Effective introduction in a speech serves to capture the attention of the audience. Before making a speech, the speaker has to get the audience prepared and psyched up to listen to what is to be said. An introduction also orients the audience to the organizational development and tone of the speech ("Introductions Matter: How to Begin a Speech Effectively"). The way the speaker will introduce his speech will determine the way the listeners will perceive the content if the introduction entails some elements of happiness then the entire speech will be built on that. Moreover, introductions in a speech are used to build credibility, meaning that as a speaker, one has to make the audience believe that he has adequate knowledge on the topic to be discussed. This can only be done by having a good introduction.
It is essential to have an appropriate introduction and conclusion to any given speech. A good introduction influences the audience’s levels of interest as well as affecting their perception about the speaker (Genard). On the other hand, an appropriate conclusion is essential because it re-emphasizes the main idea of the speech and gives the speech a sense of closure ("Concluding Your Speech"). An effective conclusion can be created by restating the thesis statement or summarizing the speech. New ideas should never be brought up at the conclusion, instead, the speaker should go back to the speech and touch on key points that requires re-emphasization ("Concluding Your Speech"). To achieve this, the speaker can use a quotation that summarizes his viewpoint. Another way of effecting a conclusion is through making it as brief as possible. The shorter the conclusion, the catchier and impressive it is. Moreover, shortening it enhances memorability and reinforcement of the goals.
Works Cited
"Concluding Your Speech". Toastmasters.Org, 2018, https://www.toastmasters.org/shop/271--Concluding-Your-Speech. Accessed 9 Apr 2018.
"Introductions Matter: How to Begin a Speech Effectively". 2012Books.Lardbucket. Org, 2018, https://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/public-speaking-practice-and-ethics/s12-introductions-matter-how-to-be.html. Accessed 9 Apr 2018.
Genard, Gary. "How to Start a Speech — 12 Foolproof Ways to Grab Your Audience!". Genardmethod.Com, 2018, https://www.genardmethod.com/blog/bid/142073/grab-your-audience-12-foolproof-ways-to-open-a-speech. Accessed 9 Apr 2018.