Judaism and Christianity

Comparison of Judaism and Christianity

Although they have some variations, the religious systems of Judaism and Christianity share some characteristics. They both originated in Israel, which is one way they are comparable. The founders of Christianity were followers of Jesus, whereas the founders of Judaism were followers who were descended from the family of Judah. Again, they began at different times because Christianity was founded around 30 AD, whereas Judaism is the oldest religion and was created around 1300 BC.

Monotheistic Beliefs

The two religions' shared belief in a single God who resides in heaven is another similarity that has been noticed between them. God has complete control over all of earth's natural occurrences, including people, water, and other things. However, Christians believe in hell where the sinners who die before they repent go after they die while followers of Judaism do not believe in hell. Instead, they believe in a spiritual place known as Gehinnom, which is a place of cleansing of souls. This is not a place for eternal power and therefore is different from the hell described by Christians.

Places of Worship

Another similarity is that both religious groups have special houses for worship where followers congregate together. However, the Christian place of worship is the church while Judaism is the synagogue. The prayer sacrifices for Christians include payers, sacraments, bible reading, Holy Communion, and acts of charity. For Judaism the prayer services include shacarit prayer, Mincha, and, Arvit, which are said in the morning, afternoon, and evenings respectively.


Christianity and Judaism are world's religious groups formed to keep humans close to God and guide them in their lives. Although they have some similarities such as belief in one mighty God, they also have differences in their way of worship, practices, and days of worship among others.

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