Good grades not a necessity

Learning is the process of playing with and implementing new ideas and concepts. Education is important in forming people's personalities so that they can become productive members of society. The educational process is important to students because it teaches them how to fit into the world they live in. Students may apply the concepts learned during the training phase to their professional lives. Learners are evaluated during the learning process to see if they understand the concepts. Furthermore, evaluation-based learning motivates students to work hard in a specific field of specialization in order to achieve good grades. However, the grading system adopted by various colleges across the world tend to reduce the students’ interest in learning. The grading system has reduced the students’ ability to explore new ideas that translate to the environment they occupy. Learners have resorted to mechanisms that will enable them attain good grades thus losing focus on real life lessons such as fitting in the world they live today. The value of education has significantly reduced because of the grading system. Despite the fact that the grading system in colleges enable the students to pay attention in the learning process, it reduces students’ interest to explore important aspects of life. Grades affects learners’ preference for challenging tasks. The grades are not necessary in the learning process because it reduces the compulsion by learners to justly challenge oneself. Mostly, students from various learning institutions across the world have indicated inability to challenge themselves (Khon, 5). Seldom, grades are necessary because grades may create a learning environment where students study hard to achieve good grades to please educators. However, students will only concentrate on achieving good grades and not intellectual exploration (Gatto, 12). Students may end up not learning new ideas because they only focus on how to realize good grades by only focusing on tested areas. As a result, students may develop a lazy attitude thus not learning anything. Therefore, educators should emphasize on the importance of attaining intellectual intelligence unlike good grades. Exploration onintellectual intelligence will promote students interest in learning new ideas and concepts. Individuals can achieve professional intelligence through experience and practice. Some individuals who never attained any grades have proven their professional intelligence through excellent performance at work. According to Rose, individuals can constantly learn in a business unit for example a restaurant and learn skills that school does not provide (Khon, 3). Individuals can learn how to use their bodies by acquiring a set of routines through practical learning in a professional environment. Equally, the experience shown by the experienced workers or professional may motivate the learner to learn a number of tasks. For instance, Rose reiterates that in an industry set up, for example, a restaurant, one may learn different tasks such as service, billing and supervisory roles. Unlike learning to achieve grades where learners only focus on achieving good grades. Individuals maynot think of initiating and implementing ways to improve their intellectual intelligence. However, learners who do not go through the schooling system may initiate and implement mechanisms that will improve efficiency on the industries performance. Individuals can attain professional intelligence by not necessarily earning grades. Therefore, learners should not only focus on good grades but explore on intellectual concepts that will improve their intelligence. Grades tend to prepare learners for markets and not to improve intellectual intelligence. In various parts of the world, students study various professional subjects to prepare them for the job markets. As a result, students will narrow their thinking to learning a particular profession. In doing so, students tend to develop a lazy attitude that will lead to decline in the ability of learners to challenge themselves in other professional fields. Unlike the learning system where grades are not a necessity, grades limit the ability of the students to explore intellectual ideas that relate to the world they live in. For instance, a student may wish for a medical profession but the college only grades on business management (Kozol, 23). Therefore, grades limit students to a particular subject or professional intelligence. In the absence of grades, a learner may explore various fields of interest thus resulting to intelligent and responsible people in the society they live in. therefore, teachers should not grade learners as a measure of their intellectual intelligence because grades only translate to good grades. In conclusion, grades are not a priority in the learning process. Learning should involve practices that facilitate exploration of intellectual intelligence in different fields of learning. Such field may include gaining professional intelligence or intellectual ideas. The process of evaluating learners during learning is important because it confirms the degree of learners understanding. Evaluation enables the teachers to understand the ability of every student and also helps the students to identify their areas of weakness. However, the grading of students on various disciplines limit their ability to explore intellectual intelligence. Learners resort to short cuts of achieving good grades to please their teachers and to complete the curriculum system. The absence of grades in the learning process improves the students’ interest to learn more new ideas and translate those ideas into real life situation. Besides, grades are not necessary since grades contribute to laziness amongst learners and reduces learner’s ability to challenge oneself. Thus, individuals should learn not to attain good grades rather to improve individual’s interest to explore intellectual intelligence. Works CitedAlfie Kohn, From degrading to De- grading - English journal, 2006 - (Pg. 1-5)John Taylor, Gatto - Harper's Magazine, 2003 - (Pg. 1-5)M Rose - The American Scholar, 2009 – JSTOR (Pg. 1-5)

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