to track improvements in the working climate that could generate a source of danger. The need assessment is also important to determine whether the employees are embracing the laid down procedure to minimize the variance. Assessing compliance is also vital to make sure that the organization work to succeed the minimum standards set forth by OSHA. It also helps in identifying any potential issues affecting the performance of any employee.A1a. Advantages of Conducting a Needs Assessment.Conducting need assessment before training will help the organization to focus mostly in areas where the employees have difficult complying. It is thus, a more direct approach to achieving a desirable outcome from those areas that affect employees most. Where resources are scarce, it becomes important in making priority to only areas that need much improvement and hence serve to ensure effective use of resources to achieve a desired outcome.It also help in designing the training content that suits the targeted employees to ensure that employees get accurate training needs as opposed to when the employees are trained without need assessment. The training areas often include the occupational needs, individual needs and general training needs. The need assessment is also vital in offering a basis for post-training evaluation.A2. Discuss 3 reasons why companies may decide not to perform a needs assessment.Companies may lack enough resources required to undertake the need assessment. In that case, they may opt to offer a general program that aims at inculcating overall objectives of the business. The need assessment may require specific external resource person who may difficult to access.The companies may also have existing plans that have been tested and confirmed as surpassing the minimum training needs required. In this connection, they may adopt such plans create enabling environment to ensure everybody undertake such trainings. A company may think of it as an expensive process and thus may want to maximize profit by not engaging directly in need assessment. It may be abandon on the basis that it does not conform to the core competencies of the organization.A 3& A3a. Identify 3 stakeholder groups that should be involved in a needs assessment and explain why each stakeholder group should be involved in the needs assessmentGroup 1 Human ResourceGroup 2 EmployeeGroup 3 ManagementHuman Resource Management – the human resource team provides the need support t ensure the training needs are implemented. It thus becomes one of the crucial stakeholders that must be engaged otherwise, the implementation may not be achieved.The Employees – the employees becomes the primary focus of the training need assessment and thus must be directly involved to ensure organization complies with the requirements.The management – the managers are charged with the responsibility of ensuring work is done towards a given direction. Immediate supervisors for instance may be useful in identifying the training deficiencies a worker.A3bIdentify and describe the method used to gather information from each stakeholder group.A3b Identify and describe the method used to gather information from each stakeholder group.StakeholderData Gathering MethodGroup 1: Focus groupGroup 2: Survey Group 3: Focus groupA3bi 7 A3bii. Identify and describe 1 advantage of each method selected to gather information from the stakeholder groups and Identify and describe 1 disadvantage of each method selected to gather information from the stakeholder groups.StakeholderAdvantageDisadvantageGroup 1: It is easy to administer among many people and in addition allows one to collect relevant data since he or she is only focused to the targeted populationIt may not collect the necessary data especially where the data required is private and confidential. A person may not be willing to offer such data in public Group 2: It is easy to administer and collect a representative data about the targeted populationIt is time consuming and thus may not be applicable where the time required to collect the data is minimumGroup 3: It is easy to administer among many people and in addition allows one to collect relevant data since he or she is only focused to the targeted populationIt may not collect the necessary data especially where the data required is private and confidential. A person may not be willing to offer such data in public Skill GapsA4. Analyze four safety skills gaps/training needs of roofing supervisors by comparing Exhibit 2 to Exhibit 1 (both attached).The roofing supervisor lacks knowledge in safety and precaution practices. He lacks individual training needs to be able to put proper records and adhere to standard sets by the employer. The roofing employee does not know how to keep proper records of the occupational injury and illness thus he does not have full occupational training. He should be trained more on his job.He should also be trained on the organizational needs to ensure he does his job as per the expectation of the organizationA4a. Identify 4 safety-related learning objectives to incorporate in the training program based on your needs assessment.The roofing supervisor should be able to ensure that the job is performed as per the specification and that the same is completed within the required time.Should be able to perform the administrative duties activities such as handling job-related paperwork, and perform daily administrative tasks.The roofing supervisor should be able to monitors, secure and controls tools, materials and other work-related resources.The roofing supervisor should be able to issue clear and detailed instructions to employees about assigned tasks to ensure proper recording and safety of employees.A4ai. Identify 1 safety-related learning objective or behavioral change that should result from each learning objective.The supervisors should be able to demonstrate positive attitude towards the work he or she does by showing commitment in ensuring all the records are kept and made available when needed.The supervisors too should be able to develop motivational skills towards the organization’s performance thus embracing the employees.Change in communication method to a more friendly way while at work will create an environment where his or her team members are embraced.Creation of culture that reduces the relationship between the supervisors and other members of the organizationA4b. Identify 1 non-safety-related skills gap for roofing supervisors.Non-Safety skills GapThe supervisor lacked the necessary skills in supervisory role or administrative skills to ensure everything is done at the right time.A4bi. Explain how this non-safety-related skills gap may have contributed to the accidentsBecause of inability to offer administrative and supervisory role to the employees, it exposed the employees to the danger as the worker may not have been offered clear instructions to follow.A5. Describe 2 strategies that may improve training transfer at each of the following stages of the training process.A5a.Training Transfer: Before Training Takes Place. Develop learning objectives to ensure people are aware of the expected outcome before training begins.Provide necessary training materials to ensure during training every worker has the needed resource to undergo training.There is need to assess every need that the program intends to meet after