Informative and Persuasive Speeches

List and explain the four general methods of delivery and the advantages and disadvantages of each that can be found in your text.Memorization - this involves the word for word recitation of a speech to an audience without the use of notes or a manuscript, but just from memory. The advantages of memorizing a speech are the ease at which the speaker can sustain eye contact with the audience without the need to be looking down at their notes, the speaker can use their hands to convey their message and there are specific occasions such as toasts that require the speaker to memorize their material. The disadvantages of memorization are it requires good skills, the pressure can make the speaker go blank and the tension caused could affect the delivery (243).

Manuscript reading - this involves the reading of material from a script, teleprompter or printed page. A manuscript is appropriate when the speaker has limited time, does not want to go off script and when they want to be careful about the phrasing of a policy. The downsides of a manuscript are that it requires skill, cannot be read in a monotone and it requires vocal cues (244).

Impromptu speaking - this entails speaking on your feet without any prior preparation. This gives the speaker the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and speaking prowess. The disadvantages are that the speaker might feel awkward and that it requires previous knowledge on the matter (245).

Extemporaneous speaking - this occurs when a speaker prepares and practices a speech without writing all of it down or memorizing it. The language used seems natural, spontaneous and conversational making a direct connection with the audience. The speaker needs to be flexible and has done thorough research on the topic (246).

According to your text, why don’t most speech teachers prefer manuscript and memorized methods of delivery?

Memorized and manuscript methods require a lot of skill and practice and the speaker is more prone to making mistakes (243, 244).

List and explain at least three nonverbal behavior categories that affect effective speaker delivery according to the text.

When the speaker has memorized their speech, it is easy for them to maintain eye contact with the audience (243).

Memorization of a speech also helps the speaker to be able to use their hand to convey the meaning of their message (243).

Body movements such as smiling and engaging the audience in a conversational manner are effective, voice and appearance especially in extemporaneous speaking (251).

What have you learned from the video about your own past deliveries and how will it help you improve and prepare for your informative and persuasive speeches.

I have learned that I should select an appropriate method of delivery, practice enough before the speech and have clear notes because I will choose an extemporaneous mode of delivery.

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