Internet-based free music and video downloads

Perceptions have Changed

When they download free songs and videos from the internet, many people have no remorse. Because the industry provides many other opportunities for content creators to make money, I obtain free entertainment content from websites. Free music and video downloads from the internet were once seen as illegal and evil, but perceptions have dramatically changed. The entertainment sector has recognized that consumers will always share the great content they discover online and that downloading it will remain an option. Stopping people from downloading things from the internet is equivalent to turning on the faucet and expecting water not to flow. A few years ago, musicians and video producers could only earn by selling their songs to the public in CDs and DVDs. Original music and videos could only be purchased from the authorized music shops and a few online stores such as iTunes. In as such, it was illegal to deny the content producers their deserved revenues by downloading the free music and burning it to the CDs and DVDs without permission from the copyright owners. That was the real definition of piracy, especially those who were downloading the free music and selling it at a lower price than the original copies. In fact, I have heard many musicians and film producers complain that piracy was a significant hindrance in their careers.

Artists Benefit from Online Sharing

However, the advent of YouTube and other social media platforms changed the whole idea of piracy. Today, music and video producers benefit when people share and download their content online. Everybody in the entertainment industry wants to trend, and the only way to do so is by allowing people free access to the content. When many people view, share, and download a given content, its value rises significantly and allows the content owner to earn through online advertising. For example, YouTube is a free platform where professional artists and amateurs from all over the world upload their videos and music. The platform is designed that the videos with a high number of views can earn by allowing companies to advertise on their account. The system also has a mechanism for identifying copyrighted materials and denying unauthorized accounts from earning using content that does not belong to them. Consequently, the genuine producers of music and videos earn some good amount of money without worrying about piracy.

Diversifying Revenue Streams

Besides, musicians must have realized that today people do not buy music online. Therefore, the best option for them to earn money is through events and product promotions. When a musicians upload their contents online and share it on social media platforms, they build their brand and create many other opportunities to earn money. The online free downloading of their music videos allow many people to view it and increase their publicity. Eventually, when the money comes calling, only those with huge online following get the deals. Those who do not share their music videos online do not get deals because nobody knows about them.

New Age of Online Entertainment

Before the internet, people used to rely on the television and radio to watch and listen to music videos respectively. However, things have changed, and today most people view their favorite videos on their smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Online companies such as Netflix have come up to enable people to subscribe and get television and movies on their digital devices. However, many other free sites exist where people can get the contents for free. The quality music and videos get many free downloads and increase the popularity of those concerned. For example, the music video titled "Gangnam Style" that received billions of views online raised the profile of the singer considerably. Not many people purchased the music, but the free sharing and downloads were enough to earn the producers some good money.

Illegally Sharing Content

Nevertheless, it is wrong to download music or videos that are not freely available on YouTube or other social media sites. Some producers are strict about not having their content online. In such cases, those who upload it are doing so illegally. For example, most movie producers avoid having their films online before it has earned enough from the box office. They expect people to go to the theaters to watch it on the big screen. Therefore, those who copy the movie and distribute it freely are wrong. They should wait for it to be made legally available online. However, it is quite challenging to control the uploads and downloads because the internet is quite vast and dynamic.


In conclusion, the world must accept that the methods of sharing information have changed significantly. The television is slowly becoming obsolete as people venture online to view their favorite movies and music. The physical music and video shops where people used to buy original copies of music are no longer existing on the streets. The entertainment industry has acquired new methods of earning using online platforms, and they can only do so by allowing free sharing and downloading of their contents. Therefore, I do not feel guilty when downloading a quality music video from YouTube and other legal online sites.

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