the training has been concluded.A5b. Training Transfer: During the Training Program.During training Evaluation of progress to ensure the training is geared towards the right direction. Assessment may therefore become necessary to determine whether learning id taking place.Adopt appropriate methodology in delivering the training need that is required to ensure employees receive the expected skills during the training.A5c. Training Transfer: After Training Takes Place.Develop compliance report to ensure every employee work towards the set standards and measure adherence to the set objectives.Refreshers courses be developed through internal e-learning where employees are tested to confirm whether they are up to date in ensuring adherence to the set standardB1. Identify 2 effective delivery methods for the safety training programInstructor-led training methodComputer-based training methodB1a. Justify your choice of delivery methods.Instructor-led training method will be important as it will offer the employees opportunities to interact with each other and the instructor thus gaining the much needed skills required. More experiential explanations can be offered by the instructor and where necessary demonstrations are required, it will work perfectly. It allows for everyone to access the same information at the same time. Above all, it is cost effective.Computer-based training method is also critical to create a digital platform where every employee can access the training materials, read them any time and conduct self assessment test to be able to comply to the training needs. The method is good to offer refreshers courses at reasonably no cost since digitalization has ensured that nearly all the organization purchase the computers.B1b.Identify sites or facilities where the training should take place, based on your chosen delivery methods.Training room- the training should be conducted in seminar or training rooms to accommodate everyone.Computer room/work place- where everybody can access computer, it would be easily accessible at the work place, and otherwise, designated computer room would be perfect place for such.B2. Recommend Internally or Externally Designed Training Programs. Externally designed training program- the safety is not an internal affair but governed by set standards by the OSHA. It therefore must be designed to be in line with approved standards to ensure standardization in the way safety issues are handled. The use of internal may offer discrepancy in an attempt to comply with the external training needs as set forth by the relevant authorities.B.2.AJustify Your Recommendation of Design Type. External hired personnel like the OSHA should be entrusted to offer the needed training to the roofing supervisors to ensure they get the importance as well as a touch of an expert in that given field. It is important to entrust external facilitators since they will attract more attention as well as roofing supervisors will be free to share the challenges.B3. Determine who should facilitate the safety training to the roofing supervisors. External hired personnel like the OSHA should be entrusted to offer the needed training to the roofing supervisors to ensure they get the importance as well as a touch of an expert in that given field. It is important to entrust external facilitators since they will attract more attention as well as roofing supervisors will be free to share the challenges.B3a. Justify your choice of facilitator(s).External hired personnel like the OSHA 4. Describe a process for pilot-testing the safety training program before delivery to all roofing supervisors.The first two supervisors would be exposed to the training and assessment be done on the basis of what they have learned. Thereafter and when it is particularly confirmed that training is needed, the rest will follow suit. The pilot group will be conducted in outside business environment.5. Recommend 2 effective strategies for motivating roofing supervisors to effectively participate in the safety training program.The organization should incorporate the training in the balanced score card to encourage employees to attend and be counted.The use of allowance for the attendee would be appropriate to motivate them to learn even more. This would act as a ‘carrot’ to them.C1. Explain the importance of evaluating training programs using all 4 levels of evaluation (i.e., reaction, learning, behavior, results). What are the benefits to the trainer and the organization associated with each of the 4 levels? ReactionIt allows the trainer to determine the response of the trainee to the training being undertaken. In that connection, appropriate adjustment may be made. The expectation of trainer is that the trainee reacts positive from the training.LearningThe trainer can be able to determine what the trainee has so far learned and whether the learning has increased or to allow for further actions on the basis of the result.BehaviorThe trainer will be able to determine whether the learned concept has resulted in change of behavior that is more committed towards achieving the organization’s goals. In this connection, the trainee must show that he or she has benefited from the trainingResult After the training, the employer should be able to record positive results from the trainee. The result is reflected in the final output, lower risks levels as well as motivation at work place. The result thus can be good to the employee, and organization.C2.Describe 1 tool or method for evaluating post-training changes in supervisors’ learning or behavior for each of the 4learning objective identified in part A4a and Learning/behaviorTool or method used to measure changeActionsObservation The method is important in measuring the extent of the way things or performance is done after the training. Close observation of area of work will show improvement in the general arrangement of work station.Commitment to Performance QuestionnaireThe use of questionnaire becomes important to determine the extent of learning that has taken place. An analysis of the questionnaires will outline whether the learning has actually taken place.Leadership Colleague of Opinion surveyAdministration of the survey by the organization will be crucial in determining whether the desired good quality have been put to into practice by the supervisors.FocusBalanced score cardImprovement on the balanced score card would be a good measure in determining the effect of the training that the supervisors undertook. Persistent poor performance after the training would indicate no effect on the training.C2a. Describe 2 specific, concrete examples of behaviors must be demonstrated by the roofing supervisors to indicate that change has or has not occurred.The roofing supervisor will be able to ensure that the job is performed as per the specification and that the same is completed within the required time.The supervisors should be able to perform the administrative duties activities such as handling job-related paperwork, and perform daily administrative tasks.The ability of the roofing supervisor to monitors, secure and controls tools, materials and other work-related resources.The ability to issue clear and detailed instructions to employees about assigned tasks to ensure proper recording and safety of employees.

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