Impact of Intimate Partner Violence

The Harmful Effects of Intimate Partner Violence on Children

The social issue that I will address in this study is the harmful effects of intimate partner violence on children. In today's society, intimate partner violence has become a widespread problem. Children are most frequently the witnesses to the violent acts in the families who report these occurrences. According to research, seeing violent acts can influence a child's psychology and emotions, which can cause them to imitate bad behaviors. The purpose of the current study was to identify the harmful impacts of children seeing violence between intimate partners. This attempts to educate the public about the importance of involving kids in counseling to protect them from the effects of their surroundings. Using questionnaires and secondary sources, the study will establish some of the negative effects such as psychological and emotional that influence the lives of the children.

Challenges Faced by Children in Today's Generation

The topic is key in that its research will expose the challenges that children in this generation undergo. One being from the family setting, a myriad of issues especially emanating from intimate partner violence have taken root in society. This results in divorce, psychological, health, and cognitive problems. This knowledge will also give an avenue of averting truancy, school dropouts, and poor performance among the children. Furthermore, cases of obesity, aggressive character, and child abuse that stem from intimate partner violence are analyzed, and a global solution explored. Also, the research on this topic will sensitize the public domain on the best way of dealing with the children in cases of intimate partner violence. The topic further exposes the value of social research on cases like child abuse that is at its center. As such, cases of child abuse and intimate partner violence go hand in hand with divorce and marital instability that are a big blow to the cognitive development of children in society (Wood, 2011).

Social Science Disciplines Explaining the Topic

There are a number of social science disciplines that implicitly and explicitly provide a comprehensive explanation of the topic. These disciplines provide an empirical explanation of several theories and philosophies that attribute to the topic in context. Firstly, psychology as a discipline is vital in explaining the topic. Psychology plays a key role as the proponents who explain the behavior of children in relation to intimate partner violence. According to this discipline, children learn aggressive behavior through observing and imitating their parents. In this regard, when they get exposed to cases of intimate partner violence, their behavior is affected. Secondly, sociology as a discipline best explains the topic in terms of exponential changes in the social life of the victims. Finally, jurisprudence as a discipline explains the topic in terms of how it correlates with the concepts of law (Sovacool et al., 2015).

Population of Concern

In the study, the population of concern is the children who are the victims of exposure to intimate partner violence. This includes children who stay in families that are constantly in chaos or those that have had a chance to experience intimate partner violence. In addition to that, the men and women who are in such families also make up the population.

Research Question

The research question for this topic revolves around social problems in society, and therefore, the present study will answer the question: Does witnessing of intimate partner violence have negative effects on children? More specifically, the research will delve into the negative impacts on the emotional, physical, psychological, and behavioral stability of the children.


Wood, S. L. (2011). Consequences of intimate partner violence on child witnesses: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 24, 223-236.

Sovacool, B. K., Ryan, S. E., Stern, P. C., Janda, K., Rochlin, G., Spreng, D, & Lutzenhiser, L. (2015). Integrating social science in energy research. Energy Research & Social Science, 6, 95-99.

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