Gun Control in the USA

Gun control is a problem that has caused a lot of problem raising many questions about who should be able to own guns and debate the age limit for obtaining guns in the country. Currently, the effects of gun control have caused a lot of loss of lives in various institutions of learning, malls, and public places. Most importantly, the gun control has led to the government implementing the laws or policing to decrease violence in the society with expectations of increasing protection for its citizens. Guns are vital in the security of the country however the pros outweigh the cons. This paper will analyze the currently proposed question on the issue of gun control and political arguments how it can solve the situation in the country.

Veritably, gun control has led to many political divides proposing the best policy issue that will help solve the problem.  The current policies that have been proposed include, ban bump stocks, and implement strict background checks, age limit increase for individuals that can own a gun, ban semi-automatic weapons and be arming teachers (Dedino 2004 p 35). The gun control policies have raised concerns on their effectiveness to control guns in the country and how they can be able to be friendly without causing problems during their implementation stage all people will be able to abide with to achieve the best interest in the society.  The politics that surround the gun issue that will enable control efficiently the ever raising guns in the society will entail programs that government implements and fund more to authorities to facilitate reduction on the gun issue.

Notably, strengthening the background checks on a gun issue will require that the federal government to ensure that individuals that are licensed with holding guns follow strict scrutiny to obtain the guns. However, currently, the checks are very porous such that people selling guns are allowed to do so freely and they can be able to sell to buyers of a certain age (Andrés 2011 p 100). According to the federal law, the gun dealers who are licensed are allowed to conduct background checks while many other online retailers and private people don't perform the required checks. Many individuals that are not supposed to have access to firearms do so as many suppliers do not perform the background checks as result there is always an increase in crime rates in the country.  The political class proposes that closing the loophole on the ensuring proper background checks are done can aid reduce the crime rates that are ever increasing in different states.

Additionally, there are three possibilities that can efficiently help increase the background checks on the issue of gun control. Firstly, it is important to note that closing the Charleston loophole will aid improve the background checks in the society (Whan 1997 p54).  Gun background checks should always take more time to ensure that those that are provided with guns have a clean record and avoid instance background checks that are erroneous. The government should abolish the notion that if the background check takes more time than expected the dale should take place as this kind of practice will result to thousands of people having access to guns that if more time for background checks was ordered would be denied guns (McGinty 2003 p 98).  Secondly, ensuring the government closes the boyfriend gap which will reduce crimes that are related to relatives killing each other. The federal law always has laid guidelines that any person with domestic violence misdemeanors shall not have access to guns, however; the law doesn't provide all guidelines for all domestic violence perpetrators. The policy that on closing the boyfriend gap has included all abusers that inclusive of that are not married to ensure all domestic violence perpetrators are restricted from accessing the guns.

Succinctly, implementation of waiting periods according to study in South Dakota has shown that many individuals that purchase guns use them to kill themselves or others within one week of purchasing them. Increasing the waiting periods to purchase a gun can somehow keep people from killing them. Finally improving on the reporting on the mental health of individuals can help reduce crime rates that are as a result of the gun purchase (Haider‐Markel 2001 p 530). The federal law prohibits people that are mental heal from accessing guns. When background checks are done, it is important that access to the medical reports is done instantaneous and will help stop people with mental health problems from buying guns.


As aforementioned above, it is clear that gun control is difficult to apply and people will always find creative ways to buy guns from dealers without the formal background checks that are necessary before obtaining a gun. The dealers should be shut done and an enforceable law should guidelines through which people should be able to obtain guns. Furthermore, it is efficient for the government to ensure that regulation of guns is done fairly that limits possession of guns to people rather than eliminating various groups from gun ownership. Alternatively, people should utilize other security measures that are present such as home security systems that will ensure their security and its evident that guns bring have caused more harm than good.

Works cited

Andrés, Antonio Rodríguez, and Katherine Hempstead. ""Gun control and suicide: The impact of state firearm regulations in the United States, 1995–2004." Health Policy 101.1 ." (2011): 95-103.

Dedino, Cornell S. "A well regulated right: the early American Origins of gun control." (2004): 35.

Haider‐Markel, Donald P., and Mark R. Joslyn. ""Gun policy, opinion, tragedy, and blame attribution: The conditional influence of issue frames." ." Journal of Politics 63.2 (2001): 520-543.

McGinty, Emma E., Daniel W. Webster, and Colleen L. Barry. ""Effects of news media messages about mass shootings on attitudes toward persons with serious mental illness and public support for gun control policies." American Journal of Psychiatry 170.5 ( (2013)): 94-501.

Whan. "The effectiveness of gun control laws: Multivariate Statistical Analysis Ken University." (1997): 54.

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