Human Resources and Christian Values

Every organization is at its core when its human resources department is active and effective. The department oversees daily operations within any business, assisting in the realization of the organization's strategic goals and objectives while keeping the needs of the workforce in mind (Grojean, Resick, Dickson, & Smith, 2004). A human resources department's duties include hiring new employees and training them in accordance with organizational requirements, as well as performance management, ensuring that workers have a positive work environment, resolving conflicts within the company, and building effective public relations with other potential business partners (Belcourt, 2006). Since outsourcing HR functions involve using a third party, it is usually a challenging question to most business organizations as it has its equal share of merits and demerits. The decision, therefore, warrants the consideration of several factors such as the size of the firm, its financial capacity, goals of outsourcing and the overall short term and long term effects regarding how well the company’s culture will accommodate the outsourcing decision. Outsourcing based on short-term company’s tribulations may result in grave consequences, hence the need to critically think about the decision before its implementation (Belcourt, 2006).

Outsourcing HR functions do not necessarily signify a lack of commitment by a firm. In a study by Belcourt (2006), about two-thirds of HR executives interviewed reported that they outsource in at least one of their HR activities. Depending on the size of the organization, outsourcing may prove to be more cost-effective more than having an in-house employee. Small to large business enterprises consider outsourcing as a way of increasing efficiency while minimizing staffing costs. Employees on a full-time basis require a salary, office space, payroll taxes, training, and equipment. A fully functioning HR department needs infrastructure and a large employee pool and more office space that adds onto the organization’s expenditure. When you engage an outsourced firm, you only need to remunerate them on an hourly or monthly basis depending on the amount of work. You can intercede with the consultancy firm to decrease the level of service of the negotiated budget cap to as to achieve your profitability needs (Belcourt, 2006).

Moreover, engaging the services of an outside firm results in a more efficient and productive workplace. These consultancy firms use highly advanced technology that helps to streamline HR roles such as benefits administration and wage-setting. Also, more time is spent by managers and supervisors deliberating on how to improve the quality of the workforce than on paperwork. The business management has an overall authority on all departments. It means that cases that are beyond the HR department are forwarded to the management as a last resort (Grojean et al., 2004). However, if an offsite company is contracted, the management will have all the time to zero in on business profitability than on HR issues that will have a professional team to deal with them. Financial and operational resources will also be freed hence leading to a focus on the implementation of other projects in the company (Belcourt, 2006).

A report showed an increase by approximately 390% in employer-employee related lawsuits in the past 15-20 years (Grojean et al., 2004). It has been attributed to a breach of employees interests based on labor and employment laws which are quite dynamic. Outsourcing has been linked to lower cases of legal lawsuits between employers and staff. It owes to the fact that outsourced HR professionals stay up to date abreast with such dynamic employment laws and as such, helps organizations to adhere to these regulations to avoid lawsuits. Besides, these offsite consultants help to draft policies that ensure that the employee grounds are safeguarded (Belcourt, 2006).

However, a study by Belcourt (2006) showed that organizations are bound to perform poorly owing to too much reliance on outsourcing. Decrease costs of outsourcing may result in reduced quality of services offered by the offsite consultant. Besides, an outsourced employee may translate to reduced wages and job losses to the already existing employees. The study also showed a lack of motivation and a possibility of rebelliousness to already existing workers. They may not comprehend why the company incurred more costs outsourcing labor instead of using the already available workforce and remunerating them better. Decreased morale and quality of services translates to less productivity which has detrimental effects on the organization. Besides, outsourced employees may leak information regarding the organization which may have negative impacts.

The Bible states that “For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’” (Galatians 5:14 New International Version). In this verse, Paul echoed our obligation to treat others right while talking to the Galatians. He emphasizes on the Christian doctrines that oblige us to offer loving service to others. A neighbor, in this case, refers to any person in dire need, who intimately and meaningfully comes across our lives and who we have a capacity to help. In this context, when a business’s survival is not threatened, an employer should not resort to outsourcing driven by the selfish desires of reducing costs and increasing his earnings. Pay cuts instigated by employers on employees based on selfish desires contradicts the Christian doctrines. Outsourcing may lead to job cuts for the employees which cause suffering if an employee loses their job due to outsourced labor. Every time an outsider is hired, an opportunity for growth is lost for the existing employees to whom the scripture bestows the obligation of offering their religious service by worshipping God through their skills. The opportunity for consecration within the body of Christ’s followers is also lost besides. Moreover, the chance to minister through God-given skills is denied.

Consequently, outsourcing should be regarded as a resort when it is necessary. It should not be guided by selfish desires of fattening the employer’s wage at the expense of the employee. In the case that outsourcing is inevitable; the employer should ensure that the outsourced personnel comes up with a way of integrating the already existing employees without discrimination. The employer should make sure that the offsite staff visits the offices every once in a while to provide easier accessibility. Employees tend to prefer physical presence as opposed to someone who will be handling their issues through phone communication. Employees tend to feel frustrated and unimportant to an organization if there is a delay in communication of matters about them owing to the inaccessibility of HR functions (Grojean et al., 2004). Employees should be reassured that their concerns are kept confidential or within safe hands. Biblical teachings are a gold standard that should guide business relations.

In a nutshell, outsourcing, however inevitable, should be a resort only when the benefits outweigh the shortcomings. Employees should be treated as valuable assets of any healthy organization. Staff members are human beings, created by God who should be treated with decorum. An integration of good people with efficient management systems yields productivity.


Belcourt, M. (2006). Outsourcing—The benefits and the risks. Human resource management review, 16(2), 269-279.

Grojean, M. W., Resick, C. J., Dickson, M. W., & Smith, D. B. (2004). Leaders, values, and organizational climate: Examining leadership strategies for establishing an organizational climate regarding ethics. Journal of business ethics, 55(3), 223-241.

The New Testament, New International Version. (1973) (1st ed.). New York.

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