How to import Reese's Peanut Buttercups

Lander, a federal state in Germany

has the full duty for creating and implementing all legislation pertaining to food supply. In this instance, it is necessary to carry out and assess a compliance check on the American Reese's peanut butter cups to ensure that they fully adhere to all legal standards. While taking into account the real product, analysis and evaluation of the product are conducted. This is done in relation to the product's origin, make-up, import certification, tariffs that have been applied, customs duties that have been charged, presentation of the product, and intended use of the goods.

Importation of Reese's peanut butter cups in Germany

It is not always necessary for people who engage in importing in Germany neither do they require an import control declaration. This enables them to perform easily import Reese's peanut butter cups from the United States without having to undergo many bureaucratic limitations (Thøgersen et al., 2017). This legality applies to both German residents, also legal entrants, and partnership which ought to own a registered management headquarters within the Federal Republic of Germany. However, in the importation of Reese's peanut butter cups, import duty may apply, through the amount is minimal as it has constantly been reduced over the past years. For Reese's peanut butter cups and other goods of strategic relevance, they have several restrictions inclusive of surveillance documents and import licenses that have to be obtained before importing the commodity to Germany.

Technological Factors

Germany as a country puts more support on the national science and technology in different resourceful ways. For instance, the government houses several independent laboratories inclusive of the government-owned and private labs that aid in quality assurance of the products that are imported to the country. With the great infrastructure and sustainability of the country, it enjoys a lot of skilled workforces and required tools to process the imported products (Gawel et al., 2017). Sufficient infrastructure and support from the government motivate the importation of the product to the country. The position that Germany holds with the European Union contributes significantly to the technological and science aspect of the country. With the resources and facilities from the universities offering basic and applied sciences and the EU, the country has a skilled workforce to help in the production of necessary products from the imports. The distribution of processed products is also made easy with the great strength of the German's automobile industry. With the advancement of the computer-based aided system, German can transport the commodities faster and efficiently from the manufacturer to the consumer.

Political Factors

Germany enjoys being a democratic republic where people are allowed to air their views. The system of politics operates under the framework called Grundgesetz that was introduced in the constitutional document of 1949. Since the constitutional document, the political system of the country has been led by the Christian Democratic Union and the Social Democratic Party (Møller et al., 2017). With the three arms of government, Germany is able to effectively participate in the importation of commodities as well as for the case Reese's peanut butter cups. Moreover, German political climate remains peaceful, thus attracting investors who will also help in maintaining the state of food security. Being a democratic government, the country is in full relationship with international organizations that aid in export and importation, thus making it easier for Reese's peanut butter cups importation to German from the United States.


Gawel, E., Lehmann, P., Purkus, A., Söderholm, P., & Witte, K. (2017). Rationales for technology-specific RES support and their relevance for German policy. Energy Policy, 102, 16-26.

Møller, J., Skaaning, S. E., & Tolstrup, J. (2017). International influences and democratic regression in interwar Europe: Disentangling the impact of power politics and demonstration effects. Government and Opposition, 52(4), 559-586.

Thøgersen, J., Thøgersen, J., Pedersen, S., Pedersen, S., Paternoga, M., Paternoga, M., … & Aschemann-Witzel, J. (2017). How important is country-of-origin for organic food consumers? A review of the literature and suggestions for future research. British Food Journal, 119(3), 542-557.

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